Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

There have been a series of "Y2K Mile Stones" representing
points in time after Jan 1, 1999 and before Jan 1, 2000 that
would test the Y2K-computer-catastrophe thesis. The following
from is commentary (in brackets) on those Y2K
Mile Stones as outlined and explained at the URL cited above:

Borderland Sciences will be updating this as the critical
dates pass. Results so far: Nothing much happened.

This was sent to me by Bob Roman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Hyatt's Famous Predictions from October 1998
and His use of the word "WILL"

Y2K: It's Closer Than You Think

By Michael S. Hyatt
October 12, 1998

Nine Millennial Milestones That WILL Signal the Chaos to Come

Many people think that the disruptions stemming from unresolved
Y2K problems WILL begin suddenly at midnight on January 1, 2000.
Not so. The technological problems WILL begin in early 1999 and
continue through at least February 2000. This WILL result in a
gradual unraveling as things begin "coming apart at the seams."

There are at least nine millennial milestones that you need to
watch for:

Milestone #1: January 1, 1999. On this date, testing is scheduled
to begin for systems all over the world. As you have no doubt
heard, many infrastructure providers and businesses have promised
that their systems WILL be ready for testing on this date.
According to the Gartner Group, 80 percent of the companies that
have announced they WILL begin testing on this date WILL miss it.
The travel industry WILL also get its first live test as it begins
accepting reservations for dates into the next century. In addition,
some business planning systems WILL fail as they begin processing
dates beyond Y2K. To add insult to injury, the European Common
Currency system goes online. This WILL create its own level of
chaos and continued drain on Information Technology resources
that could be used on the Year 2000 computer problem. As these
problems and others begin to surface, you can expect the media
to begin covering Y2K and a significantly more intense level.

[Result: Nothing Happened!]

Milestone #2: April 1, 1999. On this date, Canada, Japan, and
the State of New York begin their fiscal year. This WILL, of
course, include dates beyond Y2K. As a result, planning systems,
especially budgets that have not been repaired WILL fail as they
attempt to process Y2K dates. Since New York City is the media
capitol of the world, problems there WILL grab headlines worldwide.
Problems in Japan WILL remind everyone again of how interconnected
our world is. The Japanese WILL also be forced to admit that there
systems might not make it. I expect the stock market to react and
begin (or continue) its downward spiral. Public confidence WILL
continue to wane and the number of Y2K optimists WILL continue
to dwindle.

[Result: Nothing Happened! Other than there may be more Y2K
optimists.] (Borderlands Note: See
as it appears some things did happen)

Milestone #3: July 1, 1999. On this date, forty-four U.S. states
begin their fiscal years. The problems that began in New York WILL
now spread exponentially across the country and around the world.
The public WILL feel the global and pervasive nature of the Y2K
Problem for the first time. This WILL be further exacerbated by
the fact that many states have not had the resources to adequately
address their Millennium Bug problems. Consequently, the failures
WILL be real and widespread. We WILL begin seeing the public begin
to panic - particularly where there has not been strong local

[Result: Nothing is happening. Not much public panic.
More people believing it is Hoax!]

Milestone #4: August 22, 1999. On this date, the Global
Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology WILL fail in receivers
that are not upgraded or replaced. The GPS system consists of
twenty-four satellites that transmit signals to earth, which
are in turn picked up by electronic receivers to determine a
vehicle's exact location and velocity. They are installed in
both military and civilian vehicles and devices, including
fighters, bombers, commercial and private airplanes, helicopters,
trains, ships, submarines, tanks, jeeps, missiles and other "smart"
weapons, police cars and ambulances, and some newer-model cars.
Unfortunately, this system has a date-related error in its
receiver technology. There are some 10 million of these receivers
installed throughout the world. Those that are not upgraded WILL
produce inaccurate data that could prove to be dangerous and even
life threatening. While not specifically a Y2K related problem,
this computer glitch WILL add to the chaos and confusion.

[Result: Nothing much happened again] (Borderlands Note: See "GPS
rollover avoids Y2K-like mess")

Milestone #5: September 9, 1999. On this date, many computers
WILL encounter the infamous "99" problem. For decades programmers
designated the end of a file or the termination of a program by
entering a series of four nines in a row (i.e., "9999") in a date
field. Much like the Year 2000 Problem, programmers thought that
the programs they were writing would surely be replaced before
they actually encountered this problem. Unfortunately, they
underestimated the longevity their programs would enjoy. This
code, like the Millennium Bug, is embedded in millions of computer
programs throughout the world. Unless it is tracked down and
removed, these programs WILL abruptly terminate - often with
unexpected results.

[Result: Nothing Happened!]

Milestone #6: October 1, 1999. On this date, the federal
government WILL begin its fiscal year. According to the most
recent estimates by the House Subcommittee on Government
Information Management and Technology, thirteen out of twenty-
four key federal government agencies WILL not make the deadline.
Computer systems operated by the Defense, Transportation,
Treasury, and Medicare Departments, among others, WILL begin
malfunctioning. All the smoke and mirrors WILL be gone. The
government - and the administration - WILL be forced to admit
the truth. There WILL be no place to hide. The naked truth
WILL be evident to all.

[Result: Nothing Happened]

Milestone #7: January 1, 2000. On this date, all non-compliant
computer systems WILL fail or generate corrupt data, propagating
it across systems and bringing down many computers that are
compliant. The world WILL watch with anticipation as the systems
fail, one time zone at a time. How big WILL it be? No one really
knows. It depends on how many systems are repaired between now
and January 1, 2000. Perhaps more importantly, it also depends
on what kind of contingency plans we have in place in order to
mitigate the damage.

[What do you think the result will be:]

Milestone #8: January 4, 2000. On this date, the first business
day of the new year begins. Many businesses, utility companies,
and government agencies WILL not open - many WILL not be able
to open. Many that do open WILL be swamped with customer
complaints. Chaos and pandemonium WILL reign.

[What do you think the result will be:]

Milestone #9: February 29, 2000. On this date, leap day occurs.
Most people assume that every fourth year is a leap year. However,
every fourth turn-of-the-century is a leap year, too. The year
1900 was not a leap year; the year 2000 is. Therefore, if the
computer doesn't account for the fact that 2000 WILL, in fact,
have a February 29, then all kinds of calculations WILL be off,
including billing cycles. Unfortunately, many programmers were
unaware of this rule, and their programs WILL stumble over this
date, increasing the chaos.

The bottom line is that you have much less time to prepare than
you think. As these dates come and go, the chaos WILL increase,
increasing public awareness and, possibly, even public panic.
Supplies WILL become more scarce and prices WILL escalate. You
cannot afford to wait. You must begin making contingency plans
now, before things start unraveling.

[What do you think the result will be:]

Article found at:
[ ]

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