-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dak huh, And Sitchin called it the gift from the Gods too. LOL


The Theory
Once upon a time, there was a race of beings from the Dog Star Sirius called
the DAK. The DAK were evolved from a dog-like ancestor. When this story
begins, they have achieved space travel, and many scientific advances.

The DAK had the political heirarchy of a Royal Family being in charge. There
were a King and Princes, uncles and nephews, all the normal stuff that goes
along with a Monarchy.

The King (being a smart king) sent his 2 sons, the Princes, to aquire more
territory for the kingdom. (The sons being of an age where they were chafing
for more responsibility.) The younger son (Prince 2) was a genetic engineer.
The older (Prince 1) was being groomed for the Kingship.

There happened to be a solar system right at the edge of a trade route that
looked like it might be promising. There were minerals to be had on some of
the planets, and a beautiful watery world that would make a lovely
Recreation Planet. The two Princes claimed the solar system in the name of
their Father.

After much hardship and work, they started mining the planets for the
minerals. Prince 1 was in charge of the physical aspects of gettting the job
done. Prince 2 was in charge of the labor force.

On the beautiful watery planet there were life forms. One was a monkey-man,
with little if any intellect. But it did have a strong back and was a
perfect candidate for a labor slave. Prince 2 started genetically
engineering the monkey-man, since the DAK warriors who were doing the work
were becoming too exhausted and beaten down by the labor involved in
terraforming and mining.

Prince 2 was successful in designing a slave that was smart enough to take
orders, but not smart enough to disobey them. He called his creation Adama.

In the meantime, Prince 1 was under heavy pressure to get the jobs done. He
drove Adama mercilessly, so that individuals would die from over-work.
Prince 2 was not happy with this, these were after all, his creations. He
went in again and genetically "tweaked" some of the Adama and raised their
sexual DNA to heights unheard of in sentient beings. Prince 2 figured that
even if they were being worked so hard, at least he could give them
something to enjoy while they were off work.

Prince 1 was furious! Now his slaves were just having sex, and not working
anymore. Prince 1 insisted that the Adama were all to be killed, and a new
slave was to be engineered. He called all the DAK back into their huge
spaceship and caused a great flood to kill off all the creatures on the
planet. Prince 2 got word of his brother's plans just prior to taking off,
and he saved some of his creation by setting them deep into a high mountain
where the waters would not get to them.

Upon returning to the planet, after the flood was over, Prince 1 insisted
that his brother make a new slave. This time, Prince 2 used HIS OWN DNA
instead of the DAK warrior's who had been assigned to donate it. As before,
Prince 1 was unmerciful and drove the slaves too hard.

Prince 2 went to a Genetic Enineering conference and told of his plight to
friends of his there. A representative of the Bird People responded to him,
and gave him a precious gift of their DNA. the Bird Person told Prince 2
that the DNA would give his creations "passion" and a yearning for
understanding and adventure. Prince 2 gladly accepted the gift and used it
in his old, hidden Adama as well as the new ones.

So, according to the story, we are made up of at least 3 different beings,
the DAK (from which we have Royal Blood), the Bird People (from whom we get
our "passion"), and the original monkey-man who was an evolved resident of
the planet. And there is evidence that more and varied DNA strains were

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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