-Caveat Lector-


An interesting Federal Court proceedings.


MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, may I offer this?

THE COURT: Exhibit 5 is received.

MR. DECAMP: Thank you, Your Honor.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) You mentioned parties, pictures, a lot of pictures
apparently took for Larry?

A. Oh, yes.

Q. Is that correct? When I was in Oregon during the 45 minutes I had I saw
more pictures than I thought could exist in a whole museum in a lifetime. And
diaries apparently written by you, is that correct?

A. Yes. I always kept notebooks. I have a full sized one similar to this
numbered from I to 28 so I have every hour of the day. And for the most part
I've tried to keep them accurate unless I was doing something to where it may
come back and haunt me. Like providing things for Gary Caradori or things
like that I would cover the diary up by doing something so if somebody picked
it up to read through it they wouldn't see that I was the one who provided
something and Id be tracked down.

Q. Rusty, these pictures and diaries, III be honest with you, I've seen some
of the things in the limited amount of time and I have never seen anything
such detail. Do you really write every day down like this?

A. Every day. I've got one sitting in my knapsack back here. Every hour. I
can tell you pretty much what I've done within the hour usually within 15

Q. These diaries dated back to when you were with Larry King?

A. Keeping diaries since high school.

Q. If these pictures and these diaries were turned over to us or to the court
so we could go through them, you could go through them, would you be able to
provide more information possibly to this court or --

A. Oh yes.

Q. -- or any court or U. S. Attorney on some events if they still exist?

A. Yes, I do believe.

MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, I'm not sure how to make this request, there's any
way this court could refer that to the judge out there, a county judge
offered to preserve them and turn them over to us eventually to me for a case
, but they've since got entangled. I'm not sure how you do it. Any way this
court could get that material ordered turned over to us? To a U. S. Attorney
or somebody that could look at it.

THE COURT: Well, I don't see any way. But I suppose the major concern I have
is that the sole purpose of this hearing is to determine how much money would
compensate Mr. Bonacci for whatever Mr. King did to him.

MR. DECAMP: I understand that, Your Honor. Just hopeful some of the other
things that are of even more paramount --

THE COURT: They may be to you, you see, but for this lawsuit, this hearing, I
can I say there's anything more paramount than that.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) Are there any other pictures here, a picture, would you
identify this one?

A. Those are the same two you submitted.

Q. Blowups of those others?

A. Yeah.

Q. Do you have other pictures other than the ones in Oregon secreted
anywhere, hidden?

A. I hid them, if they still exist. I have no idea. I haven't been back.

Q. But there are other pictures?

A. Yes, there are.

Q. Would they include any of those you gave Gary Caradori?

A. I believe so. Some of them I had copies of. I had a dark room out in my
farm. And some of the things I would make copies of. More than one.
Photocopies of some of the things or whatever. And they were placed in
hopefully protective situations to where weather and such wouldn't get to
them. They're in very difficult places to --

Q. Do you recognize this picture?

A. Yes.

Q. Identify it.

A. That's one of the private jets and limousines we threw, or we flew in on
this private jet.

Q. Who's in the picture?

A. That was the captain, I believe Larry King is the one standing in back of
the limousine here. As for the other people, they're already inside. And I
think that was taken at Dulles airport.

Q. Dallas or Dulles?

A. Dulles, out by Washington.

Q. Dulles?

A. Yeah.

Q. And when would it have been taken if you know?

A. Spring of 88. That's when the majority of this went on was in the winter
and spring of 88.

MR. DECAMP: Like to offer this, Your Honor.

THE COURT: It will be Exhibit 6. It's received.

MR. DECAMP: No further questions unless you have some final comments or
observation you'd like to make that you want to get to a judge in a court.

A. That's basically it from me right now. There's so much that's went on it's
hard to bring everything up all in this short of a time. And copy of it all.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) When did you learn you were possibly coming here? Was it

A. Oh, right now?

Q. Yes.

A. I've been trying to get back for almost a couple of years now to do this.
And they've hampered everything I've done.

Q. When did you learn that I had made, when did you --

A. Wednesday late afternoon.

Q. So Wednesday late afternoon?

A. Finally got through to a different parole officer to where she gave the
okay. I don I know who got to her or what. But the whole attitude changed
night and day. About what I, what I was, had to offer. And what I was trying
to accomplish. So --

Q. And you're aware of the fact that I first learned of your existence for
real by being called by the Oregon State Patrol?

