-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.soci.niu.edu/~crypt/other/clinto.htm">All questions
answered! The President warns of  </A>
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There may be risk from cyberterror. But are officials this clueless
qualified to judge?
January 22, 1999 -- This piece is for those of you looking to read some
comment about the President's recent speech on cyberterror before the
National Academy of Science. President Clinton spoke about the threat of
biological and chemical weapons but, specifically, Crypt News is only
going to deal with the cyberspace part of it.

Since the President did not really say anything new on the subject,
Crypt News is going to take you on a walkthru of various articles
published in the last few years which are relevant to his speech but
which have not been widely reported in the mainstream media.

First, let's look at some government-associated institutions and their
contributions to risk assessment on the nature of threats to the
national infrastructure. The President says he is persuaded by reports
supplied by them.

In 1996 two professors, writing for the FBI's Law Enforcement Bulletin,
did an extensive report on "computer crime." They were so full of it,
they squeaked. They believed an entire raft of April Fool's jokes! Read
this detailed dissection of their research.

In 1997, a Presidential Commission on Secrecy wrote about computer
security. All the members were deluded by a common virus hoax. The
membership included two heads of intelligence agencies and John Podesta,
one of President Clinton's closest advisors. Read the embarrassing

In 1997, the Hudson Institute, a think tank funded in part by money from
the Department of Defense, released this report on information warfare.
It was hooked on another virus hoax and additional fantastic rubbish
about the paranormal. It's so scary, Crypt News can't look -- but you
still can.

And just last month, the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
another big think tank, released a report about cyberterror! It was
written by an old head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Guess what?
He was tricked by a common April Fool's joke pertaining to computer
terror, too.

However, the CIA man -- William Webster -- wasn't the only one deluded.

He had company. Like the man who wrote a widely publicized book called
"The Next World War," about information warfare and computer mayhem.
This reporter was even the chief of United Press International! Read the
long version or the short version which appeared in The Wall Street

But wait. Read about the Lt. Colonel in the United States Army who
believed in a computer virus that could cause heart arrhythmia through
mental telepathy!

Are you beginning to see a trend here?

But why is all this important?

Well, these are the people and institutions who, in aggregate, are
supplying the analyses that led President Clinton to believe America is
vulnerable to cyberterrorists.

There may be a threat. But would you believe the word of analysts like

Let's phrase it another way.

What if the President came on television and said he had learned from
his national security advisors that Martians were preparing to attack
the United States and he was authorizing the spending of $2.6 billion
dollars to defend America against them. You would think he was a little
too trusting of his men and that some of them were clearly nuts! You
might be inclined to think a very close look at the subject was
warranted. You would want to see the raw information, unvarnished, upon
which such a claim was based.

Well, to those of us who do know something about "cyberterror" and
computer crime, April Fool's jokes, hoaxes and silly stories about such
creatures as telepathic computer viruses are regarded the same way you
would view talk of invading Martians.

"I have tried as hard as I can to create the right frame of mind in
America for dealing with this," said the President before the National
Academy of Science. "For too long the problem has been that not enough
has been done to recognize the threat and deal with it. And we in
government, frankly, weren't as well-organized as we should have been
for too long.

"I do not want the pendulum to swing the other way now, and for people
to believe that every incident they read about in a novel or every
incident they see in a thrilling movie is about to happen to them within
the next 24 hours."

Physician, heal your own troops. Then call the next morning.

Other relevant links:
•About the Crypt Newsletter.
•Back to Crypt Newsletter
Send a comment: George Smith, Editor

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Roads End

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