Re: [CTRL] [ParanoidTimes] Dry/Ice: Global Warming Revealed (fwd)

2004-08-08 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2004 16:24:38 -0500 (Central Standard Time)
From: harrymobley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ParanoidTimes] Dry/Ice: Global Warming Revealed

M. Twain-

Don't get all upset.

Global warming is a fraud. It was decided to make it up
in 'The Report From Iron Mountain' in 1962...
That, and the 'fake alien menace' scenario

Read this:
by Harry Mobley

Simple science:

Oxygen == O2

When ultraviolet rays from the sun hit oxygen, the two molecules that
make up oxygen break apart and immediately clump back into a group of three.

Ozone == O3

Ozone is a pale blue gas. The sky is blue  we can't see the stars. Every
day when the sun comes up, Ozone begins forming, and continues all day until
the sun goes down. When the sunlight fades, the ozone dissipates, and we can
once again see the stars.

There has always been an ozone hole over one of the poles. It is created at
whichever pole is experiencing winter. This happens because the sunlight
at the pole is most indirect at that time of year.

To make an ozone generator:

Place an ultraviolet light and a fish tank air pump into a box and plug them
in. Poke two holes, on opposite sides of the box. Through one pull the air
pump intake tube, through the other, the output tube. Now oxygen goes into
one tube and ozone comes out the other. Leave it on for a couple of days
and it will purify the air in your house. Hospitals use these for
sterilization and elimination of odors.

Global warming was created by a group of DUPONT'S scientists to get
Diflourodichloromethane (r-12 freon) made illegal. Their patent's time limit,
30 years, on freon was set to expire, and they wanted to eliminate the
possibility of competition for it's manufacture.

Without the proper certification, it became illegal to possess r-12 freon
after July 1st, 1993. At this time, 5/26/2003, a 30 pound can of RECLAIMED
r-12 (virgin r-12 is no longer available) costs about $1500 U.S. WHOLESALE.
Most of that is Federal tax. Prior to 1993, a 30 lb can was about $24-27.00
wholesale. Retail, a 12 oz. can was 87 cents.

Last I heard there were over 18,000 scientists worldwide who claim that
global warming is a fraud. Of course, no one in the controlled media will
talk to them.

- Original Message -
From: Millennium Twain
Date: 08/06/04 03:26:21

Dry/Ice: Global Warming Revealed
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
July 19, 2004

What you are about to read is going to change your world forever, this I can
promise you. I actually apologize that I have to be the one who brings this
unsettling news, but you must know if you wish to survive, for what is coming
will either be DRY and heat or ICE and freezing.

Global warming has been in the news for over 40 years, and by this time we
have become complacent. Our scientists have come to the agreement that global
warming will eventually cause major changes and problems in the world, but in
their way of thinking it will be 50 to 100 years before we will actually have
to deal with the effects.

The general idea is that global warming will be slow and the world will find
time to discover the solutions to the problems.

New powerful evidence strongly suggests that this scenario is simply wrong,
and we had better prepare for another more abrupt possibility.

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2004-08-08 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-



There is increasing evidence that U.S. doctors, nurses, and medics have been
complicit in torture and other illegal procedures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Guantanamo Bay. . .

We know that medical personnel have failed to report to higher
authorities wounds that were clearly caused by torture and that they
have neglected to take steps to interrupt this torture. In addition,
they have turned over prisoners' medical records to interrogators who
could use them to exploit the prisoners' weaknesses or vulnerabilities.
We have not yet learned the extent of medical involvement in delaying
and possibly falsifying the death certificates of prisoners who have
been killed by torturers. . .

The doctors brought a medical component to what I call an
atrocity-producing situation one so structured, psychologically and
militarily, that ordinary people can readily engage in atrocities. Even
without directly participating in the abuse, doctors may have become
socialized to an environment of torture and by virtue of their medical
authority helped sustain it. In studying various forms of medical abuse,
I have found that the participation of doctors can confer an aura of
legitimacy and can even create an illusion of therapy and healing.

The Nazis provided the most extreme example of doctors' becoming
socialized to atrocity. In addition to cruel medical experiments, many
Nazi doctors, as part of military units, were directly involved in
killing. To reach that point, they underwent a sequence of
socialization: first to the medical profession, always a self-protective
guild; then to the military, where they adapted to the requirements of
command; and finally to camps such as Auschwitz, where adaptation
included assuming leadership roles in the existing death factory. The
great majority of these doctors were ordinary people who had killed no
one before joining murderous Nazi institutions. They were corruptible
and certainly responsible for what they did, but they became murderers
mainly in atrocity-producing settings
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Evidence of Pentagon Psychological Warfare Operations Against U.S. Citizens Surfaces in Want Ads

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Evidence of Pentagon Psychological Warfare Operations Against U.S. Citizens Surfaces in Want AdsBy Justin Rood, CQ StaffThe U.S. military’s domestic operations command says it is not planning or conducting a secret psychological warfare campaign to manipulate the opinions of American citizens, despite a U.S. Air Force document suggesting such activities might be taking place.“We do not do information operations against the American public,” said Lt. Cmdr. Sean Kelly, a spokesman for the Pentagon’s Northern Command, known as NORTHCOM, based in Colorado Springs, Colo.Kelly confirmed that there is a “psyops,” or psychological warfare operations, unit at NORTHCOM but said its work is “designed to influence and deter foreign enemies from attacking the United States.”NORTHCOM was created after the 9/11 attacks to direct military operations, including intelligence analysis, air defense and
 support for civilian first responders, inside the United States. It shares the military’s counterterrorism mission with the Pentagon’s Pacific Command, Central Command and Strategic Command.The possibility of a propaganda program run out of the military’s domestic headquarters surfaced with a phrase in an online employment ad.An advertisement for an “influence operations specialist” with a Top Secret security clearance for the U.S. Air Force appeared on the Web sites of military contractors several weeks ago.The position would “coordinate [Air Force] inputs to NORAD-NORTHCOM influence operations,” according to the ad. It defined those operations to include “PSYOPS themes and messages for use in foreign countries, public affairs themes and messages,” as well as “deception plans.”The same position and job description is included in Air Force contracting documents.At first, NORTHCOM refused to discuss the existence of any such
 operations.“It’s illegal to do psyops in the United States, and we don’t talk about it,” was all NORTHCOM’s Kelly would say when asked to confirm or deny that his center was involved in psychological operations. He asked to see copies of the Air Force documents.NORTHCOM officials waited several days before commenting further. Eventually, they said that the details of the job description by the Air Force relating to NORTHCOM were erroneous.“Psyops is an operational issue, and I can’t discuss that,” Kelly said at first. Asked later if NORTHCOM’s psyops center coordinated with its public affairs office, he said, “Trust me, there’s nobody from psyops here in my office.“We may say the similar thing — you know, ‘The sky is blue’ — but we don’t coordinate with each other,” he added. “Psyops doesn’t come in here and say, ‘What are you saying today?’ ”Later, however, Kelly seemed to indicate there was a modicum of coordination between the two
 offices.“There’s coordination where they might say, ‘Hey guys, we’re doing this,’ and if it’s illegal it’ll be stopped,” the spokesman said. Later, he reiterated that there was no coordination between the two, and then said that that was actually a “general rule,” and that “here at NORTHCOM, there shouldn’t be any exception to the general rule.”Regarding the job description, Kelly said that there is no division called “influence operations” at NORTHCOM, and that, as he put it, “in this case, ‘influence’ is probably the wrong word.”U.S. Army RoleOne section of the Air Force job description said the influence operations specialist was to coordinate with the Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group (POG), as well as with NORTHCOM public affairs, “deception planners” and other agencies.Kelly said that language was only a “laundry list” of possible contacts the position might involve and meant only to prevent
 a future employee from balking and saying, “That’s not in my job description.”“They threw out — that’s a laundry 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] All The Unreported Bush Scandals