A. I think that was Detective Pogge got ahold.

Q. Detective Rader was his name.

A. Rader.

Q. And did you have a copy of this book in your possession?

A. Yeah. My brother had overnighted me a copy when I was in San Diego.

Q. And was looking in there that he identified your name?

A. Yes.

Q. As, is that correct?

A. Yes. As associated with this. And at that point everything just went, they
clamped down on me so hard. They put me in solitary cell. I mean, it was just
one thing to the other. They would come in and either send me to the doctor
or have somebody come in to talk to me. And they tell me, okay, you did this,
you did that, and they'd just drill me, whatever I had supposedly done. And
then they'd send me back to my cell and let me sit. Or they'd get you in and
the doctor would put you on medication, they pushed psychotic drugs
unbelievable, way more than what should have been for depression, whatever
else. They wanted everybody in that unit or whatever unit I've been in to get
in that med line every time so they could get them dependent on the drugs.
You could tell that you were getting ready to go to court if you had anything
that was controversial, people had things that were controversial or trying
to fight their cases, they could discontinue their drugs or for some reason
screw up the orders a day, two, three days ahead of time. And then they would
be totally out of balance when they went to court. You know, it was pressure
tactics that were, you know, unbelievable. I'd never been in any kind of a
situation like that. I have no idea what to expect. I've been just

MR. DECAMP: Okay. I have no further questions, Your Honor. Like to offer a
copy of this book since it was the thing that generated.

THE COURT: It will be Exhibit 7. It's received. Did you ever have any
association with Paul Bonacci?

THE WITNESS: I knew who he was.

THE COURT: I'm sorry?

THE WITNESS: I knew who he was.

THE COURT: How did you know who he was?

THE WITNESS: Through Larry King.

THE COURT: Through Larry King.

THE WITNESS: Larry King.

THE COURT: Larry King talk about him?


THE COURT: What did he say?

THE WITNESS: He wanted me to take pictures of Paul, various other children or
various other people.

THE COURT: Did he say why?

THE WITNESS: In compromising position, you know, sexual type things. Actually
Larry wanted me to do a gay porn and kiddie porn for him and he pushed that
so hard. And he, you know, pointed out Paul and tried to get things in that
case. You know, he wanted me to go with Paul and that. I have no inclination
towards being homosexual, anything like that. I avoided wherever possible
that I could.

THE COURT: Did you take any pictures of Paul Bonacci as far as you know?

THE WITNESS: I may have. I may have. I don't, you know, without going
through, I have got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of
pictures in 20 years, it's hard to keep track of just one or two.

THE COURT: Okay. Thank you very much. You may stand down, sir.

THE WITNESS: Appreciate it.

THE COURT: Okay. Mr. DeCamp?

MR. DECAMP: Your Honor, the next witness I'd want to call is Paul Bonacci.

THE COURT: All right.

THE CLERK: Sir, would you state your full name and spell your last name,

THE WITNESS: Paul Anthony Bonacci, B-o-n-a-c-c-i.

THE CLERK: Paul Anthony Bonacci, B-o-n-a-c-c-i.

PAUL BONACCI, Called as a witness, being duly sworn, testified as follows:


Q. Paul, I had originally planned to just go through detail of everything in
the petition. For the purposes, as I understand it, of this hearing all that
is presumed to be true.

MR. DECAMP: Is that correct, Your Honor?

THE COURT: Yes, that's right. That's acceptable.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) So for my purposes today I just want to briefly talk to
you about how your life has been impacted, changed if you would, by Larry
King. And all the things that he involved you in as a young boy. Go ahead.

A. Well, when I first met Larry King and stuff I had already been abused by
some other people. But the one thing that I can remember a lot, Larry King,
the most was the fact of all the threats that he used to use to try to keep
all us kids in.

THE COURT: Sorry, didn't understand.

A. All he, Larry King, after I first met him and stuff he --

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) Speak slowly and clearly, Paul.

