And Tenorlove note - here is the record mentioned before the fact, these
two big X in the sky brought a lot with it.   We experienced severe
cold, but the snow I bleieve those marks were markers, just that.

Years ago this progarm had a big problem with the Rocky Moutains as this
stood in the way of what these "scientists" wanted to do.   It was 1986
though this one TV Weatherman leveled with me and told me that he knew
about this program, they were not out to hurt anybody, and further, it
had been classified since 1965.

Now - thee contrails - suddenly two schools closed down in this area
'flu" epidemic.   Never remember this hapening before.

Could it be something in the contrails used causing the illness I
wonder.   Tom Beardon has the good stuff on this, inasmuch as he is a
nuclear engineer, well he knows.

So now you are ill......20 people have died because of this weather, and
this "weatherman" said nothing unusual.   Like hell.

If Radar System is hooked up with this program, and I had been informed
it was - something is happening.   First spring one day - my bushes are
budding and daffodils, etc., and then boom - so these contrails are
there for the weather program.

Now about the effect here  what chemicals do they use also?

So a least we know something wrong, but Beardon knows what.

Further these are markers - marking territory like dogs.

You read of this program in Red Chinna, Cuba, Israel but we who pay for
this program ah, shhhhhhhh oh so secret?

What do they fear LAW SUITS.....that is waht they fear.

See if you can find book The Weather Changers -  this Morris Udall was
in on this stuff and spoke of how American would be sining "how dry I
am" before it was over.   So they have the ability to burn, freeze,
flood us out - but at the time, a girls best friend is her lawyer.....if
you can find that one honest lawyer as I once had.

So get out the lantern and start looking.  McGuire AFB - you anywhere
near there?

Well warned my daughter to keep out of them and she said "Mother you are
getting paranoid".

Had to remind her the Supreme Court was with me for they said, juat
becaue someone is paranoid does not necessarily mean, there is no
conspiracy.   I Rest My case.

The kill my roses or trees this year I am suing the hell out of
them.....4 times I have been hit by lightning here.....including the
other day little lightning bolts in the house.

I must be all charged up.


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