also has
Cheney Staff Accused of Role in CIA Leak  Â
Military accused of violating Falluja ceasefire

the articles below have graphic descriptions of ritual crimes and abuse

Local Agency Aims to Bring Torture Practices to Light By Carol King 4/30/04 ""The Human Lactation Center has aligned itself with the work of Canadian activists Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald, to create public awareness of the existence of Ritual Abuse Torture (RAT). Sarson and MacDonald, who are registered nurses working in Nova Scotia, have been researching RAT for about 11 years. According to their studies, RAT occurs worldwide and is far more prevalent than people realize. "These crimes infiltrate all levels and sectors of society," MacDonald said. The pair presently is working on a book, Torturers Walk Among Us, which will be published next year. The experts describe RAT as "bizarre acts of an unusual, horrific nature" that extend beyond that of child abuse. "Ritual abuse torture is intentionally planned and organized kin and non-kin brutal group ritualisms," Sarson explained. "The heinous crimes are done almost exclusively to women and children, and it is physical, mental and emotional, sexual and/or spiritual torture, usually done by small, 'family' groups and often done in a ritual setting.",1413,100~4437~2119479,00.html

"Satanic Ritual Abuse  - A journey to hell and back.  In this week's Third Degree you will meet Star and Lisa.  They have never met and yet their stories are eerily similar. Both claim to be victims of satanic ritual abuse.  Both talk of being systematically tortured by Satanists from birth through  childhood into adulthood.  Sexual abuse, physical torture, electric shock treatment, rape - actions so  terrible its hard to believe its true.  The result is two adults who suffer from multiple personality disorder. Star alone has over 30 different personalities."

Priest indicted for murder; Robinson released after posting bond in 1980 nun slaying 5/4/04 By Mark Reiter and Ignazio Messina "A Roman Catholic priest was released on bond yesterday after being indicted for aggravated murder in the strangulation death 24 years ago of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in a chapel at Mercy Hospital. The Rev. Gerald Robinson, a semiretired priest who was a chaplain at the hospital when Sister Margaret Ann was killed, was released from the Lucas County jail yesterday amid a frenzy of media attention."

Victim and families steeling for Amirault release from prison By Associated Press 4/28/04 Boston "Her story of bizarre sexual abuse at a day care center helped convince a jury to send Gerald Amirault to prison. It also later ensnared her in controversy over whether she and other children were manipulated into lying by overzealous prosecutors. Eighteen years later, Jennifer Bennett stands by her testimony: that Amirault dressed up as a clown and raped her in a ``magic room'' at Malden's Fells Acres day care center." "Amirault, 50, was convicted in 1986 of molesting and raping eight 3- and 4-year-old children. He was granted parole in October and his release is scheduled for Friday. His sister, Cheryl Amirault LeFave, and his late mother, Violet Amirault, were convicted in a separate trial and released in 1995." "But Bennett, now 25 and married with two children, said she has no doubt she was abused. She still has flashbacks, still wakes up in a cold sweat and is still terrified by clowns.  Her father, Paul Bennett, said those who doubt his daughter's story didn't see her regress into bed-wetting for no apparent reason before the abuse was reported, or live with her as she continued struggle with the abuse into adulthood. Most also didn't hear the graphic testimony firsthand, which he said was too descriptive to be implanted in the heads of small children."

Vasco and Giaretto: The Long Arm of Parents United ""After 23 years, it appears possible that nearly 50,000 known child molesters"60 percent of those convicted under these lawsâhave avoided sentences to state prison (see here for table How many victims this represents and how many have returned to power over their victims will never be known."

Jury Buries Ghoulish Grave Thief  by Leonard Greene 5/4/04 "A New Jersey woman accused of being a high priestess in a religious cult was convicted yesterday on charges she ran a ghoulish, grave-robbing gang of thieves. After only 90 minutes of deliberations, a Newark jury found Miriam Mirabal guilty of seven charges of conspiracy, theft and burglary. Prosecutors said Mirabal ran a network of tomb raiders who stole human remains and then sold them for use in religious cult ceremonies. Mirabal, 61, was tied to at least three of 10 grave robberies from Newark-area cemeteries in the past seven years. She was the last of seven worshippers of the Palo Mayobe cult to be arrested over the thefts of bones and skulls from above-ground crypts at the Mount Pleasant and Holy Sepulchre cemeteries. Mirabal faces five to 55 years in state prison for the crimes....Mirabal, who did time in federal prison 25 years ago for drug smuggling, is a member of a cult that is a derivative of a West African religion that slaves took to Cuba in the 19th century, officials said."
Cheney Staff Accused of Role in CIA Leak  ÂÂÂBy Mark Memmott  ÂÂÂUSA TODAY
ÂÂÂÂThursday 29 April 2004
ÂÂÂÂWashington - Vice President Cheney was aware of a meeting held by his staff that started a chain of events that ended with the "effective betrayal of our country," former U.S. diplomat Joseph Wilson charged Thursday in an interview with USA TODAY. 
ÂÂÂÂThat betrayal was the revealing of his wife's identity as an undercover CIA operative, said Wilson, who served in diplomatic or White House posts in the first Bush administration and the Clinton administration before leaving government service in 1998. Wilson did not accuse Cheney of leaking his wife's identity or of knowing about the leak before it was made. But he said Cheney had to have known that his staff was investigating Wilson in a probe that led to the discovery of his wife's job.
ÂÂÂÂKnowingly revealing a CIA operative's name is a federal offense. Last July's leak of the name and CIA status of Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife, mushroomed into a red-hot controversy by fall. The leak is being investigated by the Justice Department. Columnist Robert Novak, who first reported the news about Plame, has said his original source was "two senior administration officials."
'It's Hell...Everything Will Be Destroyed'
By Luke Harding  ÂThe Guardian U.K.

ÂÂÂÂFriday 30 April 2004
Military accused of violating Falluja ceasefire
"It's hell," Mr Ahmed said, minutes after arriving at a refugee camp set up by the Iraqi Red Crescent on a roadside football pitch.
ÂÂÂÂ"The Americans have violated the ceasefire. They are attacking us with jet fighters, tanks and artillery. The US snipers are on every roof and minaret. They don't care who they shoot. They are shooting old people, women and children.Where is the UN in all this?"  After days of bombings and sniper fire, it was not surprising that Mr Ahmed and other refugees were sceptical that a new ceasefire deal under which US forces an 1,100-strong Iraqi force commanded by one of Saddam Hussein's former generals will take over security would hold. "By the time I get back to Falluja everything will be destroyed," Mr Ahmed said. In the meantime conditions for the civilian population still stuck in Falluja were hellish.  ÂÂÂAbu Mohammad, 30, who left the town yesterday morning, said: "There is no electricity. There is no water. There are no food supplies at all." He said the US warplanes and helicopters that have been pounding Falluja for the past three days had been targeting civilian areas.  ÂÂÂ"They are bombing civilians. When I was about to leave there were two ladies trying to get out. American snipers shot them dead.

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