A. He was very controlling. And he would use threats of, he was always
threatening you if you told anybody that you would wind up dead. Several
times he told us that we'd end up dead of overdose and stuff, even though a
lot of the drugs people were, you know, that he was threatening to overdose
me with I wouldn't even go around. I mean, I got, he was one that supplied me
with most of the drugs I did, which was mainly just like speed and uppers and
downers and stuff. After a while that's how I got up in the morning, how I
went to bed at night, was because of the drugs and stuff. And that was mainly
to mask the abuse that I was going through. And Larry King took us on a lot
of trips. I mean, I can't even begin to number how many trips I went on. With
Larry King to Washington, D. C., to Kansas City, Chicago, up into Minnesota
and Los Angeles. He always insisted when we went places he was always
concerned about the way we were dressed a lot of times. If we weren't dressed
properly he would make us, he would send us out with Larry The Kid or with
one of the other older guys and stuff to a store and they would be given
either cash or credit cards and stuff to where they were, purchase whatever
he wanted us to wear. And at his parties, which we a lot of his parties were
at the Twin Towers, or his house, or in Washington, D. C., any city we're in
he had us go to a lot of parties. He would bring guys in and stuff that he
would tell us that we supposed to, what we were supposed to do with them. And
we went in and did what we were told to do. And he, every, if anyone ever
tried to get out of line or tried to leave or said they were going to tell
anybody or stuff he would, I got, he would threaten us with the fact that,
you know, we could wind up dead or we'd end up in jail. That was his big
threat was, well, you will be charged with something that you didn't do or I
can get anybody to say anything I want for the right amount of money. And he
also used the fact that he had, he was close associate or good friend with
Alan Baer and also with Police Chief Wadman. And I had already met, you know,
I'd met Alan Baer through on the streets and stuff. But he would use the fact
that Alan Baer had more contacts than he did even with the fact that Alan
Baer had more legitimate money, he liked to put it. It wasn't money that
could be documented and nobody could question it. And with Wadman he would
basically use that as a threat that, you know, I could have you killed or
anything could happen to you and, you know, you'll just disappear like all
the others have. And I know at that, in 83 my stepfather died and I had
contacted both Alan Baer and Larry King and told them I wanted no more to do
with the parties and with any of it. And I told them, you know, they could
kill me, and that would be over with and stuff. In fact, a day or two later,
which can be testified to by my mother, and my brothers and stuff, we were at
my grandmother's house down on about 29th and Park Avenue. And a car drove by
and somebody yelled something that nobody else understood, but I did. And our
car was shot. And I was standing right by the car, it went into the door that
was maybe a foot or two right next to me. And at first everybody thought it
was a, you know, somebody thrown a firecracker, it was just around the 4th of
July. And, but I knew because I had seen the guy's face and it was a guy that
we called Larry The Kid. And the window was busted on the car. And I saw the
bullet, I was the first one to see the bullet hole. My mom and them called
the police. And at that time and stuff we, I just let it go as to the fact
that it could have been, I didn't say possibly who it was at all because that
was a message to me that I had better keep my mouth shut that, you know, I
would definitely be killed. And on a lot of the trips that he took us on and
stuff he had us, I mean, I met some people that I don't feel comfortable
telling their name because I don't want to --

Q. Are you still scared?

A. Yes.

Q. And you asked me not to question you about family or any of these
influence things in your life because you don't want anybody injured, is that

A. Yes.

Q. Do you still have multiple personalities?

A. Yes, I do. I will always probably have both the personalities. I mean, I
can, it's easy to live with now because I don I have any traumatic things to
cause me to switch personalities which would really do me a whole lot of
harm. But I know that even with my affiliation with Larry King and stuff, I
know for a fact now to myself that he knew about the MPD and also was in
touch with and was one of my controllers.

Q. You've had three separate psychiatrists examine you, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And were each of these psychiatrists hired and paid for by the State of
Nebraska or one of subdivisions of the State of Nebraska?

