-Caveat Lector-

new science for the skeptics   andrew hennessey

much of the scientific skepticism that addresses theories of everything is
based or rooted in the assumption that the Universe is linear. No proLINEAR
skeptic could like what

The Universe is absolutely NON-LINEAR and behaves in an
irregular but classifiably harmonic [base8] way.
I might point out the fit between the 3 components of three
dimensions and how these 3 components produce the physics of harmony,
resonance and music - the maths of 8'ness.

I might illustrate that:
3 basic quarks red, green blue - give 8 photon packets
3 basic base pairs in DNA produce 8 building blocks
3 off/on sequences give silicon based Artificial Intelligence
that planets orbit at harmonic intervals, that stars and galaxies
fly across the cosmos with harmonic redshift -

but the linear-scientific skeptic will show that atomic theory isn't
precise, organic chemsitry isn't that precise, that nothing neatly fits into
clean cut boxes and therefore the whole idea is therefore wrong.
But it is the scientific skeptic that is a priori prejudiced with a belief
system that alleges that the cosmos is regular and smooth and linear and if
it doesn't fit - it doesn't fit and therefore the scientific skeptic on
those terms will happily dismiss from here to eternity any theory that
doesn't neatly fit into their clean cut linear box.

In my and Teslas opinion, however, the Universe is absolute non-linear
chaos - which builds up structure and breaks down structure - [a dynamic
duality between entropy and emergence]
There are 2 or 3 mathematical tools which can be used to begin again from
this fundamental truth.
It doesn't mean binning lots of good data - just ditch the un-unity in
physics and cosmology and adopt instead the Cornerstone Theories ;
1. of HARMONICS and Fourier transforms
2. Russell and Whiteheads SET THEORY

you see in a totally chaotic universe - no set of data is going to be
perfect - there are always going to be exceptions, but that the tools to cop
e with these exceptions already exist - its called SET THEORY - sets of
things with similar properties.
A combination of SET theory and HARMONIC theory could complete the theory of
relativity and enable mankind to step forward.
Used together it would show that although things can be
irregular and chaotic - they can be categorised into sets of roughly
harmonic patterns

For we have been standing still for nearly 100 years now in Cosmological and
Physics terms - yes lots of new medicine and biotech - but NO INTERSTELLAR
TRAVEL - no real physics - just tonnes and tonnes of stupid paradoxes -
which all actually turn out to be the same paradox just dressed up in
different jargon.
these scientific paradoxes are caused by taking things out of CONTEXT - a
classic symptom of reductionism.
Unless we can lose this reductionist mindset - the human race will just run
round and round in cyberspace waiting till the next big meteor comes along.

andrew hennessey

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