-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 9:14 PM
Re: Intercepted mail, tracking your
connections, etc.

from:  jpviken

On 11-3 my e'mail system went down completely after opening up a cia list
It took me about 8 hours to fix it. I had to completely remove all traces of
netscape and then re-enter microsoft explorer to even get it to work.
Sounds like the nsa and their minions have had their fill of us!  We must be
getting too close to discovering something they are afraid of.

There is a little story that I never told before, a story told me years go
by a very deep cover contact of mine, now deceased. I didn't give much
credibility to his tale, since I felt his stories were just way too
unbelievable.  Although he had too much money and way more power than he
deserved, I could just never place much credibility in his stories, they
were just too incredible. I enjoyed his company because of the outdoor
national and international hobby we enjoyed.  Now looking back years later,
I'm not so sure anymore his stories were so far out.  He told me on a number
of occasions that later on at a certain point, our overlord sub-earo minions
who run the american industrial/military/intelligence system would attempt
to go global, but that their greatest fear at that time would be a possible
"mass, spontaneous uprising of unassociated, unorganized, lone-nut
assassins" who might attack any and all oligarchs and feds at will in
kamikaze style revenge attacks and that this might occur when said folk find
out that their situation is irreversably lost and they have been
irrepairably duped.  Apparently their all too frequent use of the lone-nut
assassin model has left subconcious reverberations of the golden rule
inversion, best translated as:  instead of  (do unto others as you would
like them to do unto you), the inverse of "expect others to treat you in the
worst ways you ever treated them, and expect them to do this to you when you
are most vulnerable and least expect it" (commonly referred to as "what goes
around comes around" or "paybacks a bitch".   This is why the alphabets want
all the guns.   There is another big problem the usa-based, sub-euro
oligarchs and a their alphabet minions do not yet know.  And that is that in
the larger scope of things they will have their celebration or awards party
given them when the old euro merchant banking, black nobility families
attain the new world order and make it a euro world order:  this celebration
party for the usa shills/cutouts will be a "night of the long-knives" like
the brown shirts got in germany (come celebrate our victory on the train,
we'll have a geat time!"---result: all whacked to the last brownshirt).  If
this story is true, this will be one heck of a reward!

Deep cover rumor:
old euro minions have fixed up our sidona, fema, cog type underground type
bases with very special treatments by which these sub-euro usa
shills/cutouts can "celebrate".  It wil be a super-"whacked/out"
celebration, "night of the longknives", wackemout style.

Apparently, in the major scope of things, going global means going euro
supremo and that all major usa industries will have to be either
immobilized, destroyed or transferred to euro so that the usa money
generator can be "eliminated" and euro can assume its long designed role.
The Ero old nobility will not need us any more to industrialze, organize,
and compartmenbtalize the world for them--it will be time to take us out and
take it home!  We better Hope this recent type of thing with Boeing is just
temporary and airbus is just a flash in the pan.

This supposed future "just deserts" or reciprocal treachery is not expected
by these sub-euro shills/cutouts. They will shrill in pain, "but we brought
in your drugs, we did your hits, we laundered your money, we served you
well, how can you do this to us? and such will fall on deaf ears.  Of course
many brass have already been marginalized, quieted by comprimise and quite a
number whacked out in mysterious helicopter based training accidents. Of
course there are always those improbable and mysterious type suicides (eg
three gunshots to the chest boorda style with no powder burns, etc., etc.)
Upper level sub-euro usa minions will think they are "above all this" and
will be "taken care of in the larger scope of things."   They sure will be
taken care of, but "night of the longknives" style!  As this onion gets
peeled, there will be numerous uprisings within and between many groups.

Recurrent, repititive "burning of the reichstag" type events will be used to
elicit & impose martial law and employ fema, the aphabetss and the military
against their own people and families, thus insuring complete soicial and
moral destruction of american, and this will prove even better than what
drug importing has accomplished. We'll see storm troopers against the people
and seizures will be the bait. The urbans will rise against the suburbans,
race against race, people vs. the cops, etc., etc.