A. Yes.

Q. And were they hired to determine whether you really did or did not have
multiple personalities?

A. The first psychiatrist was Dr. Beverley Mead and he first was involved
when I first went to jail. Because at that time and stuff they said that I
was probably under a lot of anxiety and stuff because of the charge and
stuff. And he examined me and I don I even remember the first time he
examined me, I don I remember until about the fourth or fifth time he
examined me. Because every time he examined me until one time he had me just
kind of relax and just, and it was the first time it came out while he was
out, or I was out, the other personalities were not, he told me that I had
MPD and stuff. This is like after he talked to me four or five times and
stuff and said in talking to me and stuff, I came to that time I was shocked
about where I was at. Because up until that point I hadn't even realized I
was in jail as Paul, I was always another personality that had handled
everything and stuff. This was like about three to four weeks after I'd been
arrested and I didn't even, I hadn't gone, I mean, I had no idea about any of
it. And, but, he was the one that first diagnosed me with the MPD. And

Q. Can you stop just a minute?

A. Yeah.

Q. I'm not talking to Paul, am I?

A. No.

Q. Who am I talking to?

A. I used to be known as Wesley but now I'm called Tony.

THE COURT: I'm sorry, you're who?

A. Used to be Wesley, now my name is Tony.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) Why is Wesley here?

A. Because I figure it's best if I tell it because lot of things Paul just
doesn't want to have to go through a lot of times.

Q. Understand.

A. I'm having a hard time because I knew everything that was going on, and I
failed to stop it.

Q. You failed to stop it, Wesley?

A. Yes.

Q. Right? Do you remember Dr. Mead?

A. Yes.

Q. Dr. Mead was the first psychiatrist you saw, wasn't he?

A. Yes.

Q. Dr. Mead on behalf of the police department examined you, is that correct?

A. Yes. He said that the police wanted to take me over to St. Joseph Hospital
where they could have me placed under hypnosis to see if everything that I
was saying, so they could get out the details a little bit more easily.

Q. But before you ever went under any hypnosis is it not true that you had
repeatedly told your story, the story of Larry King, of Franklin, of Alan
Baer, the abuse and everything from the beginning, is that true?

A. Yeah. First in 1986 it was, I think May 20, no, it was 8th, April, I
believe around the first of the month and stuff of 1986 and stuff I had
gotten contacted by Northwest High School that I had, because I had missed
approximately 80 days that semester. And they wanted to know if I was going
to drop out of school. And they requested that I come in to the school and
have a meeting with the vice principal and my assistant, my counselor, Dr.
Wiedemeyer, actually Wiedemeyer, and also lady named Diane Zipay who was, at
that time and stuff, she was a district counselor for OPS schools. And the
three of them talked to me briefly and told me that my ex-girlfriend at that
time and stuff, Nancy Owens, not related to Alisha Owen at all, not even the
same spelling of the name, but Nancy Owen had spilled her guts to her mother.
And her mother contacted the school because I had told Alisha --not Alisha
Owen, Nancy Owen, easy to get those the two names confused -- but Nancy Owen
that what -- because we were dating and this kind of stuff, I had informed
her about the sexual abuse that I had gone through. And I had mentioned that
if it ever came out and stuff I'd be dead because of the, because of the
people who were involved were, had a lot of -- trying to think of the word --
a lot of, they were really public people in Omaha. And they also had a lot of
money. And it was at that time and stuff that my counselor asked me if I ever
--when I went in for the meeting and stuff, he asked me had I ever been
abused. And at that point and stuff I asked my mother to leave the room.
Cause she was there too. I asked her to leave the room. And I told the
counselors in essence everything that, most of the stuff that had happened
and who had abused me. At that point they stopped it, they called the Omaha
Police Department, who had already been contacted in advance of that I was
told because they said they were waiting to speak with me. And they sent down
two detectives, plainclothesed detectives and stuff. Who spent a period of
almost two hours at the school in the principal's office, or vice principal's
office at that time, now he's principal, James Bell, who was the vice
principal at that time, and they questioned me. And at that time I told them
about just about everybody who had abused me. I named all the names and then
they -- kind of got scared because one of the detectives kind of looked
familiar but hadn't said a word up until he asked me a question and stuff. As
soon as I heard his voice, that it's, basically scared me to death because at
that point I realized that he was one of the police officers that I had seen
at a lot of the parties with Alan Baer and Larry King at the Twin Towers. And
at that point I panicked and I made up a story that I can I believe I made
up, that I had had a gun and I was down in the woods down by my house and I
had attempted, thought about shooting myself, then I decided I wasn't going
to. At that point they stopped it and had me taken the Nebraska Psychiatric
Institute where I stayed for 38 days And they, you know, supposedly because I
was suicidal, which wasn't the truth, I was just scared to death that if word
got back to Alan Baer or Larry King that I was as much as a dead man. My life
wasn't worth anything at that point. I figured if I made like I'm crazy or
something maybe they'll just go away and leave me alone. And for the most
part they did. They tried to erase they even came to the school.

