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Police suspect paedophile network 5/30/03 "A NETWORK of paedophiles appeared to have operated from within the Anglican Church, South Australian police commissioner Mal Hyde said today. Police today set up a paedophile task force to investigate child sex allegations within the Anglican Church in SA. Commissioner Hyde said the task force was established after he was contacted by Adelaide Archbishop Ian George about 65 child sex abuse complaints. The complaints named 17 different offenders , he said. "Quite clearly, with the number of complaints that we've got and the indication of a very significant number of offenders, or possible offenders, it would suggest there is a (paedophile) network, to some degree, involved," Commissioner Hyde told reporters today."  http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/

Tripping Up The Prosecution By Stephanie Saul Staff Writer 5/28/03 "Former New Yorker Avrohom Mondrowitz has built a quiet, comfortable life as a college professor in Jerusalem....Mondrowitz is living so openly, it's hard to believe the psychologist and self-styled rabbi is wanted for allegedly sexually abusing four Brooklyn boys, ages 10 to 16. The charges against him include sodomy....Mondrowitz will be arrested should he ever re-enter the United States, according to the office of Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes. But according to U.S. Justice and State department documents, Hynes' office approved a decision in 1993 to drop efforts to extradite Mondrowitz, a U.S. citizen who has been sheltered by the Israeli government since he fled the United States in 1985." http://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/queens/nyc-pros0529,0,6404157.story?coll=nyc%2Dtopheadlines%2Dleft

Child protection law signed by President 5/28/03 "Johnson's cyber stalking legislation will give law enforcement new wiretapping authority to catch suspected sex predators before they strike. Law enforcement officers say online sex predators often use a phone call to arrange meetings, and this new authority will allow them to intervene before these meetings take place and generate ironclad evidence in court....Congress passed the bill earlier this month as part of a broader child protection bill (S. 151, "The PROTECT Act of 2003"). Mrs. Johnson's wiretapping provisions originally passed the House last year as H.R. 1877, were reintroduced this year as H.R. 571. The PROTECT Act also mandates a nationwide AMBER Alert system to publicize a child abduction quickly and aid the child's recovery. Rep. Johnson's law provides for wiretapping authority for seven sexual offenses including child pornography, sexual exploitation of children, sex trafficking of children, buying or selling children, overseas production of child pornography for the importation into the U.S., child obscenity and transportation for illegal sexual activity."

Posted on Wed, May. 28, 2003
Students will scan for meals Akron school board OKs fingerprint system
By Stephanie Warsmith Beacon Journal staff writer
Akron students will be fingerprinted beginning this fall to identify them in school lunch lines. After a lengthy debate, school board members voted 5-2 Tuesday to spend $700,000 on a controversial, modernized cafeteria system. Board members Rebecca Heimbaugh and Mary Stormer voted ``no,'' mirroring the concerns of parents about the cost and privacy issue involved with fingerprinting students

Red Cross denied access to PoWs
Up to 3,000 Iraqis - some of them civilians - believed to be gagged, bound, hooded and beaten at US camps close to Baghdad airport
Ed Vulliamy in Baghdad Sunday May 25, 2003
The United States is illegally holding thousands of Iraqi prisoners of war and other captives without access to human rights officials at compounds close to Baghdad airport, The Observer has learnt. There have also been reports of a mutiny last week by prisoners at an airport compound, in protest against conditions. The uprising was 'dealt with' by the Americans, according to a US military source. The International Committee of the Red Cross so far has been denied access to what the organisation believes could be as many as 3,000 prisoners held in searing heat. All other requests to inspect conditions under which prisoners are being held have been met with silence or been turned down. There is circumstantial evidence that prisoners are being gagged and hooded, in the manner of the Afghans and other captives held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba - treatment in itself questionable under international law.

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