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

All The Unreported Bush Scandals
UNreported Bush Scandals with Supporting Web Links
The media is s slanted to the RIGHT and s LAME in their coverage, that I have given-up and STOPPED WATCHING ANY "NEWS" on ANY STATION with the exception of C-Span and PBS. I also depend ENTIRELY ON reading my own INTERNET NEWS that I find by non-television Internet websites.
Proof of UNreported Bush Scandals by The Media CorpSE vs how the media jumps all over Democratic problems:
They are all over DEMOCRATIC Sandy Berger, non-stop, 24/7, with lame source info: "he stuffed info into his socks and pants (and we're not talking pant pockets), etc". Remember ALL the "Monica 24/7" coverage? Any country could have dropped an atomic bomb on The United States back then, and Monica would still get top billing. 
But when is the last time the major media channels went IN-DEPTH about ANY of these news Bush-Gates?
1) Novak-Gate: It is going on a year now, with little or NO COVERAGE. I suggest The Media CorpSE check out in FindLaw's Cases  Codes Section. Look at Title 50, Chapter 15, Subchapter IV, Section 421 of The United States Code. That Section only deals with the "protection of CIA Agents", so their cover does not get blown by jerks like Novak. Sure sounds like Novak, The White House and the media corpSE could give a damn about that law. 
Does Congress remember that THEY passed these laws? Ask yourself HOW FAST would the media and The Republican Congress be all over Clinton IF HIS White House Administration DID THIS to GET BACK AT O'Reilly, Coulter, Limbaugh or Hannity and they had a wife or husband working as a Covert CIA Agent? Yet the media yawns and Novak is still employed by CNN and newspapers to this very day!!
Laws On The Books Against People Like Novak
2) FBI-Ashcroft-Gate: Sibel Edmonds worked as translator for FBI. She uncovered The FBI's plan to "get more workers" at The FBI after 9/11, by making the people work slowly. You heard me right!!! If you were a conscience worker who did your translation as fast as possible to help get the bastards who bombed us with civil aircraft, your translations would get deleted by your boss. Your boss would then tell you the next day: "Let that be a lesson to you". Translated, take long coffee and lunch breaks and "translation work be damn". 
Edmonds also told Congress about The FBI's very poor and sloppy background checks for new workers. New translators got into the FBI who were members of "the other side". There are words for this, and it is known as ENEMIES doing ESPIONAGE. 
She complained to Senators Leahy and Grassley, who had the information about Sibel on their computers and papers in their offices. Both Senators are on the committee, which oversees The FBI. When Sibel got fired from the FBI for complaining, she took The FBI to court. Ashcroft re-classified all the documents that Leahy and Grassley had as Classified Material and the information was promptly removed from their computers and offices.
Ashcroft has just had the case thrown out by a Republican Judge, and all the documents are still classified. This is known, for you in the media corpSE, as a COVER-UP!! 
The 9/11 Commission Report only has Sibel Edmonds in their report in footnote number 25. Check out all stories and interviews regarding this and start covering the real news.
Do a Google search on "Sibel Edmonds" and look at all your hits. Then go to any Major Newspaper website around the country and do the same search of the newspaper's website. Likewise, go to the so-called News Media corpSE and check out how many stories they have on "Sibel Edmonds". Most of them are for the web and un-reported on television because Scott Peterson and Kobe Bryant are "more important".
60 Minutes Transcript - Lost In Translation

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Has doctrine of pre-emption met its death?

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-
Has doctrine of pre-emption met its death?
By Ben Duncan in Washington DC
Saturday 07 August 2004, 10:57 Makka Time, 7:57 GMT

For many proponents of the invasion of Iraq, President George Bush's
doctrine of pre-emptive war continues to be a visionary symbol of American
strength and conviction in fighting what the US calls war on terrorism.

As Vice President Dick Cheney said in a recent campaign speech in East
Lansing, Michigan, We will engage the enemy, facing him today with our
military in Afghanistan and Iraq, so we do not have to face him with armies
of firefighters, police, and medical personnel on the streets of our own

Critics of the war, however, say the rationale for such action has been
shattered by the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the
conclusion reached by the 9/11 commission that there was no collaborative
relationship between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida.

Some say the pre-emptive doctrine met an early death in Iraq, while others
say the US is safer with Saddam no longer in power, courtesy of the Bush
administrations decision to take him out.

Doctrine 'debunked'

The only consensus in Washington appears to be the belief held by most
foreign-policy scholars that the US is unlikely to launch another full-scale
pre-emptive attack anytime soon.

In a May op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times by Ivo Daalder of the
Brookings Institution and James Lindsay of the Council on Foreign Relations,
the authors argued that the Bush doctrine of pre-emption had been
effectively debunked by the outcome of the war in Iraq.

Today, the doctrine of pre-emption has fallen on hard times. Far from
demonstrating the principle's effectiveness, the Iraq war and its aftermath
have ultimately underscored its limits, Daalder and Lindsay wrote.

With the Iraqi threat having turned out to be far less than advertised and
the cost of occupying Iraq far higher, it is hardly surprising that
pre-emption suddenly looks far less attractive, they said.

Reality slap

Peter Singer, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution,
agrees that events on the ground in Iraq have tempered the willingness of
many who supported the invasion to advocate similar military measures
against countries not deemed to be immediate threats.

Nobody is making those kinds of bold neocon predictions they were making in
the spring of 2002, Singer said.

Since then they have clearly backed away from that because reality slapped
them in the face.

Not everyone agrees. Raymond Tanter, an adjunct scholar at the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, says when looking at the overall
developments, the Bush administration and many conservative advocates of the
war feel vindicated by the outcome.

What I hear is that because of the election, not much is going to be done
in the Middle East if it can be avoided, Tanter said.

But I dont think the administration has been deterred because I don't
think the administration feels that things are going badly in Iraq in terms
of the broad picture.

Many analysts say the real debate centres around the distinction between
pre-emptive war and preventive war.

Crucial difference

Whereas pre-emptive war involves the use of definitive, real-time
intelligence to confront an immediate security threat, preventive war is the
use of more speculative intelligence to go after an enemy that may
constitute an imminent danger somewhere down the road, several experts said.

Pre-emptive is different than preventive war, said Laurence Korb, a former
defence department official in the Reagan administration and now a senior
fellow at the Center for American progress, a Democratic thinktank in

A lot of people use the terms interchangeably and 


2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

shouldnt these police be CHARGED? they DIDNT EVEN HAVE THE
BULLET, yet they were confiscating guns? who were the only ones there who
we KNOW had guns? the police themselves. -vig

