-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Egypt destroys new Coptic church
Police help demolish building hours after 1st prayer meeting



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The U.S. Copts Association says Egyptian officials outside of Cairo destroyed
a newly built Coptic church just hours after it opened its doors and held its
first prayer meeting.

The church had reportedly obtained all the proper permissions from President
Hosni Mubarak's administration to build the facility in Al-Ubor city. Police
forces reportedly participated in the destruction.

The first building opened Saturday. The first prayer meeting was held Sunday.

According to a statement by the association, Galal Sayed Al-Ahl, the mayor of
the city, had been threatening the congregation during the building of the
church's gate. Hours after the congregation finished its first prayer
meeting, Al-Ahl and his local police forces stormed the church, arresting 10
members of the Coptic community and flattened what was built of the church.

This is not the first time Mubarak has issued permission to build a church
only to allow it to be destroyed by local government officials who report to
him, according to the association.

"It seems that there is an unspoken deal between higher government officials
and the local officials when it comes to church construction in Egypt," said
association President Michael Meunier. "Under international scrutiny, the
Egyptian government issues limited number of new permits for church
construction, but it gives all incentives to its local officials to stop the

The association is calling on the Mubarak regime to conduct an investigation.
It says in prior church-destruction incidents, no officials have been
punished and the churches have been forced to bear the cost of rebuilding.



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