-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>From TheNewAustralian

Return to The New Australian
Li Ka-Shing, the PLA's
front man, hits Australia
By Peter Zhang
No. 147,   13-19 March 2000

Li Ka-Shing (multi-billionaire, unofficial Beijing Government minister and PLA
agent) has received a warm welcome in Australia. It appears that Li is looking
to invest heavily in Australian infrastructure, particularly electricity
generation and telecommunications. Ordinarily I would advise any country to
welcome a foreign investor. But Li is no ordinary investor. Just as British
imperialism followed trade, Chinese military intelligence always follows Li.
This is something that Australians should bear in mind, though I very much
doubt that the country's mainstream media would be too concerned given its
evident left-wing leanings.
Li Beijing's connections are hardly a state secret. He had been a close friend
of Gen. Ji Shengde, former military intelligence director of the PLA, who was
recently arrested for corruption, and is still close to Gen. Xiong Guangkai who
had been Gen. Ji's superior. He is equally close to Jiang Zemin. Most telling
of all, probably, is Li's corrupt real estate dealings with the brutal Chen
Xitong who is infamous for the instrumental role he played in the Tiananmen
Square massacre.

Many of Li's ‘commercial' activities tell us much about the kind of
‘businessman' he really is. Li's eldest son, Victor, has launched Pacific
Century CyberWorks. This is quite a coincidence because there was also an
investment firm called Pacific Century Group which was supposed to use US money
to finance electricity generating plants in mainland China. The company was
revealed by intelligence to be a front whose principle owners were Li Ka-Shing
and a Macau-based triad gangster called Ng Lapseng whose main source of income
is drug-running, prostitution, including child prostitution. He is also
involved in extortion, smuggling illegal immigrants, loansharking, money
laundering, etc.
Ng is also deeply implicated in the Clintons' fundraising scandals and had
personal relations with the Clintons who invited him to the White House on a
number of occasions. It says a great deal about the media that it did not
report the fact that the Clintons had taken several hundred thousand dollars,
not to mention the other Triad contributions, from a gangster who peddles child
prostitutes. This creep also has an interest in Ang-Du International which is
known to participate in the abduction of young Asian females, even children,
for sale to the region's brothels. Ang-Du was also used to channel funds into
the Clintons' election campaign on behalf of Lapseng's associates.

So why has Li associated with a known drug-running Triad pimp?

Lapseng is not the only gangster with whom the enterprising Mr Li has had
dealings. Li joined with Henry Fok and Robert Kwok to form the CITIC (China
International Trust Investment Company). The Hong Kong police and British and
American intelligence have reported that the charming Henry is a prominent
member of the 14K Triad and enjoys the patronage of the PLA while Robert, also
a Triad member, is believed to be engaged in the Burmese heroin trade. (I
sincerely hope that Robert Kwok's family is not the same one that owns a
premium piece of real estate in Melbourne, Australia.)
CITIC created a subsidiary called Poly Technologies which was run by Wang Jun,
a CITIC director, and He Ping, Deng Xiaoping's son-in-law. The company's
American subsidiaries were closed in 1996 when it was caught trying to smuggle
2000 AK47s into California to be sold to LA drug gangs. A tip off by Janet
Reno's agency enabled Robert Ma, Poly's front man in the deal, to flee the
country just ahead of an FBI arrest warrant. (I do hope that this particular Ma
is not connected to the Ma family that has heavy real estate investments in
Sydney, Australia). It will be no surprise to learn that Wang Jun has strong
business links to Lapseng.

I strongly suggest that before any Australians become financially involved with
Li they take care acquaint themselves with a little of his financial history,
including accusations of insider trading. Then there is also the notorious case
of Beijing Enterprises Holding LTD in which about a billion dollars in stock
evaporated. The business was basically a fraud whose shares were artificially
pumped up and then dumped. This caper destroyed one bank and seriously damaged
several others. And who was senior figure in Beijing Enterprises? Why Mr Li.
I'm not asking Australians to be paranoid; not every Chinese civilian company
is an instrument of the Ministry of State Security or the PLA. But Li is. I
wrote sometime ago that it was Beijing's long-term goal to exercise hegemony
over the Asian-Pacific region, including New Zealand and Australia, by driving
the US back to Hawaii. Once it believes it is succeeding in this goal it will
begin to demand of Australia that it choose between its Asian friends — meaning
Beijing — and the US. Return to The New Australian


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