-Caveat Lector- "Father Tony did not deny performing "religious" rituals, but called them "prayers of penance."
also has: US admits it will still control Iraq after transfer

scroll for news articles

fwd from L Moss Sharmann - Corrections officer jailed on child molestation charges - David James Gomez  By Ashley Broughton  The Salt Lake Tribune "A Utah Department of Corrections administrator was booked into jail on suspicion of 125 counts of sexual abuse for allegedly molesting boys while serving as a Mormon bishop a decade ago. David James Gomez, 57, was arrested Monday at Corrections headquarters, said department spokesman Jack Ford, and was placed on administrative leave without pay. Police said they interviewed more than one alleged victim, but would not specify how many. In one scenario, a 13-year-old boy who had approached Gomez for religious counseling was allegedly abused for three years, beginning in 1990.  Investigators allege that abuse included hundreds of incidents....and took place in Gomez's office at a neighborhood center for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at Gomez's home and in the parking lot of Granger High School. http://www.sltribune.com/2004/Apr/04212004/utah/159211.asp

Lutherans Dealing with Sex Abuse Scandal - 4/26/04 by Matt Curry  Grapevine, Texas (AP)"jurors in the East Texas town of Marshall sided with nine sex abuse victims who sued the Dallas-based Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  The nine claimed a former bishop and his assistant ignored warnings about former pastor Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr. The jury agreed, awarding nearly $37 million. Separate earlier settlements involved another $32 million. Thomas was assessed a 397-year state prison sentence after being convicted last year of molesting boys." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-4020776,00.html

describes rituals

Rituals weird even by medieval standards By Tom Mast "Anthony Jablonowski, 67, served as a priest at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Guernsey from 1980-88. He had his own ideas about penance. Several people told investigators that during his tenure, Father Tony conducted strange rituals in the church basement. Young men in their teens and 20s would strip naked and be gagged, bound and blindfolded. Then their genitals would be tied in a particular fashion, they would be hoisted by a winch and hung upside down, the better to be flogged. All the while, prayers would be said. Father Tony, according to his attorney, claims he did nothing sexual, but he pleaded no contest to a charge of molesting a 17-year-old boy and was sentenced earlier this month to between 15 months and seven years in prison. The 17-year-old, according to the prosecution, stopped by the church rectory, whereupon Father Tony fondled and performed a sexual act on him. Father Tony did not deny performing "religious" rituals, but called them "prayers of penance." http://www.casperstartribune.net/articles/2004/04/26/editorial/columns/334a7b9311524aba87256e80005ef95a.txt

US admits it will still control Iraq after transfer
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
24 April 2004
The US has made clear that the transfer of sovereignty to a provisional Iraqi government on 30 June will be a limited affair, and that ultimate authority will reside at a gigantic new US embassy in Baghdad and with the military occupation force. In sometimes heated hearings on Capitol Hill this week, senior Bush administration officials admitted they did not know who would be in the new government, precisely what powers it would exercise, nor the exact shape of the new Security Council resolution that Washington is seeking at the United Nations. Marc Grossman, Under-Secretary of State for political affairs, said the government would put "a very important Iraqi face" on many aspects of the country's life. But the US military, not the Iraqi security forces, would be in charge of all security matters.

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