-Caveat Lector-

During the 1973 International Education Seminar, Harvard
psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce, speaking as an expert in
public education, said:

    "Every child in America entering school at the age of five
     is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain
     allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected
     officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a
     supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this
     nation as a separate entity.  It's up to you as teachers
     to make all these sick children well -- by creating the
     international child of the future."

Whenever is found what is called a paternal government, there
is found state education. It has been discovered that the best
way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the
nursery. -- Benjamin Disraeli

~~for educational purposes only~~

Deliberately dumbing us down
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's new book,
"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of
America," is without doubt one of the
most important publishing events in
the annals of American education in the
last hundred years. John Dewey's
"School and Society," published in 1899,
set American education on its course to
socialism. Rudolf Flesch's "Why Johnny
Can't Read," published in 1955,
informed American parents that there
was something terribly wrong with the
way the schools were teaching children
to read, and my own book, "NEA:
Trojan Horse in American Education,"
published in 1984, explained in great
detail how and why the decline in
public education was taking place.

But Iserbyt has done what no one else
wanted or could do. She has put
together the most formidable and
practical compilation of documentation
describing the well-planned "deliberate
dumbing down" of American children
by their education system. Anyone who
has had any lingering hope that what
the educators have been doing is a
result of error, accident, or stupidity
will be shocked by the way American
social engineers have systematically
gone about destroying the intellect of
millions of American children for the
purpose of leading the American
people into a socialist world
government controlled by behavioral
and social scientists.

This mammoth book is the size of a
large city phone book: 462 pages of
documentation, 205 pages of
appendices, and a 48-page Index. The
documentation is "A Chronological
paper Trail" which starts with the
Sowing of the Seeds in the late 18th and
19th centuries, proceeds to The Turning
of the Tides, then to The Troubling
Thirties, The Fomentation of the Forties
and Fifties, The Sick Sixties, The
Serious Seventies, The "Effective"
Eighties, and finally, the Noxious
Nineties. The educators and social
engineers indict themselves with their
own words.

Iserbyt decided to compile this book
because, as a "resister" to what is going
on in American education, she was
being constantly told that she was
taking things out of context. The book,
she writes, "was put together primarily
to satisfy my own need to see the
various components which led to the
dumbing down of the United States of
America assembled in chronological
order -- in writing. Even I, who had
observed these weird activities taking
place at all levels of government, was
reluctant to accept a malicious intent
behind each individual, chronological
activity or innovation, unless I could
connect it with other, similar activities
taking place at other times."

And that is what this book does. It
connects educators, social engineers,
planners, government grants, federal
and state agencies, billion-dollar
foundations, think tanks, universities,
research projects, policy organizations,
etc., showing how they have worked
together to advance an agenda that will
change America from a free republic to
a socialist state.

What is so mind boggling is that all of
this is being financed by the American
people themselves through their own
taxes. In other words, the American
people are underwriting the destruction
of their own freedom and way of life by
lavishly financing through federal and
state grants the very social scientists
who are undermining our national
sovereignty and preparing our children
to become the dumbed-down vassals of
the new world order.

One of the interesting insights revealed
by these documents is how the social
engineers use a deliberately created
education "crisis" to move their agenda
forward by offering radical reforms
that are sold to the public as fixing the
crisis -- which they never do. The new
reforms simply set the stage for the next
crisis, which provides the pretext for
the next move forward. This is the
dialectical process at work, a process
our behavioral engineers have learned
to use very effectively. Its success
depends on the ability of the "change
agents" to continually deceive the
public, which tends to believe any lie
the experts tell them.

Iserbyt's long journey to becoming a
"resister," started in 1973 when her son,
a fourth grader, brought home from
school a purple ditto sheet, embellished
with a smiley face, entitled, "All About
Me." She writes, "The questions were
highly personal; so much so that they
encouraged my son to lie, since he
didn't want to 'spill the beans' about his
mother, father and brother. The
purpose of such a questionnaire was to
find out the student's state of mind,
how he felt, what he liked and disliked,
and what his values were. With this
knowledge it would be easier for the
government school to modify his values
and behavior at will -- without, of
course, the student's knowledge or his
parents' consent."

>From that time on, Iserbyt became an
activist in education. She became a
member of a philosophy committee for
a school, was elected as a school board
member, co-founded Guardians of
Education for Maine (GEM), and
finally became senior policy advisor in
the Office of Educational Research and
Improvement (OERI) of the U.S.
Department of Education during
President Reagan's first term of office.

As a school board member she learned
that in American education, the end
justifies the means. "Our change agent
superintendent," she writes, "was more
at home with a lie than he was with the
truth." Whatever good she
accomplished while on the school
board was tossed out two weeks after
she left office.

It was during her tenure in the
Department of Education in
Washington, D.C., where she had
access to the grant proposals from
change agents, that she came to the
conclusion that what was happening in
American education was the result of a
concerted effort on the part of numerous
individuals and organizations -- a
globalist elite -- to bring about
permanent changes in America's body
politic. She was relieved of her duties
after leaking an important technology
grant -- a computer-assisted instruction
proposal -- to the press.

Another reason why Iserbyt decided to
publish this book is because of the
reluctance of Americans to face
unpleasant truths about their
government educators. She wants
parents to have access to the kinds of
documents that were only circulated
among the change agent educators
themselves. She wants parents to see for
themselves what has been planned for
their children and the kind of
socialist-fascist world their children
will have to live in if we do nothing to
counter these plans.

Therefore, getting this book into the
hands of thousands of Americans ought
to be a major project for lovers of
liberty in the year 2000. It will do more
to defeat the change agents than
anything else I can think of.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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