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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

A Konformist Special
Beast of the Month - December 1999
Jim Hall, National Transportation Safety Board Chairman

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"A reasonable man knows the chances of this being mechanical are slim,
whether it's 1 percent or 5 percent."

The quote above is in reference to TWA Flight 800, and was made three days
after the infamous crash.  Who is the person that would make such a bold
statement about this tragedy?  Pierre Salinger, perhaps?

Actually, it was James Kallstrom, the chief FBI "Investigator" of the crash,
who early on was quite eager to lay the blame on sabotage, feeding the flames
of widespread suspicion that the cause of the TWA 800 crash was a bomb placed
by terrorists.  It was only when the prime suspect turned from being evil,
brown-skinned Muslims to the U.S. military in the underground press that
Kallstrom began blasting any speculation of sabotage being the culprit as

Kallstrom wasn't alone in this sudden about face.  The korporate media was
quite eager to trumpet assertions of a supposed "terrorist" plot behind
Flight 800, but when the finger began pointing to the military among the
finest Internet researchers, it was smeared as a "paranoid conspiracy
theory."  Of greatest note was 60 Minutes, which on March 2, 1997, had anchor
Lesley Stahl argue for the suppression of information presenting the
compelling evidence.  After showing the TWA 800 web page of Ian Goddard,
Stahl proclaimed, "Shouldn't this be expunged?"  She continued, stating "that
it's wrong, that it's inaccurate, it's irresponsible, that it is spreading
fear and suspicion of the government."

As far as 60 Minutes and other korporate outlets are concerned, inaccurate,
irresponsible spreading of fear and suspicion may be wrong when the poor,
defenseless victim is the U.S. government, but apparently it's okay if the
target is a dead, Egyptian pilot.  How else can you explain the malicious
bandwagon that verbally defamed Gameel Batouti, the co-pilot on Egypt Air
990?  A chorus began to declare that Batouti was the culprit for the tragic
Halloween plane crash which killed 217, fed on by leaks from supposed U.S.
investigators working for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

The main piece of supposed evidence?  Allegedly, Batouti was repeatedly
making a prayer as the plane was going down, stating "I put my faith in

Gee, imagine that.  A plane is diving as though it is out of control, and a
passionately religious man is praying to his God.

Perhaps the World Socialist Website (unsurprisingly, one of the few media
outlets that doesn't buy korporate press proclamations as gospel) put it best
in debunking the "suicide pilot" theory with the following description:

Batouti, 59, was a veteran pilot. Apparently happily married, with five
children, he was independently wealthy. He was to retire in March, when he
would receive a $108,000 bonus plus a monthly pension and social security
benefits. He was in the process of building a retirement villa. Two days
before he flew out of New York's Kennedy International Airport on the doomed
Flight 990 he telephoned his family and asked them to meet him at the airport
in Cairo. He was carrying presents for his son, including two spare tires and
a sweater. Associates who saw him before he left Kennedy said he was smiling
and eagerly anticipating his return to Cairo, where he was looking forward to
celebrating his thirty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Batouti did not have life insurance. He was religious, but did not have any
known political affiliations. Suicide, considered an affront to the Islamic
faith, is extremely rare in Egypt.

On face value, the allegation is without merit, a vicious and reckless media
display not seen since the attempted scapegoating of Richard Jewell.  In
fact, every piece of supposed "evidence" against Batouti can be debunked as
bogus.  The turning off of the plane's engines and disengagement of the
autopilot are both normal (and expected) procedures that are done in cases of
emergency.  Further, no evidence has been provided of a struggle between
Batouti and the other pilot, despite the claim that this happened.  In fact,
the alleged quote from the other pilot that was leaked ("Pull with me.  Help
me.") is consistent with two pilots working together to face an unexpected
crisis. Jim McKenna of Aviation Week has stated: "Based on the publicly
available data, there is nothing that makes a case for pilot suicide."
McKenna went on to say he was "puzzled" why "government officials chose to
leak this story without revealing the evidence to back it up."

Why would authorities want to pin mass murder on Batouti?  For one thing, he
isn't a major multi-national korporation like Boeing, who built the 767 plane
that crashed. Coincidentally, the investigation team includes representatives
from Boeing - as well as the engine manufacturer, Pratt & Whitney - who would
be quite eager to pin the blame on someone else.  When asked about how much
influence Boeing has over the investigation, Jim Hall (National
Transportation Safety Board Chairman and The Konformist Beast of the Month)
became visibly upset.  "For over 30 years, our agency has proudly and
independently investigated accidents.  We understand fully the important
responsibilities that this investigation brings to the NTSB, as well as the
importance of the independence of this investigation for all of the parties
who have an interest in it."  Which doesn't answer the question, of course.

