-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Congress Poised to Protect Troops From 'Bogus' International Trials
John Rossomando, CNSNews.com
Thursday, Dec. 20, 2001
A U.N.-sponsored treaty, designed to authorize the trial of war criminals,
needs the ratification of only 13 more nations before taking effect. But,
even before that happens, Congress appears poised to block the treaty's
jurisdiction over members of the U.S. military.
Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., fears the United Nations' International Criminal
Court (ICC) would allow Americans to be subject to "bogus, politicized
prosecutions" on foreign soil, stripping them of their rights under the U.S.

Helms' American Service Members Protection Act would restrict "U.S.
cooperation with the court, and would cut off foreign aid to any country that
ratifies the ... treaty," according to Senate Foreign Relations Committee
spokesman Lester Munson.

Earlier this month, the Senate voted 78-21 to attach a modified version of
Helms' legislation to the Defense Department appropriations bill.
Congressional conferees are now trying to reconcile the Senate and House
versions of the defense bill.

Long Arm of the U.N.

And, there is a new sense of urgency because 47 nations have already ratified
the treaty. Under terms of the treaty, negotiated in Rome in 1998, once 60
countries have approved the pact, it will automatically take effect and allow
the U.N. to claim jurisdiction even over countries that have chosen not to
ratify. Although not ratified by the U.S., former President Bill Clinton did
sign the treaty last year.

"The International Criminal Court would claim jurisdiction over U.S. troops
even if the United States doesn't ratify the treaty. That is a key fact that
a lot of people do not understand," Munson said.

According to Munson, if an indicted American service member were arrested in
a country that had ratified the treaty, that service member could be tried
before the ICC.

Attack on U.S. Freedom

"What it really does is have a chilling effect upon the freedom of
Americans," Munson said. "This court will have all sorts of unchecked
jurisdictions and that is one of the fundamental problems with the treaty and
with the court."

The ICC would be composed of 18 judges serving nine-year terms and selected
by nations that have ratified the treaty. Helms and other conservatives fear
those judges might be selected from Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and other
nations hostile to the United States. They are also concerned that American
troops currently dropping bombs on Afghanistan might be subject to ICC
prosecution for the inadvertent deaths of civilians.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court contends the ICC would not
pose a threat to American freedoms and sovereignty because the court's
statute limits its jurisdiction to serious war crimes.

"If any individual is indicted or pursued by the court and is in the custody
of the United States, the United States has the right under the Rome statute,
whether or not it's a ratifying party, to try that person themselves," said
John Washburn, convenor of Coalition for the International Criminal Court.

"The request ... must be granted by the court unless the court concludes that
the proceeding is a sham, or that the government in question really doesn't
have a legal system [or a] judicial system," Washburn said.

"The court is aimed at people like Pol Pot, Idi Amin and Milosevic," Washburn
said. "If such an American citizen was at home and the U.S. government had
not ratified the Rome statute, the U.S. government would have no obligation
to cooperate with the court."

Kiss Your Rights Goodbye

However, an indicted American could be turned over to the ICC if he or she
were arrested on the soil of a country that had ratified the treaty or wanted
to cooperate with the ICC, according to Washburn. He said that Americans do
not take their constitutional rights with them when they leave American soil,
and that American subjection to ICC jurisdiction overseas would not be any
different than their current subjection to foreign laws in foreign countries.

Washburn said the ICC would act as a permanent war crimes tribunal, replacing
other tribunals, such as the Rwanda and Yugoslavia war crimes tribunals.

"The court will punish the worst offenders for the worst crimes: genocide,
crimes against humanity and war crimes," Washburn said. "The United States
has had a consistent policy into trying to get people like Pol Pot and Idi
Amin ... and Milosevic tried in some kind of tribunal that would have
international credibility.

"If the U.S wants to continue this policy of having people tried, they had
better get together with the court," Washburn said.

Since it was modified, most of the Helms bill is symbolic, Washburn said.

"The administration said to Helms, [Rep. Henry Hyde] and others that [it
could] not support this piece of legislation without change," Washburn said.

"Those changes turned out to be waivers of will by the president of every
operative part of the bill, so what we have now is a strong statement of
psychological and symbolic weight of congressional attitudes toward the
court, which the administration is prepared to acknowledge that it shares,"
he said.

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