Here's what just happened to Switzerland. I think it's safe to say that
the forces behind this tremendous and subversive attack on the very
foundations of the Swiss nation, it's Constitution--the very heart and
soul of which has been torn out and crushed; have the United States next
on their list and very firmly in their sights.

One of the first steps in this demolishment of Swiss political system by
New World Order head honchos was severing the previously inviolable tie
between Swiss currency and *G*O*L*D*. Well sheesh, we already DID that
part over 35 years ago!

Massive disinformation campaigns which caused serious headspinning and
arm twisting of the Swiss electorate resulted, most unfortunately, in
them actually voting to demolish to most important underpinnings of
their entire socio-political structure.

Swiss sovereignty, their much-vaunted "neutrality", and OF COURSE there
constitutionally MANDATED people's militia are now but dust bin the wind.

This should serve as a MOST SERIOUS warning regarding the New World
Order's plans for the future of OUR constitutional republic… such as it
is or ever was.

Find out for yourself… in the article below. And DON'T say it "can't
happen here." It CAN!

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

New American

Vol. 15, No.15, July 19, 1999


Goodbye Sovereign Switzerland
by Jane H. Ingraham

With scarcely a murmur of dissent, the seemingly impossible was
accomplished. Lacking understanding, the Swiss people voted this spring
to end the unique soundness of their currency as well as their country's
financial power and independence. Oblivious to the consequences of
abandoning the Swiss franc's tie to gold, the people of Switzerland --
the world's only direct democracy -- approved a new constitution that
abolishes the traditional gold convertibility that for generations made
the Swiss franc literally "as good as gold."

This historic decision is the culmination of an orchestrated
international assault to wipe out the last remaining obstacle to an
inflatable global paper currency, long a goal of American and European
Insiders of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral
Commission. With good reason, the Insiders have loathed the presence on
the international financial market of this stable currency backed by a
precious metal, which puts a brake on inflation and arbitrary
manipulation. Since 1933, when FDR stripped Americans of their gold
under false pretenses, the Insider game has been central bank control of
printing-press money and credit, expanding and contracting the supply to
suit their own agenda, creating booms and busts cleverly called
"business cycles." Having reduced the purchasing power of the U.S.
dollar to pennies over the past 60 years, the Insiders were ready to
move into the final global phase.

Plan of Attack

As a matter of necessity, the Swiss franc's disciplinary tie to gold had
to be abolished. But how? Franklin Roosevelt did it by executive order.
But this would not have been allowed in Switzerland with its weak
central government and strong tradition of independence in the cantons.
What it boiled down to was that the Swiss people would have to be made
to do it to themselves. Masters at psychological and semantic warfare,
the Insider cabal concocted a contemptible smokescreen, using the
suffering of the Jewish people as bait.

The New York Times and the Washington Post launched an avalanche of
shockingly vituperative accusations against the highly respected Swiss
banking industry. The charge: Swiss banks still held gold deposited by
Jews who became victims of the Holocaust. Spearheaded by the fabulously
wealthy Edgar Bronfman (CFR), owner of the multinational liquor company
Seagram and president of the World Jewish Congress, the "funds without
heirs" assault quickly mushroomed into a "humanitarian" rescue mission
for "abused" Jews who had had bank doors "slammed in their faces" when
they tried to collect.

Nowhere in this sustained propaganda was there a semblance of proof of
any "unclaimed assets." Overlooked was the fact that in the 1950s and
again in 1962, Swiss banks formally investigated the dormant accounts of
persons who may have died in the war and paid out tens of millions to
survivors and Jewish causes. In spite of this, the pressure was so
intense that the Swiss government was forced to agree to convene an
Independent Commission of Eminent Persons to audit the banks' records
yet again. The Commission's chairman was none other than Paul Volker of
Federal Reserve fame and powerful member of both the CFR and the
Trilateral Commission. That this was a transparent fraud was revealed by
the American Spectator:"Unfortunately, no reliable study exists, nor can
one be undertaken sixty years later, even by eminent persons, that can
verify from where and how money came into Switzerland during the 1930s."

Meanwhile, Switzerland's Journal de Geneve reported an astonishing
warning made public by Bronfman: "Edgar Bronfman estimates that if the
Swiss bankers do not seize the unique opportunity to re-establish their
reputations, he foresees the end of Switzerland as a great world banking
center, for every essential mark of confidence will have disappeared ...
the free world may well end up by finding such a banking system reprehensible."

The shocking truth is that the American/European Insider cabal has the
power to carry out this extraordinary threat. That this was perfectly
understood by the Swiss Federal Council was soon apparent. First came
the announcement of a Swiss Humanitarian Foundation endowed with seven
billion francs, interest from which would be used for the needs of
"persons" in grave financial distress. This vague wording was necessary
since nothing whatsoever about Jewish assets had yet materialized. In
short, the seven billion francs had nothing to do with "funds without
heirs." Yet Bronfman and others who were attacking the banks were
jubilant, and with good reason.

Heart of the Matter

After adding another seven billion francs to the Foundation for the
benefit of the Swiss people themselves, who were understandably enraged
about forking over billions to strangers on the basis of unproven
accusations, the Federal Council announced that the 14 billion francs
would be divorced from the tie to gold and the Swiss National Bank would
begin selling its gold reserve. Here was the heart of the Insiders'
despicable smokescreen.

Jean-Marc Berthoud of Lausanne, Switzerland, one of the few who tried to
warn the Swiss people before it was too late, wrote in his prescient
work, The Swiss Gold Standard and the New World Order of the Ages: "In
liberating the fourteen billion francs drawn from the gold reserves of
the Swiss National Bank and in deciding to sell the gold reserve upon
which the relation of our money to reality is founded, the Federal
Council has taken the first step on the road to the liberation of the
Swiss franc from its tie to the gold standard."