Q. Okay. Let me just stop you there. You heard Noreen Gosch testify this
morning, right?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you remember meeting her in prison?

A. I remember meeting her, yeah.

Q. Who would have been the personalities that would have talked to Noreen

A. That would have been, I believe at that time and stuff, one that was
called Mikey.

Q. That's what I thought.

A. And he's integrated and stuff and I have all his memories.

Q. You believe Mikey's integrated?

A. Yes.

Q. You really believe that?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. Dr. Mead, after he examined you, told the courts and the
legislature, as I recall, and he testified before the legislature with you
and I think that's part of your exhibits, part of your pleadings, that you
had multiple personalities but that he believed your story. Is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Then you were examined by another psychiatrist ordered by the courts I

A. Yeah. That was, she was from Immanuel, her mind slips me. Doc -- Stark?
Dr. Stark or something like that, I'm not positive.

Q. Do you remember that examination?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Do you remember what the results were there?

A. She concluded just as Dr. Mead did that I had multiple personality
disorder and everything. They basically told me everything I said was true
that I told her.

Q. Did you then have another examination by another doctor?

A. Yes, I did.

Q. Was that one paid for and ordered by the legislature of the State of

A. Yes, it was.

Q. Do you remember the name of that doctor?

A. Dr. Densen-Gerber.

Q. And it's my recollection, you correct me if I'm wrong, that you had
extensive interviews with Dr. Densen-Gerber, is that correct?

A. Yeah. She came down and started several, I don't remember how it was,
several hours, she went through many different personalities. And she, I
don't know why she did it, but she had attempted to, several times and stuff,
to have me say things that weren't true. But I corrected her every time
because I wanted it to be known that, you know, what the truth was. And I
found out later she did that on purpose, I believe to try and trip me up to
see if I was telling a story if I was just making stuff up.

Q. Do you remember the conclusions she gave?

A. Yes, she came up with the same conclusion the other two psychiatrists had
come up with.

Q. They believed you had been turned into multiple personalities as a result
of sexual and other types of abuse, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And that this had occurred at the hands of particularly Larry King and
some of the other people you've named, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. I want to go back to the Johnny Gosch story. Who would be the best person
that could tell me about that?

A. Me.

Q. Wesley?

A. Yes.

Q. And you believe Wesley can today because Mikey is integrated, is that

A. Yes.

Q. Did you participate in the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch?

A. Yes.

Q. Tell us about it.

A. It was through a guy named Emilio that I had met several years before
while my family lived in Carter Lake, which I had met him down in, there's a,
I don I even know what the name of that park is, I think might be Levi
Carter, not really important, it's between the pond and big actual lake and
stuff. I met Emilio through a kid that I had met down at the park and stuff.
His name was Mike, or we called him Mikey too sometimes, but mainly Mike. He
was approximately my age. And he told me about his friend and stuff. And when
they, in talking to me and stuff they found out I had been abused and stuff,
Mike had and stuff, he went, told Emilio. It was at this point Emilio started
to begin to use me to go to these, not really parties, but just like, like
child pornography, that's what his main thing was was making child porn.
That's how he basically supported himself. And it was shortly after that that
they asked me to go on a trip with them to Des Moines. And I believe that was
around Labor, September, we left on September 4th of 82. And we went to Des
Moines. We stayed there in a hotel which 1, all I know is it was on the, on
the west side of Des Moines. And we, they went through what they were going
to do. At first I didn't know what they were there for. The first thing, this
one guy came in and says this is the one. And I at that point still had no
clue as to what they were talking about and stuff. They said that, you know,
they were going to take this kid, they were going to kidnap him and stuff.
And I was a little bit upset. And I said that I wasn't wanting to go along
with them. And I'm going to try to tell this in the best order that I can so
that it's complete and put all the personalities together because I think in
the past it's all been broken up. And I think what I need to do is put it
altogether finally. And I can do that, the other personalities couldn't. What
happened was when they took us to Des Moines, after found out, it was still
early in the afternoon and stuff.

