Friday, March 29, 2002 12:06 a.m. EST
Gore Gave Gay Fetish Center $500,000
When he was running for president, Vice President Al Gore personally delivered a $500,000 government check to a San Francisco gay and transgender center that sponsors events such as the "Queer Youth-A-Palooza," a "Drag King Junior Contest" and a "Leather Pride Reception."
Questioned by Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on Thursday, gay activist Jeff Sheehy said that the "Queer Youth-A-Palooza" was "kind of like a prom event" with "a bunch of queer kids."
He further explained that the "Drag King Junior Contest" featured "girls dressing up like Elvis Presley."
But Sheehy seemed at a loss for words when it came to the center's "Leather Pride Reception," telling O'Reilly, "Well, the leather community has these events ... ah, um, you know, I'm not a leather person."
When asked to define the term "leather person," Sheehy replied, "That's a good question. ... I think that they hit each other a bit with leather."
The center's $7 million cost is mostly paid for by state and local taxes. But in 2000, the Clinton administration approved a $500,000 grant, which Sheehy defended by invoking the former veep's participation.
"I'm not a big defender of the $500,000 donation myself - I mean, Al Gore dropped it off," he told O'Reilly.
"I was a big Bill Bradley supporter. And right before the California primary ... Al Gore dropped the check off when we had the groundbreaking."
While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.
Matthew 13:25
Archibald Bard
ICQ 83834746

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