-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China boycott, round three



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Picking up where we left off …

Don't buy.

Judging by the avalanche of e-mail in support of boycotting Chinese-made
goods after last week's column – from the pastor in Iowa to the American
import-export businessman who is cutting off Beijing – a great many people
not only don't buy, they haven't bought for years.

Some first balked at "Made in China" after Tiananmen Square. Some started
after a senior Chinese official spoke of being able to hit Los Angeles with
nuclear missiles. Others joined over western corporations' headlong plunge
into the China market. Still others fell in step after reports of Chinese
gun-shipments to U.S. gangland criminals, China control of the Panama Canal,
the environmental horror being wreaked by the Three Gorges Dam and, of
course, the spy plane incident earlier this year.

Now, a great many seem to be joining up following news of officially
sanctioned Chinese videos and DVDs celebrating the attacks on the United
States (described in the past two "Retorts.") One reader forwarded last
week's column to 14,000 people.


Avoiding China products is not merely a principled act of patriotism, in the
wake of the anti-U.S. videos. There are a great many reasons to boycott.
There is the country's audacious insistence that Taiwan is a "renegade
province," plus the constant bullying and threatening of the stalwart little
democracy. (Please see my column, "The House Around The Corner.") There is
the tyrannical control of Tibet and promotion of a puppet high lama as the
spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism. There is Beijing's persecution and
murder of its own people, from the visionary students crushed by tanks in
Tiananmen Square to the peaceful Falun Gong sect. There is the shipment of
death technology to nations that support and/or sponsor terrorism.

Then there is the amoral rush by corporation after corporation to China –
egged on by the Clinton adminstration's rationale that capitalist values
might foment democratic ideals. While this notion could prove true
eventually, it seems utterly stifled by Beijing's grip on Chinese public
opinion through such propaganda devices as the recent "Attack America" video.
Do corporations care? Apparently not. Profit margins know little patriotism
or principle. Thus has Wal-Mart effectively become Wong-Mart.

"Do you know what's really sad?" wrote reader Damon Wolf. "I was in the toy
store the other day looking at Radio Flyer wagons. That is, until I saw the
familiar 'Made in China' stamp. This is supposed to be 'An American legend
since 1917!'"

Don't buy.

Here are the two most thought-provoking pieces of e-mail received after last
week's column: one from a supporter, and one from a detractor. Both make
valid points. Readers who doubt the effect one person might have should pay
attention to Steve Aukstakalnis:

"When I first learned of the video, I was outraged. It was then that I made
up my mind to cease doing business (in China)," wrote Aukstakalnis, "a
patriotic American" managing director of Two Tigers – an import-export
business with many clients in China.

Not only is Aukstakalnis cutting off the Big Dragon, but he is also urging
his "large client firms" to move to other Asian countries – "notably Taiwan
– a democratic country with free elections and a generous, compassionate
people." And this is not being done over the video/DVD matter alone:

"Out of the 56 countries I have visited in this world," said Aukstakalnis,
who speaks fluent Mandarin, "China can be found at the bottom of the list in
all respects. From the overall lack of the sanctity of life (in part a result
of a dense, under-educated population), to the slimy nature of the business
practices, the corruption, the outright, in-your-face arrogance, the deceit,
yada, yada, the place leaves much to be desired. I completely agree with the
call for a boycott, even at the expense of this business I have busted my
backside to build."

Now the equally impassioned words of a dissenter from Britain: "A boycott on
all Chinese goods – would not harm the government of China one iota," wrote
Richard Boardman. "The people who are likely to gain from the sales of these
goods abroad and locally are the ordinary people of China … the people who go
to work every day to produce these goods. These are the people who would be
harmed by a boycott – individuals, families, good people."

Boardman is right. Poor moms and kids slaving away at 18-hour-days to make
Disney "action figures" and Chanukah lights and Frosty the Snowman potholders
would suffer in a far-reaching boycott, and this is utterly heartbreaking.

But what to do? Take no action at all? Stand by and let Beijing continue to
bully, murder, pillage, threaten and play its underhanded, bellicose games?
Let corporations go their wanton ways?

Complex situations sometimes call for decisive action – otherwise, all is
compromised into ambiguity and inertia.

Any action that threatens the economy of China also threatens the policies of

In the long run, this is good for all people – including the quasi-slave
laborers turning out Radio Flyer red wagons.

Don't buy.



Rip Rense is a writer and columnist whose work has appeared in many
newspapers and magazines, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Los Angeles
Times, Chicago Tribune, Emmy Magazine, TV Guide, and Free China Review.

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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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