We need to understand the mentality behind
such "allguns are bad, all people are guilty" attitudes.Remember, this
is the attitude of men and women _whoclaim to be our protectors. Yet their
hatred andsuspicion of us runs deep -- and all too often,
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership,
Inc. P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027 Phone (262)
673-9745 Fax (262)
673-9746 August 5, 2004 WHAT HAPPENED IN
OWNERS CARE? On Saturday, July 17, an
unknown shooter woundedan Oshkosh, Wisconsin, police officer, then faded
intothe night. Was the shot fired by a partying teenager?Was it an
accidental discharge from another officer'sgun? Was it a mistake or an
intentional assault? Noone knows. What
happened next is unclear; everyone gives adifferent version of the
events. According to the most credible reports,
theOshkosh PD evacuated a several block area. Withoutwarrants in the
immediate aftermath of the shooting,SWAT teams and police dogs descended on
theneighborhood. Officers got consent to search homes.(It's logical to
assume that "consent" in this casewas given under heavy police pressure.)
Once inside,police officers confiscated firearms -- withoutwarrants,
without consent, without probable cause.Residents returned to homes that
appeared to have been"tossed" by burglars and found their guns
missing. Oshkosh police say they have since
returned allfirearms for which they had no warrants. Some mediareports
and individuals who cared enough to call saythe Oshkosh police have "more or
less" apologized tothe abused victims.
Activist gun owners are up in arms -- as theyshould be. But few gun-rights
groups (including JPFO,until now) have jumped into the fray, partly
becauseit's so unclear what really happened that night. Wehave tried to
contact our members in the area and havegotten no
response. Whatever happened, the Oshkosh police
obviouslybehaved outrageously. Whether the unconstitutionalconfiscations
were department policy, superiorofficers' orders, or screwups by
incompetentlydangerous cops who neither knew nor cared anythingabout the
Fourth Amendment, those confiscations wereunAmerican in the deepest sense.
In fact, they wereanti-American. But
frankly, it's hard to defend citizens who areso deeply in denial that -- in
this day of anti-gunhysteria and ninjafication of American police
forces-- they'd open their doors and willingly let policerifle through
their possessions. Those victimizedresidents also have a responsibility as
citizens, asAmericans. And they failed in their responsibility
asseriously as the police did. WHAT CAN WE
LEARN FROM THIS? Take the historical
perspective. It's entirelypossible that this police action was a trial
balloonfor larger-scale raids and confiscations. Even if itwas only an
isolated incident, it sets a dangerousprecedent. It tells other police
agencies -- and thefederal agencies who are working to militarize them
--just what people in the American heartland
willtolerate. Why did the police chief
authorize random gunseizures (if he did)? Why did officers conduct
them?We need to understand the mentality behind such "allguns are bad,
all people are guilty" attitudes.Remember, this is the attitude of men and
women _whoclaim to be our protectors. Yet their hatred andsuspicion of
us runs deep -- and all too often,
runsuncontrolled. We strongly suggest that
you read a small, slenderbook called _Ordinary Men: Reserve Police
Battalion101 and the Final Solution in Poland_ by ChristopherR. Browning
(available at, among otherplaces). This is the story of how a
group of 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Waterman Paper

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Title: The Waterman Paper 
-Caveat Lector-

The Waterman Paper

July 24, 2004
By H2O Man

This paper examines the possibility that Vice President Dick Cheney orchestrated the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity to the news media in the summer of 2003, in order to accomplish three goals.

These include (1) to punish Joseph Wilson for challenging 16 words in President Bush's 1-28-03 State of the Union address; and (2) to intimidate other sources from publicly challenging the White House's version of events involving the war on terrorism and the US invasion of Iraq. Both of these goals are well-known from numerous reports on this White House scandal.

The other, (3) is that VP Cheney was attempting to derail an investigation that Plame may have been involved in at the time that her identity was exposed. This third potential goal has not been the subject of any major media attention.

The author of this paper put it forward on an internet forum, the Democratic Underground, in early July, 2004. The resulting eleven DU threads, which consist of over 3,000 posts from interested citizens across the country, is the only known forum debating this theory.

Besides the eleven DU Plame Indictment threads, the information in this paper comes from the following four sources: The Politics of Truth, by Joseph Wilson; Worse Than Watergate, by John Dean; Don't Tread on Joseph Wilson, NYT book review by John Dean on 5-23-04; and Plenty to Swear About, by Joe Klein, Time, 7-5-04.

Time Line 

While the case involving Wilson's investigation in Niger, and the White House's efforts to expose Plame is long and complicated, this paper will focus on a time line established by Wilson in his book.

1. Jan '02: The first reports of a Niger-Iraq uranium connection surface in the White House.

2. Feb '02: Wilson is asked to investigate by the CIA.

3. March '02: Wilson returns from Niger and briefs the CIA on the investigation. His conclusion supports those of two others that there was no Niger-Iraq connection.

4. Jan '03: Bush includes the 16 words in his State of the Union address.

5. On or about March 5, '03: the CIA gives VP Cheney an oral report, informing him of Wilson's conclusions.

6. March 7, '03: the IAEA announces the US's documents on Niger-Iraq are forgeries.

7. March 8, '03: (a) a State Department spokesperson admits, We fell for it in regard to the forged document; (b) Wilson tells CNN that the State Department has more information on the subject; and (c) a workshop meeting is held in VP Cheney's office. It is attended by top republican officials, possibly including Cheney, Scooter Libby, and Newt Gingrich. The group discusses ways to discredit Wilson.

8. June 8, '03: Condoleeza Rice denies knowledge of the weakness of the Niger uranium claim on Meet The Press. She states, Maybe someone down in the bowels of the Agency knew about this, but nobody in my circles.

9. July 6, '03: Wilson's NYT op-ed is published. By the following day, two senior White House officials began contacting at least six reporters, informing them of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative.

10. July 8, '03: Reporter Robert Novak tells a complete stranger on a Washington street: Wilson's an asshole. The CIA sent him. His wife, Valerie, works for the CIA. She's a weapons of mass destruction specialist. She sent him. In the following days, Novak would ask the CIA for confirmation of Plame's identity. He was asked not to print her name or identity in any article regarding Wilson.

11. July 14, '03: Novak's article exposes Plame.

12. July 20, '03: NBC's Andrea Mitchell tells Wilson that senior White House officials told her that the real story was not the 16 words, but was Wilson and his wife.

13. July 21, '03: NBC's 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Court to hear sovereignty defense in tax evasion case

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Court to hear sovereignty defense in tax evasion case
By Vicki Viotti Advertiser Staff Writer
A Kane'ohe man who says he is a citizen of the Hawaiian kingdom is in jail awaiting trial this week in a legal battle over whether he owes the state $6,170 in income tax.


John P. Souza, charged with tax evasion, says U.S. and state laws don't apply to him.
Jeff Widener • The Honolulu AdvertiserThe case of John P. "Pilipo" Souza, a retired Honolulu fire captain and private insurance investigator, is the latest action by sovereigntists who assert their Hawaiian citizenship by disregarding certain U.S. and state laws they say don't apply to them.

A trial before state Circuit Court Judge Michael Wilson is set for tomorrow, when Souza, 66, will face second-degree theft and fraud charges.

He has spent more than a month in the O'ahu Community Correctional Center, because he refused on June 28 to participate in the trial proceedings, and his bail was revoked.

The strain on his family was starting to show last week, when he sought unsuccessfully to get bail restored. As the sheriff led Souza away, he blew a kiss to his tearful wife, Leota, and waved to friends in the gallery.

Souza was indicted in September on two counts of making "false and fraudulent statements," said deputy attorney general Joan Ha'o, when he claimed in two amended state tax returns that his "adjusted income" for 1999 and 2000 was zero.

The two counts of theft stem from income tax refunds — $2,962 for 1999 and $3,208 for 2000 — that he received based on those returns, Ha'o said.

Like many sovereignty activists, Souza maintains the kingdom was never legally terminated and that its laws still apply — including laws that make anyone born in Hawai'i eligible for citizenship at birth.

Among the activists are Nathan Brown, a protester convicted of tax fraud in 1993 and a fugitive until his arrest last year.

Unlike most sovereigntists, however, Souza is of Portuguese, not Hawaiian, ancestry. But he and supporters such as sovereignty activist Leon Siu say Souza may claim Hawaiian citizenship, pointing to the multi-ethnic makeup of the Hawaiian nation before the monarchy was overthrown in 1893.

Central to Souza's case is his contention that he renounced his U.S. citizenship in 1996, giving written instruction to his private employer not to withhold taxes, Siu said. The taxes continued to be withheld until he retired last year, when he filed for the refund.

