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by Brett Daniel Wills

e-venthorizon.net is a free online magazine covering trends and obstacles 
the establishment of a global government; international political analysis
and socio-cultural issues; a comprehensive political research resource
directory; book and film reviews; and literary work from contemporary
writers throughout the world.
Marketing its Wares, the UN Fashions a Facelift 
Unimpressed by the package's exorbitant cost, cowed by its complexity of 
additional features, and vexed by its newfound confinements, the First World 
bloc of nations is now chanting for a revamping of the system's requirements, 
to allow for partial, or custom, installation. By implementing only the bare 
minimum of functions required for utilization of skeletal programs, the bloc 
is arguing in its defense that this will ensure a thorough and speedy 
adaptation of all applications the package offers. Then later, when the 
system has been skillfully and universally applied, if it is decided further 
upgrade is requisite, the social price-tag is affordable, and the 
condensation of sovereignty and other political resources allows ample room 
for a system overhaul, so be it.

As if anticipating the watered-down requests, the bloated UN bureaucracy, 
much-maligned for the fiscal waste and extravagant payrolls of its 
white-collar work force, coupled with the moral ineptitude within its 
military ranks during deployments, agreed to an overhaul of its 
organizational structure and pruning of its overlapping and sluggish 
departments. A rationing and redirection of its expenditures would take 
place, combined with a modernized, image-conscious public relations facelift 
to generate extra-governmental sources of revenue by a greater appeal to 
domestic sources of financial strength, such as the media, film industry, and 
numerous cultural institutions and educational foundations.

Reaching the Political Summit: Eternality of Government Rule
Consequently, if not intentionally, the success of such an endeavor would 
resurrect a profitable aspect of the Plutonic ideal of endless governmental 
dominion. If achieved, such a phenomenal feat would remove the last and 
greatest hindrance to achieving the purpose of such an entity, i.e. its 
embodiment as the divine substitution of the historically dominant religious 
system — monotheism. More simply put, the time continuum would empower the 
government with the means necessary to break the shackles of national rise 
and collapse, finally enabling it to rescind the claims to authority, 
provision, judgement and other divine rights which a great majority of the 
masses attribute exclusively to a Creator.

As the most influential of mile-markers arrives with the passage of 2000 - 
2001, the final anchor that kept the kingdom of Christendom fastened at bay 
is about to be lifted. Harbored in absolutism, and thus able to resist the 
storms of relativity being waged in societal depths, Christianity has relied 
for two millennia on a final world war to crush all attempts at international 
unification. Hoping to snuff out the national integration process altogether, 
the Church has labored toward global evangelization in order to usher in the 
reign of a messianic monarchy, with Christ as the hierarchical King, to 
accomplish what no world governing system has — a thousand year reign. Rome, 
being the closest to successfully aspiring to the crown, stretched its reign 
between 350 and 500 years total, depending on how historians define the 
parameters of world dominion, and Hitler's Third Reich was the most recent to 
make the attempt.

A Triumvirate Political Philosophy is Forged
When endeavoring to liken the characteristics that are shaping the current 
drive toward a world government to a political philosophy, a strange 
confluence of similarities becomes apparent. In the present mold, a hybrid 
system of Fascist and Social-Democratic elements is emerging. "Fascism," said 
Carl Cohen in the classic 1962 text, Communism, Fascism and Democracy: the 
Theoretical Foundations, is a "commingling of the traditions of absolutism, 
organicism and irrationalism."

Absolutism is "the view that the power of government, to be successful in its 
chief goal of maintaining and expanding itself, must lie in the hands of one 
powerful and intelligent leader — the prince or sovereign, il Duce or Der 
Fuhrer." Authoritarian and "molded along military lines," it espouses that 
the "virtues of the lower echelons will be chiefly those of responsibility 
and obedience."

Organicism is the theory that a nation is "an organic unity like a human 
being, having many separate organs that contribute to the general welfare, 
and a large interest, or general will, that is superior to, and more 
important than, the interest or will of any particular member or members." 
The state is seen as a "superperson" or "superorganism" that is "endowed with 
supernatural or divine power."

