Note the ADL has a perpetual Beg A Thon and they write letters and it
only costs them a budget of $50,000,000 - that is right, 50 million
dollars.....what a lovely laundering front this could be or is it and
consider one of their biggest contributors was Marc Rich and Meyer
Lansky and Moe Dalitz and numerous other notorious murder inc.
figures......maybe Joshua's JDL Mosha the Masher is one of them but
then, my friends all have fly swatters to take care of those little loud
mouthed twerps.

This item is interesting and note pull up about their beg a thon for
they write letters - and a stamp only costs 37 cents.    All this tax
free money to fight anti semitism and who are they taking on - the Arabs
- they have called the Arabs anti-semites for the assholes evidently do
not know that i.e. The Palestinians are the rea semites and the Zionists
are murdering them for they are the Nazi anti semites in disguise - and
here we go again.


From:  Aleisha Saba
ADL Beg-a-Thon

The Winrod Legacy of Hate Background of Bigotry
Just click on the link above.

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