He also maintains that state courts have no jurisdiction to try him, Siu said, so Souza has insisted on representing himself. "Once you have an attorney appointed by the court, you waive your objections to the jurisdiction," added William Amona, another supporter and longtime Hawaiian activist.

At two court dates — April 14 and June 28 — Souza refused to leave the gallery to let the trial begin. He was taken into custody at the April hearing but released after stating that he would come to trial in June.

However, when in June he declined again to "enter the bar" to enable jury selection to begin, his bail was revoked and he was sent to OCCC.

He remained there until Friday, when he appeared at a hearing on a motion to restore bail so he could leave OCCC, meet with witnesses and prepare for his trial. "I have not been able to go to the library," Souza told Wilson. "I have not been able to do any research to further my case. I have been academically disconnected."

He promised Wilson that, because he does not want to serve more jail time, he would not delay trial procedures further. Wilson did not accept that promise, and would not allow Souza to bail himself out.

"I don't question that at this time you might be sincere," Wilson said. "But you were sincere in April, and after that you didn't keep your word. ... I cannot contribute to 

[CTRL] Lucifer is the Secret God of Secular Society

2004-08-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-




  Sunday, August 8, 2004 
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  Lucifer is the Secret God of Secular Society 
  By Henry Makow Ph.D. October 12, 2003 
  37-year-old Montreal historian, David Livingstone has written a stunning 
  book that casts modern civilization in a new and troubling light. 
  In The Dying God, The Hidden History of Western Civilization, 
  Livingstone shows that modern secular culture is really the product of an 
  occult tradition that can be traced back to ancient Babylon through 
  Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Plato and the Cabalists. 
  Essentially, this tradition adopted Lucifer as symbol of mankind's 
  rebellion against God. It enshrined human reason, appetite and will as the 
  ultimate standard of goodness and truth. 
  It usually defined freedom in terms of destroying the moral and social 
  order. Freedom means dissipation not uplift and empowerment. 
  The occult's real aim is to empower the elite. Livingstone, who is not 
  "religious" explains: 
  "The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we 
  wish to be treateda principle of justice...[In contrast] the lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets 
  him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserve of the elite." 
  Livingstone shows how this occult dogma was secretly adopted by key 
  elites throughout history and was behind the English (1649), American 
  (1776), French (1789) and Russian Revolutions (1917), three of which 
  involved regicide. 
  Lucifer is the "bringer of light." The occult inspired the so-called 
  Enlightenment, which defined modern culture. Francis Bacon was a 
  Rosicrucian. Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Newton were all Freemasons. 
  Fifty of the 56 signatories of the US Declaration of Independence 
  and most U.S. Presidents were Masons. So were Stalin, Roosevelt and 
  Churchill. The plan of the city of Washington was designed by a Mason in 
  the shape of a pentagram, the symbol of Lucifer. 
  The scientific revolution is also rooted in the occult as magic, i.e. 
  the manipulation of nature.
  The significance of Livingstone's lucid, well-documented book is 
  enormous. A dominant segment of our leaders secretly serve Lucifer; their 
  sinister and corrupt influence is evident everywhere. 
  Secularism is as much a religion as Christianity. The "separation of 
  church and state" is a stratagem to enshrine Lucifer as the god of the 
  modern world. Masonic secularism's goal is to destroy genuine religions 
  like Christianity and Islam.
  Secular people can be moral when they follow their conscience, which is 
  God's voice. But they are more likely to stray if they don't believe that 
  the good is part of a real moral order. 
  Reason divorced from an absolute morality (God) can be used to justify 
  anything, including mayhem and tyranny. The goal of the new world order is 
  to divert humanity from God's Plan and enslave us to a vicious Satanic 
  Read what Svali, an Illuminati defector wrote about the 
  Illuminati, a superwealthy group of Luciferians who plan a world police 
  "The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as 
  "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that 
  their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, 
  and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of 
  each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly 
  occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities 
  such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and 
  "Set" I do know that these people teach and practice evil." 
  Historians are paid to suppress this truth. David Livingstone's The 
  Dying God uncovers it. In a just world, this brilliant historian would 
  be celebrated. Instead, he earns his living making furniture. 
  Millions of people do not pay homage to Lucifer at a weekly service. 
  Priests in red gowns do not preach Satanism from the pulpit. Lucifer 
  cannot declare himself openly. He wages an undeclared covert war for our 
  souls.Lucifer's servants sit in expansive offices, ride in 
  limousines and appear on TV. They are our political and cultural leaders, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] UR

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Sunday, August 01, 2004

I, am a theorist, a researcher-analyst and proud of it.

Specifically, I theorize by examining the FACTS associated with the conspiracy called 

That makes me a conspiracy theorist and that is good.

Albert Einstein in his day theorized about relativity. The Egyptians theorized about 
hydraulics and that is why they are known as The Hydraulic Society.

Theory must not be confused with hypothesis (usually done on purpose) as most 
journalists are trained to do. Hypothesis is a product solely of a mind. It is not 
based on FACTS. Hypothesis is itself a useful tool, but unlike theory as I said, it is 
not based on fact.

Theory is always based on fact.

My main theory is that the people of the world are living in slavery; they are slaves 
who do their own shopping.

My premiss is that the world is controlled by two groups of men who wear dresses (and 
some lesbian women who act like men); mostly Monks, Arabs and Frankish Scots are in 
charge of the conspiracy, while lawyers, doctors, scientists, accountants, engineers 
and PHD university graduates are most often also predators on the people (but not all 
are sexual predators).

Ancient brotherhoods of sexual predators operate covertly, hiding behind the veil of 
secret societies such as Ecclesiastic Freemasonry. Other types of predators operate 
overtly; in Organized Religion, Politics, Business and the Military. Both of these 
groups of predators view the rest of the people of the planet as simple laboratory 
guinea pigs, to be used and abused for their benefit.

We are used by them in 'stress' experiments which are designed primarily to test the 
effectiveness of their instruments of control. These mechanisms are; the massive 
worldwide genetic engineering of human beings into human boeings (operating on 
auto-pilot), living a life which is filled with recurring bouts of stress creating 
war, pestilence, famine and disease, etc..

The main goal of the modern overt controller is simply to become an elitist, while for 
the ancient hidden covert Monkish brotherhoods the plan is more long range. They 
aspire to fabricate a more perfect slave with which to replace us human beings and 
then export their learned control mechanisms beyond the boundaries of planet Earth, to 
the entire universe.

My job as a human being (zoion), is to uncover UR, Ultimate Reality.

I do this by sculpting away the BS which was first downloaded into my brain by all of 
my care-givers (parents, priests, teachers, politicians, police, press and other 
media). Then, I proceed to investigate the preponderance of the evidence that, 
eventually, leads me to overstand Ultimate Reality.

It is only when I do this search that, as a human being, I am truly free.

Once I had achieved a certain level of wisdom in overstanding, and not just 
understanding the conspiracy I live in, then my job became one of helping others who 
also want to overstand the mess we're in.

If you would like to come along for the ride, while I educate those who are creating 
the mess, then let me know and I will let you know if, and how, you too can help.

The SculPTor

Posted: 5:11 AM


Indo-European Lebanese, Portuguese, etc.
Sino-Thibetan Japanese, Chinese, etc.

ULTRA MAR ~ The Breasted Brown Sea Otter

The SculPTor

Posted: 12:05 AM

Saturday, July 31, 2004

The number 16 is written as PH or HP in the Levi sketch of Freemasonry's BAPHOMET and 
is Pi in the Mis Pi Rituals of Zoro-Astrian ~ Zoro-Babel Ecclesiaststic Freeemasonry.