Q. Who are we talking to?

A. Still Wesley. And it was still early in the afternoon and stuff by the
time we got there.
This guy said this is the one they wanted and stuff. I as, I don ~ remember
which personality it was, didn't want anything to do with it. Emilio took me
for a little drive, stuck a gun in my head on a dirt road and told me I
either did this or he was going to blow my brains out right there and then.
At that point I agreed to go along with whatever, you know, they 'want and
stuff. Went back to the hotel. That's where Tony, who is another guy, not me,
he was an older guy and stuff. He had a lot of pock marks on his face, kind
of skinny. He also can pose as a woman, which he has done on numerous
occasions. He or Tony, myself, and Mike went into the other hotel room while
Emilio, this guy named Sam and another guy talked in the hotel room. And were
discussing, I guess, the details of how things were going to go down. Later
on brought all three of us back in, Tony, myself and Mike, and they put up
some chairs like it would be a car, and driving, and they said, this is how
we're going to do it. You and Mike will be in the back seat when we pull up
to where this kid's at and stuff, we're going to ask him a question.
We're going to go around the block. Which they did. Then they came back and
stuff and they had myself and Mike out of the car, or Mike was in the car, I
was out of the car and stuff. I went up to him, asked him a question. And at
that point he was close enough tothe car where Tony had pulled up in a van
and they pushed him in the car, and they had a rag with chloroform in the bag
that they had us stick over his face. And then put it back in the bag after
he was out. After that point they told all three of us to stay down in the
back seat so nobody could see us. I think it was also so we couldn't see out
to see where we were at. And at that point we drove several miles and stuff,
we met up with a station wagon and a van several times and stuff. Which I
know Tony was driving one of them, and this other guy, I believe name was Sam
was driving the other. Several times they had us switch vehicles with Johnny
and stuff. And eventually we ended up in the back of the van, a white van.
And we drove from there, the car that had originally taken Johnny and drove
east toward, they said that he was going to drive east toward like Chicago.
And the station wagon that we transferred him into and stuff, they were going
to have it driving going down south so that if anybody had seen anything and
stuff they'd have it going out in different directions. But what they did was
out in the country where there was nothing but corn fields and stuff where
you couldn't see anything, they stopped and transferred him into the van.
That's why nobody would ever see the actual vehicle that was going west
toward Omaha. And we did stop, we did go through Council Bluffs because they
made us stop at a place that I kind of know kind of well and stuff over in
Council Bluffs. It was, at the time I believe it was called The Joker Lounge,
which strangely enough is owned by, was owned by my, one of my uncles. And
they went in, they just went in to get some drinks. And nothing that went on
there. They left us out in the car. But that's when I peeked my head out.
Cause they had a curtain in the van where you couldn't see out the front and
they had curtains on the side on the side windows. It didn't have windows on
the back but it had some side windows on the side too. I peeked out, that's
when I seen The Joker Lounge and I recognized it because of the fact my uncle
owned it. And I'm not sure if it was Fat Jacks or The Joker at that time,
they've changed so many times. But then we drove up to Sioux City, Iowa.
Which is where we stayed for the night. And the next day they took me back to
Omaha. And --

