-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"

>"He said, "I'll tell you WHO they are.  After you're done
>investigating, you'll know WHAT they are."
>     "'Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, Richard Secord, Albert
>Hakim, Rafael "Chi Chi" Quintero, and Eric Von Marbod.'"
>     "So we went off to find out who these people were.
>     "An extraordinary series of events began to unfold which
>resulted in the ruling of a federal court in Miami.  The court
>said, 'What you have here is an ongoing criminal enterprise
>dating from [at least] 1960.'
>     "What we discovered is that the person who had been
>directing the operations [of the 'Secret Government'] was a man
>by the name of Theodore Shackley.
>I can not express how warm this makes my heart.  For a quick look at other
>of these --- the most agregious mass murders on earth ---  see
>Brian Downing Quig
>Linda Minor wrote:
>> Selected excerpts from attached posting
>> Date: Sunday, November 14, 1999 5:23 AM
>> Subject: [CTRL] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush "Octopus"
>> "As we began to investigate, we discovered that the domestic
>> readiness exercise was going to be undertaken and supervised by
>> the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  That came as a
>> surprise to us, since FEMA was supposedly only concerned with
>> hurricane and flood relief and civil defense.
>> "The [planners of the exercise] were the same geniuses who
>> brought you the post-nuclear war scenario, detailing how they
>> could move the entire population of Los Angeles out to one small
>> town in the Tehachapee mountains in only a couple days ...
>>      "Further investigation revealed that the Reagan
>> administration had brought a man by the name of Louis Guiffreda
>> to Washington DC to run the FEMA exercise.
>>      "Guiffreda had begun as the chief of the California-based
>> Crime Training Institute, which specialized in anti-terrorist
>> training for police departments.
>> "Noting the fact that [Guiffreda] was now heading up a
>> similar 'preparedness exercise' on the federal level, I pursued
>> the investigation.
>>      "From a source inside FEMA itself, we learned of a plan
>> whereby FEMA would first deputize members of the Department of
>> Defense and then state National Guard groups.  The latter would
>> then organize civilian groups called 'State Defense Forces.'
>> "We learned that these 'State Defense Forces' had recently
>> been created by the passage of obscure statutes in three Deep
>> South states, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.
>> "In those states, the only people who had heard of the plan
>> for 'State Defense Forces' were [government-trained "Special
>> Forces" mercenaries] and [far-right-wing, racist, 'death squad'-
>> type 'militias' such as those overseen by Maj-Gen. SINGLAUB] at
>> 'survivalist' training camps during their weekend 'war games'
>> ['fortuitously' coinciding with the government exercise].
>>      "THOSE were the kind of men from whom members of the future
>> 'State Defense Forces' were to be be chosen ...
>>      "Vast quantities of US military equipment were delivered by
>> the National Guard to these pretend 'State Defense Forces' -- but
>> interestingly, after millions of dollars of armaments had been
>> distributed during readiness exercise [REX 84 Bravo], HALF of it
>> disappeared, covered up only by a trick of bookkeeping ..."
>> "When we began to investigate who was participating in such
>> enterprises on a federal level, we were visited by a former
>> military intelligence agent who said, "Don't you realize who the
>> people are that you're dealing with?"
>>      "We didn't know whether to pretend to be very knowledgeable
>> --and therefore stupid, in being so reckless-- or to say like we
>> always do, 'No, we don't know any more than the American people
>> do about what the facts are.'
>>      "He said, "I'll tell you WHO they are.  After you're done
>> investigating, you'll know WHAT they are."
>>      "'Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, Richard Secord, Albert
>> Hakim, Rafael "Chi Chi" Quintero, and Eric Von Marbod.'"
>>      "So we went off to find out who these people were.
>>      "An extraordinary series of events began to unfold which
>> resulted in the ruling of a federal court in Miami.  The court
>> said, 'What you have here is an ongoing criminal enterprise
>> dating from [at least] 1960.'
>>      "What we discovered is that the person who had been
>> directing the operations [of the 'Secret Government'] was a man
>> by the name of Theodore Shackley.
>>   ------------------------------------------------------------
>>                      Type: Microsoft MHTML Document 5.0 (message/rfc822)
>>    Part 1.2      Encoding: 7bit
>>               Description: [CTRL] (1) Chronology of the Dulles-Nixon-Bush

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