It, 16, signifies major 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Heart of the Bolivian Coca Trade

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Evo Morales, a leader in the Chapare coca 
grower’s union and a major national political figure in Bolivia, says that “to 
speak of eradicating coca is to speak of eradicating the Quechua and the other 
indigenous groups because it is so central to their 

The Heart of the Bolivian Coca Trade
A Cochabamba Market Exposes the Contradictions of Coca Prohibition
By Sean Donahue2004 Narco News Authentic Journalism 
August 7, 2004
COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA: On a Monday morning in 
early August, campesinos (peasant farmers) carry fifty pound feedbags 
full of coca leaves to the government-sanctioned coca market in Sacaba. Coca 
leaves are piled in a three foot high mound on the concrete floor of the 
open–air building that houses the market. The walls are painted with faded 
murals of mountains and sunsets. Here the mostly Quechua and Aymara people of 
the Chapare region come to buy and sell the coca leaves that they chew to stave 
off hunger and fatigue.
The market has been in business for over a hundred years, predating the rise 
of the cocaine trade and the regulation of coca. The people of the Chapare have 
grown and used coca since long before the Spanish conquest of Bolivia. It plays 
a central role in their culture and their religion. Felipe Caceres, the mayor of 
the nearby town of Villa Tunari, and a coca grower himself, explains that “For 
us coca is a natural resource and a part of our cultural patrimony.”
The very existence of the market in Sacaba and its fifteen smaller satellite 
markets contradicts the U.S. government’s claims that the coca grown in the 
Chapare is all bought up by narco-traffickers and made into cocaine. Vendors 
must purchase licenses from the government and carefully document their 
transactions. The same organization that administers the market confiscates 
shipments of coca that are being transported by unlicensed vendors, lack the 
proper documentation, or are being moved along unauthorized routes. Officials 
store the confiscated coca in a warehouse next to the Sacaba market, and later 
burn it at high temperatures.
The coca growers of the Chapare exist in a strange legal gray area. The 
Bolivian military and police consider their crops illegal and routinely raid 
small farms throughout the region. At the same time, the organization that runs 
and regulates the market in Sacaba is actually a government agency.
In January of 2002, under pressure from the U.S. Embassy, the military tried 
to shut down the Sacaba market, sparking a fierce struggle in the streets of 
Sacaba and Cochabamba. By the time the struggle ended, four campesinos and two 
soldiers were dead and some one hundred campesinos had been arrested and 
tortured (see Luis Gomez’s report, The War Over Sacaba). 
Eventually, the government relented and re-opened the coca market.
The sacrifices that the people of the Chapare were willing to make in the 
battle to re-open the market in Sacaba point to the coca leaf’s essential role 
here. Evo Morales, a leader in the Chapare coca grower’s union and a major 
national political figure in Bolivia, says that “to speak of eradicating coca is 
to speak of eradicating the Quechua and the other indigenous groups because it 
is so central to their culture.”
According to Angel Sandoval, a coca farmer from the town of Rio Alto, “We 
grow coca because there is no other plant that will give us enough money with 
which to live.” In a good year, a single hectare of coca will bring in just 
under $4,500. A hectare of palmitos will only bring in about $250, and farmers 
actually end up losing money on passion fruit because of the costs of pesticides 
and labor. Many campesinos are farming on as little as one sixth of a 
At the market, farmers often 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] British HSBC bank buys stake in Chinese state bank

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Note: HSBC Bank is deeply involved in the 
gold market. China is going to be if it
isn't covertly already

* * *

Britain's HSBC Buying 19.9 Percent Stake 
in Major Chinese State Bank for $1.7 Billion 

By Joe McDonald
Associated Press
Saturday, August 7, 2004

BEIJING -- British bank HSBC Holdings PLC is buying 
a 19.9 percent stake in one of China's biggest 
state-owned banks for $1.7 billion, dramatically 
expanding the foreign presence in the top ranks of 
Chinese finance.

The deal, announced Friday with Shanghai-based Bank 
of Communications, is the biggest move yet by a foreign 
bank into China's rapidly developing banking industry.

Beijing has allowed limited foreign investment in its 
banks in hopes of improving their management and 
technology as it prepares to meet commitments to let 
foreign banks compete on an equal footing with Chinese 
institutions by 2006.

HSBC's deal with Bank of Communications could put it 
ahead of rivals such as U.S.-based Citigroup Inc. and 
Britain's Standard Chartered in the race for access to 
China's booming consumer market.

The British bank said it would help its Chinese partner 
expand its credit card business and provide other 

For HSBC this investment provides the group with a 
new window for developing our business in China, 
HSBC chairman Sir John Bond said at a signing 
ceremony in the Great Hall of the People, the seat of 
China's legislature in central Beijing.

In return, for Bank of Communications, it's an 
opportunity to draw on our international expertise and 
network, Bond said.

Dozens of foreign banks have branch offices in China 
or joint ventures with Chinese banks.

HSBC Holdings was the world's fifth-biggest bank in 
2003 in asset terms, according to The Banker magazine.

The bank was founded in the 19th century as the Hong 
Kong and Shanghai Bank in Hong Kong and Shanghai 
when both were Western-ruled colonial territories.

Bank of Communications has a network of 2,700 branches 
and reported $115 billion in assets at the end of 2003, 
with $100 billion in customer deposits.

The bank said last month that it was considering selling 
shares to Chinese investors, as well as on stock 
exchanges in Hong Kong or the United States.

The HSBC stake would be just under the maximum 20 
percent share that Chinese rules allow a single foreign 
investor to own in a Chinese bank.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Smear campain against Teresa Heinz Kerry

2004-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Internet Whispering Campaigns Falsely Accuse Teresa Heinz Kerry

Bogus e-mail messages claim she's given millions to radical groups,
some linked to terrorists, and located Heinz factories overseas. Both
claims are false.

August 4, 2004


False allegations about Kerry's wife have been circulating for months,
but the velocity of the Internet whispering campaign picked up
substantially with the approach of the Fall campaign.

One false message claims Teresa Heinz Kerry gave $4 million to a
foundation that used the funds to support a list of radical groups
including one with alleged links to Hamas and another that is said to
have offered to provide a lawyer for Saddam Hussein. But public records
show otherwise. Heinz Kerry's foundation money was directed to projects
such as Sustainable Pittsburgh, which promotes smart growth strategies.

Another widely circulated e-mail claims Kerry and his wife own dozens
of H.J. Heinz Company factories in Europe and Asia. It accuses Kerry of
hypocrisy for denouncing offshoring of US jobs while making millions
off that cheap labor.

That's also false: neither of them own Heinz. Public records show Heinz
Kerry isn't an officer of the company, isn't on the company's board of
directors, and isn't even close to being the largest shareholder. The
Heinz Endowments do own Heinz stock -- less than 4% of the company --
but income from that stock goes to charity, not to the Kerrys personally.