Q. What happened that night?

A. That night at first Emilio and this couple other guys went into town to
drink. And they left me, Mike and Johnny in a room that had no windows on it.
That they had locked from the outside of the room and stuff. They lock us all
three in this room. And that night when they got back they ordered me and
Mike to do some things with, sexual things with Johnny. And they filmed it so
that they could sell the film or whatever they were going to do with it. And
then I know that they took me, the next day they took me back home. And then
a couple of months later I got a chance to take a trip out to Colorado. And
that's where I seen Johnny Gosch the second time. And at that point he was
staying with a guy that I only knew as the colonel. And it was a kind of a
ranch house but it was out, had a raised floor, underneath there was a space
that had been dug out. And that's where they kept some of the kids at and
stuff when they caused trouble or were bad. And they had a lot of lookouts on
this road and stuff. If anyone was to even get close to the place that the
kids could be taken up into the hills before anybody could ever get there. It
was also the same place that in 92 when 1, 1992 or early 93 when I got out of
prison where America's Most Wanted had taken myself and Roy Stephens to
Colorado and stuff to see if I could find any of these places where they had
taken us. And I had no idea that Roy had been in that same area. He'd never
found the house. He had found elephant rock and some other places that stood
out to, you know, would have stood out to anybody and stuff that had been in
this house, because it's visible from the house. And he had been down that
road. But I didn't find the main road that he, that you would think most
people would find, because when they took us to this house they always took
us up, I guess up the road and stuff where we have to take an old raggedy
bridge across I believe the Arkansas River and alongside the river. And when
they took us out there I was shocked, because as we were going on this road a
guy popped out of the middle of nowhere with a radio, which I'm sure they
could tell you that, this guy popped out and he had a radio and stuff. And I
have never told anybody up to this time and stuff, but that's one of the guys
who was involved.

Q. Involved in the kidnapping?

A. Involved in the kidnapping.

Q. Did you know who he was?

A. I never knew his name. All I know he was close friend with the Colonel and
arranged for auctions. And shortly, I mean, 1, shortly after we drove past
him he went back up into the woods I believe, made some calls. And that's why
we wouldn't have found nothing in that town. I think they knew in advance
that we were there because we'd stayed in some hotels and stuff going out
there and stuff. That I believe that they knew we were in the area and they
hightailed it out. Because when we went to the other road that I had
recognized and stuff we stopped at this guy's house who was a mailman. And
shortly after we left his house he was hightailing it down to the trailer
park which I had talked about. And I don't know, we don I know what happened
because we just seen his mail truck going down to the trailer park and it
wasn't a mail run because it was way too late for that.

Q. Okay, I'm going to interrupt you here because I know we probably want to
get to lunch here. I have just one more witness, might take probably three to
five minutes, I'd like to ask just a couple final questions. Alisha Owen, do
you know her?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Do you know Robert Wadman?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Do you know Alan Baer?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Do you know Larry King?

A. Yes, I do.

Q. Were all those people at these parties that you've heard described here

A. Yes, they were.

Q. Where were the parties?

A. Like I stated, a lot of them were at the Twin Towers. In various
apartments and penthouses. Some were at a farm house. Some were actually at
Larry King's house. Which was on a, all I know it had a big hill on it. It
was nice, nice house and stuff. Also down in Washington, D. C. We had parties
in Kansas City, couple of parties in some place in New York.

Q. What was the nature of these parties?

A. A lot of the parties when we went to, that we went to and stuff, the ones
in the Twin Towers were basically for one reason. And that was for sex.

Q. Sex between who?

A. There was sex between adult men and some other adult men but most of it
had to do with young boys and young girls.

Q. Young boys and young girls with each other or with older folks?

A. With the older folks. Also some of the parties, there was some parties
above The French Cafe that they would bring people in and stuff that were
from out of town. Those were specifically for sex with minors. Also in
Washington, D. C. there were, there was also parties like Rusty had already
talked about where there was parties after a party. Where they would have a
party where they would have a legitimate party with like some politicians,
businessmen. And a lot of them never knew about what happened at the after,
you know, the party afterwards and stuff. Like in Washington, D. C. there was
a lot of parties where they would be senators and congressmen who had nothing
to do with the sexual stuff. But there was some senators and congressmen who
stayed for the parties afterwards. And one person that I'm not afraid to talk
about because his, because Larry King always said him and this guy were on
the opposite ends of the field because this guy was a Democrat and Larry King
was a Republican. That's a known fact and stuff. And this guy, every time I
see him on TV and stuff, my wife knows my hatred for him. Because every time
I see him and stuff it disgusts me because it's --his name is Barney Frank.

Q. Did you have relationships with him?

A. Yes.

Q. Where?

A. In Washington, D. C. And also I was sent to a house, I believe it was in
Massachusetts in Boston where I believe it was his house because there's
pictures on the wall that, with him and with different people and stuff. And
that he had met I guess. But it was in his basement.