Hall and The NTSB don't seem interested in answering the question.  Nor did
they seem eager to silence the smearing of Batouti that was promoted by
leaks.  Never mind that there was no evidence to support it, never mind his
family was grieving his death.  In fact, it was only when the Egyptian press
began reporting - in reaction to the American media's sickening display -
theories that implicated the U.S. and Israeli government that there was any
denouncing of press reports by American officials. James Rubin, spokesman for
the State Department, suddenly announced, "We are concerned and troubled by
speculative conclusions coming out of those in the United States involved in
this general investigation. We're appealing for calm, and calm can only come
if there is a minimum of speculation about conclusions in this country, and a
minimum of wild, exaggerated, unfounded conspiracy theories in other media in
the Middle East."

So lets see: to charge that the U.S. is complicit in the downing of a plane
(something that has been done before) is wild, exaggerated, unfounded
conspiracy theory, while blaming it all on a supposed crazy Arab (and there
is no evidence to back up he was suicidal or psychologically disturbed) is
speculation about conclusions.

That said, maybe it would be a good thing to examine some of the wild,
exaggerated, unfounded conspiracy theories.  After all, there were 33 Egyptian
 military officers on the plane.  This would make Flight 990 a juicy target
to some who have a vested interest in increasing Middle East tensions (like,
say, some officials in the US and Israeli government.)  Further, it was
originally reported that 990 made an unusual stop at Edwards Air Force Base.
This report was later claimed false by the Pentagon and the FAA, but the
report came from EgyptAir officials themselves, who likely have fairly good
tracking of where their planes have been.  EgyptAir has never reversed its
claim.  So, who do you believe: the Pentagon and the FAA (who certainly
couldn't have any reason to lie) or EgyptAir?  And what is a foreign private
airliner doing stopping at an Air Force Base?  And, more important, why would
this be done in secret and then covered up?  Come to think of it, why has
none of the suspicion put on Batouti been leveled on Ed McLaughlin, the grief
counselor who was the only passenger to get off the plane in New York, and
who later concealed the fact he was on the plane when participating in a
press conference eight hours after the crash?

All of these are good questions, and none of them are being asked by the
korporate media.  As usual, they are following the selectively chosen leads
fed to them by official sources.  Rest assured, for accusing Batouti of mass
murder and suicide, no reporters will be punished like Gary Webb and April
Oliver were for pointing the finger at the military-intelligence

Jim Hall certainly isn't the beginning or ending of the dishonest "reporting"
and "investigation" of Flight 990, but, as head of the NTSB, he is at the
center.  Even when debunking some of the nasty attacks on Batouti, such as
when the allegation he stated "I have made my decision now" was declared
bogus, Hall and his associates have not behaved in a decent manner.  Hall
acknowledged in a press conference that American officials had leaked false
information about the contents of the cockpit flight recorder tape, then
declared that the truth wouldn't be discovered "on a road paved with leaks,
speculation, supposition, and spin."  He then tried to absolve the blame, as
he stated that any misinformation given out by government sources came from
agencies other than his own (which is a dubious claim.)  However, if Hall was
truly concerned about the false attack of Batouti, why did he not reveal who
leaked it, since he supposedly knows it wasn't the NTSB?  Why has he not
demanded a serious investigation of this matter?  And why not demand anyone
involved in this "unauthorized" leak be fired and/or prosecuted?  After all,
the feds certainly put out all the stops against James Sanders and his wife,
when the two reporters uncovered evidence that TWA 800 was shot down by a
missile, charging them with stealing government, property that was necessary
to undermine the government's case.

Apparently, the reputation of dead Egyptian pilots aren't of any concern to
federal investigations, only the reputation of the government they serve.
Wittingly or not, Jim Hall and the NTSB has collaborated with the FBI, Boeing
and the korporate media to slander a man, and now many Egyptian are pissed as
hell (and rightfully so.)  The truth behind Flight 990 may never come out,
but one thing is clear: if it does, Hall and his agency have been a hindrance
at uncovering it.

In any case, we salute Jim Hall - as Beast of the Month. Congratulations, and
keep up the great work, Jimmy!!!


Ian Williams Goddard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Why the Rush to Judgment in the Crash of EgyptAir Flight 990?
Barry Grey, 19 November 1999
World Socialist Website ( )

US Probe of EgyptAir Crash: Media Brands Arab Doubts as "Wild Speculation"
Martin McLaughlin, 24 November 1999
World Socialist Website ( )

The Konformist
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825
(310) 737-1081

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