Now isn't it wonderful, there is a beer bellied Israeli in Florida
training D Platoons to "protect" Americans and the chief spokesman
standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder with this fat slob, was an
American Negro who looked a wee bit uncomfortable.   Is this what
happened at Waco?

Nobody seems to understand that the USA is associating with professional
killers and hit men, once called Jewish Mafia and by their fruits you
should have known them all the time - take another good look at the
Meyer Lansky connection to the murder of JFK.

When JFK was elected President this country was still clean but since
its death, it has become a cesspool.....all prepared now for the
"cleansing" and burning?

For we are now Zionists Scapegoat prepared for the kill....but then we
have been warned, haven't we.

Better take another look around you and see what this sinister element
called Zionism is diong to America - but its okay, those guys are
insured up to their teeth - how about you?

FOX caught those guys down in Florida training terrorists and this
Israeli Pig was asked if he thought Americans would go for this stuf?
Why of course, we will welcome it - and then read the story of SABRA and
think of WACO and Ruby Ridge and ask who the hell  do these god damned
Israelis think they are.....look to New York, and see their work.


Flashback: Sabra and Shatila massacres

An unknown number of Palestinians died in the 40-hour slaughter

The 1982 massacres of Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps
claimed the lives of at least 800 civilians, murdered by Lebanese
Christian militiamen allied to Israel during its brief occupation of the
Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The killings are considered the worst atrocity of Lebanon's 15-year
civil war and perhaps during the entire Middle East conflict.

Elie Hobeika was the Phalangists head of military intelligence

The victims had been left defenceless after Israel drove the Syrian army
and fighters belonging to Yasser Aratat's Palestinian Liberation
Organisation (PLO) from the Lebanese capital.

The expulsion of the PLO was the result of Israel's "Operation Peace for
Galilee" invasion, masterminded by then-Defence Minister Ariel Sharon,
to eradicate the "terrorist threat" posed by the Palestinians' military
presence in Lebanon.

The slaughter was carried out by fighters from the Lebanese Forces
militia (LF), linked to the Christian Phalange group, who were hungry
for revenge for the killing of the Phalange leader Bashir Gemayel in a
car bomb two days earlier.

They didn't spare anyone; they killed everyone they came across

Survivor Muhammad Faqih

PLO forces withdrew in a US-mediated ceasefire at the beginning of
Mr Sharon declared that "2,000 terrorists" remained in Palestinian
refugee camps around Beirut. Sabra and Shatila were surrounded by
Israeli tanks and soldiers, with checkpoints to monitor the entry or
exit of any person.

But on the afternoon of 16 September about 150 LF fighters moved into
the camps.

Massacre begins

Survivors say that the killers went from house to house, threatening to
blow up buildings if the residents did not come out.
The survivors reported overhearing the Phalangists telling one another
to use axes to kill their victims, because the sound of gunfire would
alert others to their fate.

The camps today: Little sympathy for Hobeika's assassination

"They killed my sister's husband in front of me," said survivor Nadima
Nasser. "I saw them shooting at the men. They killed them all. I fled."

Mrs Nasser is one of 23 survivors who have lodged a legal case against
Mr Sharon in Belgium, where the law allows him to be tried for alleged
crimes committed abroad.

Her testimony, along with others is included on a newly-launched
internet site about the massacres, Justice for the Victims of Sabra and

Israeli inquiry

Mr Sharon resigned his post after an Israeli commission of inquiry
established that he bore indirect responsibility for the deaths for
"having disregarded the danger of acts of vengeance" by the militias
when he allowed them into the camps.

Mr Sharon denies responsibility for the massacre

The Kahane Commission inquiry said LF intelligence chief Elie Hobeika
had direct responsibility, because he ordered the killings.

Mr Hobeika denied involvement in the killings right up to his death in a
car bomb attack on 24 January 2002.

Outside Israel, human rights groups have long argued that Mr Sharon and
the Lebanese Christian perpetrators should be tried for war crimes.

In January 2001, in the run-up to Israeli elections in which he won a
resounding victory, Mr Sharon expressed regret about the "terrible
tragedy," but refused to apologise or accept any responsibility for the

The Belgian court is still deciding whether to pursue charges of crimes
against humanity against Mr Sharon.
Hobeika had said he would testify against the Israeli Prime Minister and
had "important revelations" to make.
See also:
24 Jan 02 | Middle East
Bomb kills Lebanese former warlord
28 Nov 01 | Middle East
Court postpones Sharon ruling
17 Jun 01 | Panorama
Sabra and Shatila: Dealing with facts
10 Jun 01 | Panorama
The Accused 17 June 2001
24 Jan 02 | Middle East
Profile: Elie Hobeika
Internet links:
Lebanese Parliament
Israeli Foreign Ministry

Justice for the Victims of Sabra and Shatila

Kahane Commission Report

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
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