-Caveat Lector- also has :
Reuters, NBC Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq
"Iraq's oil exports are slated to top $16 billion this year alone. U.N. Security Resolution 1483, rammed through by the United States a year ago, gives total control of the money from oil sales...to the occupying power"

Sexual abuse by priests in the spotlight in Spain By John L. Allen Jr. Madrid 5/21/04 "Since the sexual abuse crisis in the United States broke in January 2002, some commentators have labeled the phenomenon an "American problem." By way of contrast, the El País report indicates that overwhelmingly Catholic Spain is struggling with strikingly similar revelations." "10-year-old study by Félix López Sánchez, a professor of sexual psychology at the University of Salamanca. Based on a survey of 2,000 people, the majority of whom had been to colleges and homes run by religious organizations, Sánchez's survey found that 15 percent of Spanish males reported having experienced at least one act of sexual abuse prior to age 17. Nine percent of those cases, the report concluded, involved priests." http://ncronline.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2004b/052104/052104p.htm

Predicting Memory for Childhood Sexual Abuse: "Non-Significant "Findings with the Potential for Significant Harm by  Eileen L.Zurbriggen, Kathryn Becker-Blease "Although Goodman et al.(2003)concluded that forgetting is relatively infrequent among abuse survivors whose perpetrators went through a criminal investigation, there is compelling evidence that some survivors do forget abuse (Cheit,1998;Freyd,1996;Widom &Morris,1997;Williams,1994).It  would be regrettable if the Goodman et al.findings were used as a means of casting doubt on all delayed or recovered memories of childhood abuse, even those cases in which the child had no opportunity to discuss the abuse or was not believed and supported.Adult survivors who are struggling with emerging memories need to be believed. Significant harm could result from a repetition of the denial and discounting that occurred in childhood. Interpreting null results as evidence that the null hypothesis is true is not valid unless high statistical power has been demonstrated." http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/Research/Trauma___Memory/Zurb.pdf

The "False Memory" Defense: Using Disinformation and Junk Science in and out of Court Charles L. Whitfield, M.D., F.A.S.A.M.....Haworth Press,  Special Issue on Disinformation, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 9(3 & 4): (in press for 2001/2) (to order full issue:1-800-429-6784) "This article describes a seemingly sophisticated, but mostly contrived and often erroneous "false memory" defense, and compares it in a brief review to what the science says about the effect of trauma on memory. Child sexual abuse is widespread and dissociative/traumatic amnesia for it is common. Accused, convicted and self-confessed child molesters and their advocates have crafted a strategy that tries to negate their abusive, criminal behavior, which we can call a "false memory" defense. Each of 22 of the more commonly used components of this defense is described and discussed with respect to what the science says about them. Armed with this knowledge, survivors, their clinicians, and their attorneys will be better able to refute this defense of disinformation." http://childabuse.gactr.uga.edu/both/whitfield/whitfield1.phtml

Reuters, NBC Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq
    By Andrew Marshall      Reuters 
    Tuesday 18 May 2004
    Baghdad - U.S. forces beat three Iraqis working for Reuters and subjected them to sexual and religious taunts and humiliation during their detention last January in a military camp near Falluja, the three said on Tuesday.      The three first told Reuters of the ordeal after their release but only decided to make it public when the U.S. military said there was no evidence they had been abused, and following the exposure of similar mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.
    An Iraqi journalist working for U.S. network NBC, who was arrested with the Reuters staff, also said he had been beaten and mistreated, NBC said on Tuesday.

Raiding Iraq's Piggy Bank
If the Bush administration is truly committed to the nation's sovereignty, it should let Iraqis retake control of their own oil revenues.
By Andrew Cockburn  May 17, 2004 | As the occupation of Iraq dissolves further into bloody chaos, the colonial overseers in Baghdad are keeping their eyes fixed on what is really important: Iraq's money and how to keep it. Whatever apology for a "sovereign" Iraqi government is permitted to take office after June 30 -- and U.N. envoy Lakhdar Brahimi admits in private that he "has to do" whatever the Americans tell him to do -- the United States is making sure that the Iraqis do not get their hands on their country's oil revenues.  We are talking about big money here: Iraq's oil exports are slated to top $16 billion this year alone. U.N. Security Resolution 1483, rammed through by the United States a year ago, gives total control of the money from oil sales -- currently the only source of revenue in Iraq -- to the occupying power, i.e., the United States. The actual repository for the money is an entity called the Development Fund for Iraq, which in effect functions as a private piggy bank for Paul Bremer's Coalition Provisional Authority. The DFI is directed by a Program Review Board of 11 members, just one of whom is Iraqi.

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