Analysis has received hundreds of copies of these two e-mails from
subscribers who asked us to check out whether there's any truth to them.
They have been circulating like a virus, relayed by people who either
don't bother to check out whether they are true, or don't care. It's the
modern equivalent of the old whispering campaign in which false rumors
served as political weapons.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The World Is Plunging Towards Chaos

2004-08-08 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

By Stewart Best
The World Is Plunging Towards Chaos in the planned Masonic ORDO AB CHAO,
WORLD ORDER. The order, according to the occult motto, is SECULAR.
Without God. We should say without the GOD OF THE BIBLE, BUT WITH A FAKE
GOD, for the planners have long said that RELIGION IS THE OPIUM OF THE
MASSES. That is why Psalm Two is so important right now to understand.The
that fundamentalists of ANY STRIPE are in the way, and right now, those
FANATICAL ISLAMICS are the best targets to instill in the minds of the
masses that ALL FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE DANGEROUS. Witness Project Megiddo
issued by the FBI. It was a document of high treason against Jesus Christ
by the United States Government - and from the Justice Department as
well, the very ones sworn to uphold religious freedom in this country!!!
For their sources, they used primarily the occult - the sworn enemies of
the real God!!! Of course, they pointed to the RADICAL FUNDAMENTALISTS as
the ones to be careful about - those that hated the United
States Government. 
To criticizes now is to hate America and to be an enemy
combatant. There are very few people who actually hate America as a
nation. There are very few people who actually hate HONEST GOVERNMENT.
What those Americans are complaining about it that the GOVERNMENT HAS
are right now involved in a MASSIVE GRAB FOR ABSOLUTE POWER, namely
ANTICHRIST DOES. Posing as Bible thumpers, they wage war against FREEDOM,
a fake war against fake terrorists and will stir the world up into a
planned that way. You are watching the rise of the FOURTH REICH, long in
Bible prophecy, rising up in America, THE MIGHTY BABYLON.
we saying 9-11 was a FAKE? No, it was real, but obvious to anyone that
OBL could not have planned and executed that type of an attack from a
cave in the middle of nowhere. The American people need to remove their
blinders and look at the actual facts, the actual video tapes, the actual
pictures and they need to ask some very serious questions. Being a
professional jet pilot for many years, I knew right from the beginning
that there was something very wrong with the entire portrait.
It was then confirmed when the PTB brought forward Ms. Halfbright and a
host of others to inform the American people that they were going to have
to give up their freedoms for security. Terrorism is the tool
being used to bring in the New World Order of Antichrist. It will be a
Tommy Franks tell us that MARTIAL LAW would come with the next terrorist
attack. These TRIAL BALLOONS brought no hue and cry from the people, so
all is going as planned. Soon you will be under MARTIAL LAW. Soon your
children will be taken from you. Soon you will be doing EXACTLY AS YOU
ARE TOLD or you will be taken to a re-education camp.

Remember that Jesus Christ said that the ANTICHRIST COMES INTO POWER BY
A MURDERER AS WELL. He plots an attack, he alerts his people in high
places to allow the attack to take place, he then ATTACKS, and BLAMES
SOMEONE ELSE. We are in a war against terrorism! the occult
MANY YEARS OF HARD SACRIFICE. Of course, once freedoms have been
taken away, they are never returned. It does not matter that many of our
unless the government IS GOD, WHICH IS WHAT WE ARE BEING TOLD ON A
And so the occult forces within government, and those of the free
press, wage a war of DECEPTION against the people of America and
the world. The only enemy the world has, according to the Bible, are the
pointed to as the very culprits who bring in the last and final DRACONIAN
WORLD GOVERNMENT. It is so stated in the Bible, The Book of Enoch, The
Kolbrin. It is the RICH MEN OF THE EARTH that have brought the world all
the wars, all of the suffering, all of the pain. They are the ones
who plan and execute their wars, form new religions, spawn terrorism the
world over. The Bible says they raise up STRIFE AND CONTENTION ALL OVER
THE WORLD. However, if the people of the world would round up and

[CTRL] [PERSIANS-JEWS-FLIES] [arabs-talk] [METAPHYSICS-100] Re: The Politics Of Spin: Bombing Churches and Mosques (fwd)

2004-08-08 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 13:35:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PERSIANS-JEWS-FLIES] [arabs-talk] [METAPHYSICS-100] Re: The
Politics Of Spin: Bombing Churches and Mosques (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 13:28:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [METAPHYSICS-100] Re: The Politics Of Spin: Bombing Churches and

Dear Party for Islamic Renewal:

If the teachings of the patriarchs and prophets were carried forward to
the Gospels and the Gospels were carried forward to the Koran, then Lost
Israel was carried forward as well and found itself in later-day faith.

Who then has right of return to the holy land of Israel-Palestine? Is
there a test or proof which could be peacefully applied to settle the
matter of who is the best modern representative of Ancient Israel and
therefore has right of return?

Is war to be that proof or do you have a reasoned alternative?


Prove all things; hold fast that which is good -I Thes. 5:21

What should a Canada which is by Constitution founded upon principles that recognize 
the supremacy of God be like?
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This is ARMAGEDDON as General Scowcroft has called it; the APOCALYPSE as others have 
called it. But the WHITEHOUSE and U-S-A Congress have chosen the FATE OF THE WORLD!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [U-S-A] RE: [NEWSROOM-L] Republicans choose Racist to represent them (fwd)

2004-08-08 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-
 How torture became legalized in Canada

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 15:00:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [U-S-A] RE: [NEWSROOM-L] Republicans choose Racist to represent

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, opf wrote:

 I don't really believe that it matters where my perspective is from. It is a
 given with the establishment media that all who suggest in difference
 between races is a racist. That contention was made against Hart, already.

 So, I'll leave the press to judge me -- as they surely will.

U-S-A media are cowardly and unprofessional liars for the most part.

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who can think things
out for himself said H.L. Menken, the most eminent journalist of his day
(he died in 1956).

Make your argument. We'll give you a fair hearing.

Party of Citizens who have decided to think for themselves and be their
own politicians (POC's full, registered name).

 Gary Hunt
 Outpost of Freedom

  -Original Message-
  From: Party of Citizens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 1:58 PM
  To: opf
  Subject: Re: [NEWSROOM-L] Republicans choose Racist to represent them
  On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, opf wrote:
One answer:
Racialism has to do with the valid science of racial differences.
Racism has to do with imposing values on at least some of those
differences and in such a way that the inherent dignity
  and worth
of the human person (foundation of UDHR) is not recognized.
   So, perhaps, mixed races within a country is not desirable in
   establishing a strong nation. We need only look to South
  Africa to see
   that others believe the same.
  Are you saying that from a racist or racialist perspective?

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U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
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One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino effect.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Iraq Issues Arrest Warrants for Chalabi, Nephew

2004-08-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Will the NYT have Judith MIller write onthis 


Iraq Issues Arrest Warrants for Chalabi, NephewFrom Associated 
Press12:21 PM PDT, August 8, 2004BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq has issued 
an arrest warrant for Ahmad Chalabi, a former governing council member, on 
counterfeiting charges and another for Salem Chalabi, the head of Iraq's special 
tribunal, on murder charges, Iraq's chief investigating judge said 
today.The warrant was a new sign of the fall of Ahmad Chalabi from the 
centers of power. Chalabi, a longtime exile opposition leader, had been a 
favorite of many in the Pentagon but fell out with the Americans in the weeks 
before the U.S. occupation ended in June.His nephew, Salem Chalabi, 
heads the tribunal that is due to try Saddam on war crimes charges."They 
should be arrested and then questioned and then we will evaluate the evidence, 
and then if there is enough evidence, they will be sent to trial," said Judge 
Zuhair al-Maliky.The warrants, issued Saturday, accused Ahmad Chalabi of 
counterfeiting old Iraqi dinars — which had been removed from circulation 
following the fall of Saddam's regime last year, he said.Ahmad Chalabi 
appeared to have been hiding the counterfeit money amid other old money and 
changing it into new dinars in the street, he said.Police found the 
counterfeit money along with old dinars in Ahmad Chalabi's house during a May 
raid, he said.Salem Chalabi was named as a suspect in the June killing 
of the Haithem Fadhil, director general of the finance ministry.Both men 
were reportedly out of the country today.Haidar al-Moussawi, Ahmad 
Chalabi's spokesman, said members of his Iraqi National Congress had heard of 
the arrest warrants only through the media."Such a warrant has been 
issued, but no one called any of the accused or gave them a chance before 
issuing the arrest warrant," he said."These are very bad indications 
about the state of justice and law in the new Iraq," he said.If 
convicted, Salem Chalabi could face the death penalty, which was restored today, 
al-Maliky said. Any sentence for Ahmad Chalabi would be determined by the trial 
judges, he said.Ahmad Chalabi was a senior member of the Governing 
Council, which ran Iraq from the fall of Saddam until the end of the U.S. 
occupation. But he fell out with the Americans, and allegations surfaced that he 
supplied Iranians with classified U.S. intelligence on American monitoring of 
Iranian communications.
If you want other stories on this topic, 
search the Archives at 
licensing and reprint options