Deliberate irrationalism is the attitude or methodology expressed by the 
philosophical likes of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, which stands as a "defense 
against rational criticism," manufacturing "effective social myths, attaching 
them to a latent but powerful nationalistic sentiment."

Interestingly, of these three traits, the first two expanded the influence 
and power of Pre-WWII Italy and Germany. Yet the third trait — irrationalism 
— was, in the eyes of the international community, the blemish that marked 
their political movement as flawed and dangerous, and most importantly, gave 
the greatest impetus to justify the formation of an alliance to counter their 

What is most remarkable when comparing the characteristics of Fascism with 
those of a pending global government, is that absolutism and organicism are 
perfectly paralleled, while irrationalism is not. Incompatible with the acid 
coherence and almost mechanical logic of globalism's tenets, irrationalism's 
odd absence is replaced, conveniently, with certain principles of social 
democracy that manage not to conflict with the first two characteristics, and 
thus form a triumvirate political philosophy.

The Final Form of Global Government — the E.U. or U.N.?
The first convergence of nations under an organizational umbrella took shape 
with the advent of the League of Nations following World War I, allegedly to 
provide collective insurance against another conflagration. The League 
eventually proved a bureaucratic failure when it's inter-agency gridlock 
exposed a paper tiger that crumpled into impotence when faced with the even 
greater menace of World War II. Springing back with questionable resiliency, 
the League underwent a long-due upgrade. The newer version came replete with 
a sharper image, expanded membership, enhanced military empowerment, larger 
budget, more refined mission statement and clarified mandate, and a new 
nom-de-guar — the UN — all of which, officially, was to ensure smoother 
running internal affairs, and stave off a third global war.

It should also be noted that the first system of rule to take place — 
multiethnic unification — stands apart from the subsequent five, being a 
compilation of peoples who came together of their own accord, in 
synchronicity. Laying down their collective sovereignty as a sacrifice at the 
alter of self-deification, they raised up a tower of stratospheric height; it 
would stand as a enduring monument symbolizing a fierce ambition in mankind 
to achieve godlike status. Unlike the first system, whose tower collapsed and 
scattered the inhabitants to the ends of the earth, forming the structure of 
nation-states that has endured to this day, the proceeding five feats of 
world integration, either for fear of consequence or lack of opportunity, 
were all wrought by a single nation driving the unification not by mutual 
agreement, but conquest.

Yet now, undaunted by the psychological damage ringing through generations as 
an echoing reminder of the severe judgment that fell, the proper environment 
is finally ripe for reception of a multinational unification. For millennia, 
an understanding that God's indignation would quickly kindle if such an 
affront to His sovereignty occurred successfully dissuaded humanity from such 
a foolish confrontation. As a result, every endeavor to resurrect the system 
thereafter was isolated to an individual nation which, even when it conquered 
the known world and boasted against Heaven, it did not ignite God's universal 
wrath because they were unable to form a united front to stand as one voice. 
Forced to embrace the system, and left with no desire to rally under an 
oppressive dictatorial nation, the nations lost heart.

When the contending powers are cancelled out, leaving two entities vying for 
the mantle of global dominion — the U.N. and the E.U. — the world, too 
fearful to risk the calamitous consequences of another synchronized national 
convergence, may opt for E.U. empowerment. Assuming this will allow for a 
national entity to bear the brunt of any potential judgement, the world may 
then press on to embrace universal integration under the E.U. banner, with 
the U.N. acting merely as a regulatory assistant or some in other sub-level 

Today the soil is again fertile. As humankind casts off its fears, a 
multitude of whispers builds steady from every continent, ascending in one 
resounding voice. And from the chambers of Heaven the nostrils of God are 
beginning to flare and fill with smoke, as the dark silhouette of a global 
government — rising like an eclipsed sun, its contours no longer hidden 
beyond our visible horizon — awaits reception.

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