-Caveat Lector-

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We now have updated information on our conference speaker and schedule. Please note: There is a special discount for those that register before June 1.
The Seventh Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference" will be held on August 6 - 8, 2004 near Bradley International Airport (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA). The purpose of the conference will be to help survivors of ritual abuse and to help stop future occurrences of ritual abuse and mind control. The conference will be for survivors, co-survivors, helping professionals and others interested in the above topic. Conference information is available by writing  offlist [EMAIL PROTECTED], or going to http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2004-conference.htm

"Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress" ed. by Melissa Farley, pub. by The Hawthorne Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 10 Alice St.  Binghamton, NY 13904-1580 e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.haworthpress.com, 607-722-5857 "Our findings from 9 countries on 5 continents indicate that the physical and emotional violence in prostitution is overwhelming. To summarize the findings of this study and other research and clinical literature on different  types of prostitution (see Farley & Kelly, 2000; Farley 2003): 1. 95% of those in prostitution experienced sexual harassment which in the United States would be legally actionable in a different job setting.  2. 65% to 95% of those in prostitution were sexually assaulted as children  3. 70% to 95% were physically assaulted in prostitution 4. 60% to 75% were raped in prostitution. " p. 55 - 56.

Falluja and the Forging of the New Iraq
Published: Mon April 19, 2004, by Walden BELLO 
A defiant slogan repeated by residents of Falluja over the last year was that their city would be "the graveyard of the Americans." The last two weeks has seen that chant become a reality, with most of the 88 US combat deaths falling in the intense combat around Falluja. But there is a bigger sense in which the slogan is true : Falluja has become the graveyard of US policy in Iraq.

Falluja : a Strategic Dilemma

The battle for the city is not yet over, but the Iraqi resistance has already won it. Irregular fighters fueled mainly by spirit and courage were able to fight the elite of America's colonial legions--the US Marines--to a standstill on the outer neighborhoods of Falluja. Moreover, so frustrated were the Americans that, in their trademark fashion of technology-intensive warfare, they unleashed firepower indiscriminately, leading to the deaths of some 600 people, mainly women and children, according to eyewitness accounts. Captured graphically by Arab television, these two developments have created both inspiration and deep anger that is likely to be translated into hundreds of thou sands of new recruits for the already burgeoning resistance....

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