-Caveat Lector-

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Traumatic Memories : Empirical Foundations, Forensic and Clinical Implications - Mary P. Koss, Shannon Tromp, and Melinda Tharan, University of Arizona "This article reviews empirical research on memories for negative personal experiences among adults....Evidence suggests that memories for traumatic experiences contain more central than peripheral detail, are reasonably accurate and well-retained for very long periods, but are not completely indellible.  Assertions of eyewitness memory's vulnerability to change through suggestion have overstated the evidence." (Clin Psychol Sci Prac 2:000-000, 1995)
"Loftus and Burns (1982) presented college students with either a violent or nonviolent 1.25-minute videotape of a simulated bank robbery....Students who saw the violent version remembered the number (on a jersey) less well (4% correct) than those that viewed the nonviolent version (28% correct). This single finding from the study has been widely cited as demonstrating that "mental shock" can produce retrograde amnesia, thereby impugning the ability of real eyewitnesses to faithfully report what they saw. However, other finding in the study paint a different picture, including results indicating that the two groups did not differ in their recall of the date and time, physical characteristics of the robber...,etc. The average percentage of correct recall across all items was 80% in the violent condition and 84% in the nonviolent condition." (p. 120)

Report Says Iraq Contracts Reek of Cronyism
Thu October 30, 2003
By Sue Pleming WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Many of the U.S. firms doing billions of dollars of work in Iraq and Afghanistan have been big donors to President Bush and his Republican Party and fill their boards with political and military heavyweights, a report on Thursday said.  The report by the watchdog group, the Center for Public Integrity, said most of the 70 firms and individuals getting up to $8 billion in contracts for post-war Iraq and Afghanistan donated more to Bush's presidential campaign -- a little over $500,000 -- than any other candidate in the past decade.  "There is a stench of political favoritism and cronyism surrounding the contracting process in both Iraq and Afghanistan," said Charles Lewis, executive director of the group, which investigates public service and ethics issues. The report said 60 percent of the firms with contracts had employees or board members who served in previous administrations, for members of Congress and at the highest level of the military.....

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