Copyright 2004 Los Angeles Times 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] When Kerry worked with Cheney on Vietnam P.O.W.'S Brothers-in-Cover-up

2004-08-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector- 

featuresWhen Kerry worked with Cheney on Vietnam P.O.W.'SBrothers-in-Cover-upby Sydney H. 
SchanbergAugust 3rd, 2004 10:30 AM 


  High irony: Cheney and Kerry were allies on the 
  critical P.O.W. issue(photos: Cheney,; Kerry, 

Previous articles by Sydney H. Schanberg 
on American P.O.W.'s: 
John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A. Senator covered up 
evidence of P.O.W.'s left behind 
America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s? Part 1A closer 
look at an ugly issue 
America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s? Part 
he story 
I am about to lay out is one of high irony, for it is a story of how—roughly a 
decade ago—John Kerry, the Democrats' presidential candidate, allied himself 
with Dick Cheney, George Bush's vice president, on a critical issue—Vietnam 
prisoners of war. 
Cheney was then the Secretary of Defense for the 
first President Bush, and Kerry, then as now a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, 
had been named to head the specially created Senate Select Committee on 
P.O.W.–M.I.A. Affairs. The committee's life ran for nearly a year and a 
half—from August 1991 to January 1993, when its final report was issued. 
It was a voluminous, 1,223-page tome that said, 
in its brief executive summary, that beyond the 591 men returned in 1973 after 
the Nixon administration signed its peace treaty with Hanoi, "a small number" 
may still have been held in captivity, but that there was "no compelling 
evidence that proves" any of these men were still alive in 1993. Evidence but 
not compelling enough. Evidence but no proof. The summary read like a 
pinch-minded legal brief. 
Amazingly, the 1,000-plus pages of the body of 
the report repeatedly challenged the summary, spelling out in detail instance 
after instance of stark evidence that Hanoi had held back not "a small number" 
but a very sizable contingent of American prisoners, probably for a ransom that 
never came. Documents unearthed by the committee staff put the number in the 
hundreds, maybe as many as 700. 
Kerry's collaboration with Cheney was not 
something that took place in public. They didn't appear together or hold joint 
press conferences. Mostly, Cheney kept out of sight. Nonetheless, the two of 
them were working closely together. In effect, Kerry made the Department of 
Defense a virtual partner in the probe. 
For example, Kerry had his top aide, committee 
chief of staff Frances Zwenig, specifically coordinate and orchestrate the 
panel's public hearings with Defense Department officials—even though the 
Defense Department was supposed to be the main agency under investigation for 
covering up the existence of the prisoners. 
In a memorandum for the record, one staffer 
protested: "Speaking for the other investigators, I can say we are sick and 
tired of this investigation being controlled by those we are supposedly 
When committee staffers complained that the 
Pentagon was withholding pivotal P.O.W. documents, Cheney in response wrote a 
letter to his subordinates telling them to give the committee everything it 
wanted. It was a wink-wink letter. The stonewalling continued right up to the 
committee's expiration. The Pentagon never turned over the key documents. Kerry, 
afterward, said the Pentagon's cooperation had been exemplary. 
As the panel's final report was being written, 
the lobbying by interested parties was intense. The Pentagon was the heaviest 
lobbyist, and it had an inside track to Kerry. It was chief of staff Zwenig who, 
on Kerry's instructions, personally shepherded the Pentagon's alterations into 
the report. None of these insertions was identified as coming from the Pentagon. 
Anyone reading those passages would assume the committee had written them. 
Cheney's motives were obvious. He and the first 
President Bush—and all the other presidents since Nixon—have continued the 
cover-up, realizing the political immensity of leaving these men behind and 
afraid of the public firestorm that would ensue if they revealed the truth. 
Powerful reputations and governments have fallen for far less serious wrongs. 
So, across seven presidencies and 31 years, official Washington has insisted on 
this inglorious national "secret." 
Sadly, the mainstream press, with few 
exceptions, has gone along with the government's story, rarely digging beneath 
the surface. They, like most Americans, were anxious to bury the Vietnam 
Kerry's motives for burying the truth largely 
remain a mystery. All one can tell from the record is that at some point fairly 
early in the committee's life, he began talking about the importance of putting 
the war behind us and 

[CTRL] Fw: [wtpatltotrtf] Publisher launches 'youth Bible' - a tale of sex and masturbation

2004-08-08 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Tango 
To: john brooks ; betty 
nelson ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Jim Rarey ; Jeff 
Shumate ; Sean Haugh ; Dale Merrick ; Jobe Smith ; Dan 
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: Fw: [wtpatltotrtf] Publisher launches 'youth Bible' - a 
tale of sex and masturbation

Publisher launches 'youth Bible' - a tale 
of sex and masturbationBy Elizabeth 
Day(Filed: 08/08/2004)
Sex is "fulfilling," masturbation is "difficult to resist" and 
Mary Magdalene "had something of a dodgy past". A new "youth Bible" which talks 
frankly about pornography and lust has been condemned by traditionalists for 
"dumbing down the message of salvation".

The Contemporary English Version Youth Bible, jointly published 
by The Bible Society and Collins - which also publishes more traditional 
versions of The Bible - is written in modern idiom and includes a number of 
extra passages penned by contemporary authors on "youth issues".
The passage on pornography advises teenagers "to avoid the top 
shelf of the newsagents, [and] pray as you surf [the internet]". A section on 
masturbation cites St Paul's exhortation in Thessalonians not to be "a slave of 
your desires", but admits that "it can provide a release".
Exam anxiety can be dealt with by "praying for a bit of calm and 
a good memory!" while adolescents confused by their sexuality are reminded that 
"today's world is a sexual free market".
Young people are also told to look at the parable of Jesus 
turning water into wine in the context of first-century Palestine. "Riding a 
donkey after a drink was less dangerous than drinking and driving today," it 
says. "Jesus made up to 160 gallons of wine at Cana, but would he have made 
anything that would intoxicate or bring harm to anyone?"
The updated version has caused consternation among 
traditionalists, who argue that the Bible should not be tampered with. The Rev 
John Roberts, the general secretary of the Lord's Day Observance Society, said 
that the Bible should fight the increasing secularism of society, rather than 
embrace it.
"Our society has never been so open so you don't need to use the 
Bible to teach people about these things," Mr Roberts said. "The Bible is a book 
that one shouldn't denigrate with this kind of sleazy language. This is 
gimmicky, and it is a real worry.
"We need to be very careful we don't lose all concept of what the 
Bible is about by trying to make God 'pally'. He is not pally, He is too great 
to be brought down to our level."
John Medlin, the development manager of the Latin Mass Society, a 
Catholic society that strives for authentic worship, claimed that the 
traditionalist wing of the Roman Catholic Church was growing worldwide precisely 
because it did not offer this sort of "watered-down faith".
"Traditionalist Catholics have very little interest in such 
material and do not see the point of it," he said. "The fullness of the message 
of salvation is contained in the Bible for believing Christians, and I see no 
point in attempting either to add to it or to dumb it down for a contemporary 
audience that is desperately seeking transcendence.It is patronising. It speaks 
of a certain lack of morals in the persons producing these sort of dumbed-down 
Bibles. What we need to do is to offer it whole and untouched to youngsters in 
their contemporary world. They are desperately searching for someone to offer 
them a goal towards which to strive." The Contemporary English Version Youth 
Bible, edited by Nick Page, a Christian journalist and author, will cost 
A spokesman for Collins said that the Bible "had changed with the 
times". "Sex, addiction, eating disorders, masturbation, bullying - most kids 
have to deal with this and if a modern Youth Bible is to remain a truthful guide 
to how to live a Christian life, it just can't duck them," she said.
"Shame, confusion, embarrassment can't have a part in what we set 
out if we are to be credible at helping young people get more out of the Bible - 
and their lives."
The Bible Society is dedicated to making the Bible accessible to 
people across the world. It is supported by donations from churches of different 
denominations including the Church of England.
Philip Poole, the deputy chief executive of The Bible Society, 
said the society "supports the way Collins is helping young people understand 
how the Bible can speak into their lives today".