Late in the game many intelligence operatives and senior intelligence
officers and military now serving in mid to high range sub-euro minion
positions will start to see they have been had and that they have been used
to destroy america and themselves and their own families, and they will
strike out with everything they have.  But it will be too late because
extensive, brutal efforts will be quickly made to tag them.  Any usa police,
usa military, usa alphabets, usa govt officials & workers will be quickly
disposed of by any means the modal means will be "report to room 222 for sog
training to combat the upcoming urban riots"--room 222 is "night of the
longknives time">>gas ig farben style, autoarms fire, plastic etc., etc. The
euro masters know that no underling/shill/cutout/minion can ever be trusted
and that all must be eliminated, and this means all from the lowest to the
biggest american oligarchs.  Of course the UN can maybe called in to help
(but they will reorganized under euro directive and help themselves to us
and our property--this will be their bait) later on they can be taken care
of too if it suits the euros). If things get out of hand nukes likely will
be used. Bottom line, ero oligarchs are within striking distance to rule the
world.  Brussels is now the world's new washington dc.

Do I think this scenario is a correct one?  I suspect not, but it is thought
provoking, and I do know that there are a substantial number of military and
intelligence officers who now feel they have "been had by their top sub-euro
oligarch cutouts" but they don't know what to do--they wait in quiet
desperation.   I also know that the soviet union at one time had trojan
horse plans to destabilize the usa and take it over by covert military means
in cahoots with the chinese while appearing harmless as a lamb on the home

I do know one thing for sure.  When you go to camp peary, "the farm" for
your covert honeymoon where you learn how to blow up buses with molotov
cocktails, drive pencils unders someone's chin, and to beat people up with
lamps and furniture, it ain't to milk the cows and they don't give you
"informed consent!"  They don't have to tell you that carrying the power of
american national security is more seductive than a wad of big bills, raw
sex, or drugs.  What they should have to tell you but don't is that you will
be used and then eventually discredited and maybe even disposed of if and
when deemed useful to "national security".  As the old timers say, "once in,
in for life, at least for the rest of your life, however long that is!".
And we now know that the mid to upper level sub-euro minions (earl brian
level) will get theirs too and many already have--if you know too much you
get that dsmo alzeihmers innoculation on the wheel of your car as your rewrd
for loyal service (courtesy the disc ghoul squad or the tsd)!  If you're a
low level street grunt they don't tell you that they've got two or three
doubles for you on tap anytime who can and may dress like you, look like
you, walk like you and will on request rob a dairy store or a bank on video
and drive a car like yours with the same license plate, in case they need to
"cool you out" for awhile.  They don't tell you your money wires may keep
getting lost. They don't tell you that you might be cut loose if those pesky
congression investigators need a scapegoat.  They don't tell you they may
squeeze your balls with administrative red tape like ("gee, those damn
bureaucrats at the agency have screwed things up", or those idiots at state
dept just keep messing up your file", "don't worry, we'll have it
straightened out in no time". Or those aid people are really friends of ours
but they get caught up in interagency conflicts and it takes time for us to
get it straightened out.  As you mature in your glorious career "things they
start a turning, they start to unravel--pretty soon it ain't so fun anymore
(you get that uneasy, queasy feeling in your gut).  Pretty soon the only
relief you have is booze.   If you're a higher up, as you get old and the
wrinkles deepen, you wait for the special ghoul squad for when "it's your
time".  That last car sort of slowed when it turned, didn't it, what about
the guy in sunglasses that kept staring at you at the resturaunt. Whats that
gritty feel to my toothpaste? If you're especially obedient you secretly
hope it can't happen to you, but you wait in quiet desperation and just hope
they'll let you live out your life in the luxury they gave you in return for
your treachery to the little folks under guise of national security. If your
really high up and especially effective, they might take you to berne at
that certain clinic and let you have those special anti-aging  "fetal neuro
extract" injections at the back of your neck to enter your spinal fluid.

Later on with the change in the executive branch, you start to get
marginalized and pushed out into the cold (the big boys don't return your
calls very fast or maybe not at all any more).  You secretly phantasize
about who you might tap for revenge but your not sure who the mr. bigs
really are, or who ultimately pulls their strings.  You know your sups
always had to check with miV, but you weren't really sure why.  You pledge
to yourself not to fly in small aircraft or helicopters or fly in any
commercial flights, and not to even go out at night unless you are in a
crowd. And for that day of your last breath you wait.  National security
becomes national insecurity for you.   Please disregard this story as the
whinings of an old burned out, deceased covert operative.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 1:55 PM
 Re: Intercepted mail, tracking your connections, etc.

Ruppert reports by phone that he has no CIA drug list e-mails for the last
two hours and he can not get through to Brian by phone or e-mail.
Looks like we are all going to have to get redundant e-mail addresses, ham
radios, and carrier pidgeons until we can cut off their funding sources.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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