The second step was not long in coming. The Federal Council soon
proposed a revision of the Swiss constitution which would permanently
sever the tie between gold and the franc. It is this revision (actually
a new constitution) that the Swiss people have just approved. The
Insiders' blackmail has paid off 100 percent.

It should be understood that Bronfman acted not as a Jew, but as a CFR
conspirator pursuing a crucial Insider goal. The Jewish people were as
unaware of the true nature of the assault on the banks as Americans
were. In fact, Israeli Jews were angered by the strange confrontation
with Switzerland, as can be seen from the remarks of an Israeli
journalist quoted in the New York Times: "Getting excited about private
people's bank accounts trivializes the Holocaust. Israelis get an
unpleasant feeling from the bombastic language the people of the World
Jewish Congress are using. There's a feeling that says, 'Don't use me,
don't use the Holocaust for your own P.R.'"

And it was Israeli Jews who reminded the world that the issue of
reparations played out in the l950s debate over whether to accept
reparations from West Germany. Israel accepted billions of dollars, but
these were reparations to the Jewish nation -- not to private people.

More Than Money

But the new Swiss constitution is about more than gold. Given the
opportunity, the Insiders made a clean sweep of it. Since we do not have
a mole in the Swiss Federal Council, it is impossible to tell what
bribes or threats or treason forced the Swiss to produce this
frightening document, which amounts to an agenda for the dissolution of
Switzerland and its merger into the new world order under the precepts
of the United Nations.

In the past, Swiss citizens had always been allowed as much as a month
to scrutinize and debate a single constitutional change; this time they
had to decide very quickly, without debate, on more than 100 articles
containing profound modifications to their mode of government, their
military, and their culture. Obviously haste was necessary to prevent
the Swiss from realizing that their laws, rights, and customs were being
subsumed under international edicts and mandates, including a perfidious
attack on the traditional family.

In line with the UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child, the
responsibility and authority of parents (the foundation of a healthy
state) are to be discarded; children will now decide for themselves that
which pleases them, including which religion they wish to follow -- if
any. Those in charge of children must better represent the sexes
(fathers instead of mothers), a concept which will enable state
authorities to control families. The very definition of a family has
been changed to a "community of adults and children."

The Swiss Federal Council, which traditionally was limited to executing
the popular will as expressed in the cantons, has been transformed into
a centralized bureaucracy with dictatorial authority and supreme
executive power over the entire Swiss Confederation. Interventionism is
now the order of the day; speech, writing, and attitudes must now be
"politically correct" according to the dictates of the Council. The word
"citizen" has been replaced by the word "population," including all
foreigners living legally or illegally in the country. "Cultural
diversity" must be favored in order to engage Switzerland in an
"international order of peace and justice."

EU Absorption

The term "Swiss Nation" has been replaced by "people," amounting to an
abandonment of national identity. "People of the 23 cantons of
Switzerland" has become "people and the Swiss cantons." The "population"
will have nothing to say about the application of international laws,
which will be irreversible. Not even a member of the UN, Switzerland now
finds itself a prisoner of international arbitrary power, not much
different from Bosnia.

The nature of Switzerland's citizen-soldier army, unique in the world,
will be wiped out. In spite of popular refusal and opposition in the
past, Switzerland's soldiers will now serve with UN troops, abandoning
the traditional armed neutrality. The famous universal militia will now
become a professional army under central control. But the Swiss have
been told they must "contribute equally to maintain peace." Lost in the
propaganda is the fact that Switzerland -- thanks to the "isolationism"
liberals love to despise -- is the only European country that has
maintained peace for hundreds of years.

Naturally, the new order also prohibits all forms of discrimination:
Origin, race, sex, age, language, mode of life (homosexuality),
religion, philosophy, politics, mental and physical disabilities -- all
will be as one. Foreigners will be able to claim the right to vote since
there will be no discrimination as to place of origin.

In short, this incredible document dismantles the most natural parts of
community life such as liberty, national identity, family, and privacy.
In their place are socialist objectives such as the "right" to a job and
the "right" to housing. Further steps are inevitable as the dials are
set for Switzerland's total absorption into the European Union.

Last Line of Defense

The extinction of the sovereignty of Switzerland should come as a
fearful warning to Americans. When George Bush repeatedly referred to
the new world order he was helping bring about at the time of the Gulf
War, he never bothered to provide the details. Now it has been spelled
out for us. Those who have been insisting that the European nations
could never be homogenized have been pitifully naive. Left out of their
equation was the ruthless power of the Insiders.

But there is a cardinal difference between America and Switzerland: We
still have our Constitution. Battered, tattered, and abused as it is, we
still have it. Nothing could tell us more vividly than the fate of
Switzerland how much we need to rush to its defense. We must forever
keep our eyes fastened on the core principle, not on the diverting
peripherals. We oppose minimum wage not because it disemploys the poor
(which it does), but because it is unconstitutional; we oppose the war
in Kosovo not because it is doing nothing to help the Kosovars (which it
isn't), but because it is unconstitutional; we oppose GoodbyeIMF and
World Bank bailouts of foreign countries not because they retard real
reform (which they do), but because they are unconstitutional; we oppose
federal aid to education not because the chains of "political
correctness" go with it (which they do), but because it is
unconstitutional; we oppose Federal Reserve paper money not because it
is inflationary (which it is), but because it is unconstitutional.

Our Constitution remains the foremost line of defense against the
Insiders' new world order.

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