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[CTRL] A George W. Bush Intelligence Czar Is Obviously an Oxymoron

2004-08-08 Thread world vu
-Caveat Lector-
'A George W. Bush Intelligence Czar Is Obviously an Oxymoron' by Lyndon H.
LaRouche, Jr.
Released by LaRouche PAC on Aug. 3, 2004.
The fact that there are some rather large loopholes in the present
organization of the U.S.A.'s intelligence-security system, is no excuse for
the current tendency to plunge, stupidly and recklessly, into rushed efforts
to create an intelligence czar. Idiot! Get your fat foot off that gas
pedal! There is no need to rush into surrendering the powers of government
to some alleged superman. The U.S. does not need a Heinrich Himmler.
In fact, our nation does not have any need for the re-election of that
pathetic George W. Bush who proposes that, he, now, shall create the Great
Golem of national security, the man of mud, to save us all. One Mussolini,
one Hitler, one Francisco Franco, one Iron Guard, were each already much too
much. In fact, Golem or no Golem, the slide into national bankruptcy under
one term of George W. Bush, was itself already much too much.
Better leave the decisions about intelligence reorganization to the
leadership of a new President, until a new day, come January 2005, after the
completed work of the 9-11 Commission has dealt with those most crucial
issues not yet touched upon by its presently uncompleted investigation.
Nonetheless, without waiting any longer for those further inquiries, there
are several important conclusions which I report now, on the subject of the
proposal for reorganizing the top-most structures of our nation's security
1. The '9-11 Commission' Report Itself
To begin with, in the real world there exists no such species as the
international terrorism which George W. claims to have seen in his
visions. The effects which he has blamed upon international terrorism,
are, chiefly, an assortment of actions belonging to the modern
military-science classification of properly called asymmetric warfare,
irregular warfare, or, in German, Kleinkrieg. The reported act of
terrorism, as a bomb-like effect, is not a perpetrator, but only an effect;
the cause of that which produces the effect, is another matter. Those
deployed to assume the disguise of terrorists, are used like a bomb; those
agents have a father, who uses them, a father which poor President Bush's
delusional outbursts do more to protect, than to expose.
The frequent cause of such effects, asymmetric or irregular warfare,
includes such examples as the warfare used in defense against the U.S.A.
deployment in the 1964-1972 U.S. War in Indo-China. It includes what the
U.S.A. and the United Kingdom organized, using instruments such as their
recruit Osama bin Laden, for asymmetric warfare launched against the Soviet
forces in Afghanistan back during the time ever-naughty Samuel P.
Huntington's confederate Zbigniew Brzezinski was incumbent National Security
Advisor. When we plunge into global asymmetric warfare, enhanced with
threatened use of nuclear weapons, as Vice-President Dick Cheney has done
since Day One of the present G.W. Bush Administration, we bring the risks of
asymmetric warfare, sooner or later, intimately into our own backyard.
Our nation were better protected, when we cease using the words
international terrorism, when we should be using the alternative terms
asymmetric or irregular warfare.
The obvious task of domestic national security, is to get rid of both those
presently most common causes for the risks of asymmetric warfare, and of
such relevant carriers of that mass-murderous disease, as Dick Cheney; the
objective should be, to push those factors of risk out of the territory of
the U.S.A. and out of our nation's and partners' vital interests abroad.
Rather than entertaining proposed magical, Golem-like solutions for the
problems of our present intelligence-security organization, we should weigh,
very critically, the three, respectively distinct, leading features of the
report of the 9-11 Commission.
Admittedly, some very good people have served on that Commission. However,
they have been operating under two great impediments:
First, the obvious, concentrated demand for a cover-up from the relevant
sources associated with the George W. Administration, especially Cheney's
circles of neo-conservative chickenhawks.
The associated cause for that appearance of a cover-up, more significant,
but less readily noticed, is not organizational, but cultural.
The chief difficulty hampering the attempts to maintain competent
intelligence-security functions, has been the effect of the moral and
intellectual degeneration of the popular, increasingly
recreation-rather-than-reality-oriented culture of the Baby-Boomer
generation. This generation is gripped by a careening custom of sophists'
almost instinctive, reckless disregard for truth, practiced under pressures
to go along to get along. This pervasive avoidance of truthfulness, in
favor of perceived personal convenience and spin, has made it difficult
for even the best among the relevant circles to cope with 

[CTRL] priest accused of killing nun, KY nuns, disabled abused, US doctors and torture

2004-08-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for violent articles 

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Trial date set for priest accused of killing nun 8/6/04 ""Father Robinson, 66, who was not present for the hearing, has pleaded not guilty of choking to death and stabbing Sister Margaret Ann in the hospital. Her body was found April 5, 1980, in the sacristy of a chapel. She was strangled, then stabbed up to 32 times in what investigators called a ceremonial killing."

Focus of Catholic sexual abuse suits now includes nuns by Ellen R. Stapleton AP 8/2/04 Louisville, Ky. "The Roman Catholic sexual abuse crisis has focused primarily on molestation by priests, but in Louisville, more than 20 people are now suing an order of nuns that staffed an orphanage decades ago. While most experts agree the incidence of abuse by nuns has been much less frequent than with male clergy, the phenomenon has been gaining some attention recently. The initial lawsuit against the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth was brought by seven plaintiffs July 15, just over a year after 243 people reached a $25.7 million settlement with the Archdiocese of Louisville over abuse claims. Herman J. Lammers, a longtime Catholic Charities director who was accused by two of those plaintiffs, was the resident chaplain at St. Thomas-St. Vincent Orphanage, which the sisters ran from 1952 until it closed in 1983. Lammers died in 1986. The recent complaints have been filed mostly by women who say Lammers raped or molested them. But there are also allegations against more than 10 nuns.",0,5074042.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

Study highlights sexual abuse of disabled "A study by four Dublin-based psychologists has reportedly found that more than 120 people with intellectual disabilities are sexually abused in Ireland every year. Reports this morning said the study by the psychologists at St Michael's House in Dublin found that more than half of the abuse was perpetrated by another disabled person. One-quarter of cases reportedly involved another family member and 10% involved a member of care staff."
describes torture - Volume 351:415-416  July 29, 2004   Number 5
Doctors and Torture
Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. 
"There is increasing evidence that U.S. doctors, nurses, and medics have been complicit in torture and other illegal procedures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay. Such medical complicity suggests still another disturbing dimension of this broadening scandal. We know that medical personnel have failed to report to higher authorities wounds that were clearly caused by torture and that they have neglected to take steps to interrupt this torture. In addition, they have turned over prisoners' medical records to interrogators who could use them to exploit the prisoners' weaknesses or vulnerabilities. We have not yet learned the extent of medical involvement in delaying and possibly falsifying the death certificates of prisoners who have been killed by torturers. A May 22 article on Abu Ghraib in the New York Times states that "much of the evidence of abuse at the prison came from medical documents" and that records and statements "showed doctors and medics reporting to the area of the prison where the abuse occurred several times..."
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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