THE COURT: Mr. DeCamp, sorry, maybe we better break for lunch.

MR. DECAMP: Want to do it that way? Otherwise 15 minutes we can be done. We
can break for lunch, whatever you say.

THE COURT: I think we better break for lunch. Can we come back, what, 1:00

MR. DECAMP: Yes, Your Honor.

THE COURT: All right. Be in recess till 1:00.

(12:04 to 1:00 p.m., recessed.)

THE COURT: Mr. DeCamp.

MR. DECAMP: Yes, Your Honor. Your Honor, I think probably take 10, 12 minutes
with this witness, I have one other, then we should be done.

THE COURT: Very well.

Q. (By Mr. DeCamp) Do you understand you're still under oath?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. I just want to review a couple of the incidents of your life as
you've laid out in your petition and some of the things that have been
discussed here today. It's impossible for us to deal with anything more than
just some very limited areas. But back to the Johnny Gosch incident. How was
Johnny Gosch, how was this boy selected or was he selected specifically?

A. Well, the men came into the room, they had actually a couple of pictures,
they had about five different pictures and stuff. They had pictures of Johnny
and they also had pictures of other boys and stuff too. And the guy that I
believe was Sam pointed at the one of Johnny and said this is the one. How he
was selected I'm not exactly sure, but I know that they had several different
photographs. And I know of the photographs, the pictures of the boys and
stuff they had, one was of Johnny and stuff. He was carrying a paper sack
with him on one of the pictures that I seen for sure. I'm not exactly sure
how he was chosen or, you know. I know a lot of it had to do with the fact of
the way he looked. Because the color of his hair and his eyes and everything.
It could make them more money I guess. I --

Q. So it was not a random --
A. No.

Q. -- pick any kid, it was a specific targeted kid?

A. Yes.

Q. And he was identified the night before?

A. Yes.

Q. And you were with the people that did this?

A. Yes.

Q. And then you were used the next morning as a young, what, was one to lure
him or something?

A. It was kind of like a, I don't know exactly what I was called, it was just
more like I was, me and Mike were kind of used as bait. We were to -- because
it's like when you see other kids and stuff you don't normally run. I mean,
if an adult and stuff comes up and started asking a kid questions and stuff
often times kids will run and get scared and stuff. But kids your own age are
talking to you and stuff you normally aren't frightened by them. So we were
there to, I guess you could say lure him or get him close enough to the car
where we could get him in.

Q. Okay. You in an eight or nine day deposition we did discussed Alisha Owen,
discussed a lot of personalities, and discussed Robert Wadman. And you had
made a claim earlier under oath, as I recall, that you had seen Alisha Owen
with Robert Wadman, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And you were in fact charged with perjury because you made that statement
to a grand jury, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. And those charges were dismissed against you, weren't they?

A. Yes.

Q. I'm going to ask you again today, you're under oath again, you're in a
federal courtroom, did you ever see Robert Wadman with Alisha Owen?

A. Yes, I did. As I started to state earlier and stuff, I had seen them a
couple of times and stuff, like I said, at the farm house and also at an
apartment in the Twin Towers. And like I said, the one time in Twin Towers I
walked in on them. And actually caught them in bed together.

Q. So you're saying you personally, Paul Bonacci, at the Twin Towers saw
Police Chief Robert Wadman in bed with a girl we've come to know as Alisha
Owen, is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. Absolutely your certain?

A. One hundred percent.

Q. Did you see him with her in any other occasion in a compromising position?

A. Like I said, mainly just at the Twin Towers and stuff. And also at the
farm house I seen them a couple of times together. And I'm not sure I seen
them any other times besides that. I know some other personalities may have,
you know, said the one time happened different times or stuff, it was just
one occasion that they were actually in bed together that I seen them.

Q. And you say that knowing that Alisha Owen is in prison for saying that
same thing?

A. Yes.

Q. Are you lying?

A. No.

Q. You're sure?

A. I'm positive.

Q. And you know you're under oath?

A. Yes. I'm as positive as I'm sitting here today and stuff that I know I'm
one hundred percent sure that it was Robert Wadman and Alisha Owen.

Q. Did you know Alisha Owen?

A. I knew of her. I never really could stand her.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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