Alfred is a guest on this show on the 29th and talking about Expolitics.
Book can be previewed here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rense E-News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 28 May 2000 16:57
Subject: Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 5-27-00

                    Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

                        The Week Ahead
                     5-28-00 thru 6-3-00

           Guests, Announcements, Week's Top Stories

               Jeff Rense E-News is distributed
               exclusively by Free Subscription.

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                       * GUEST CORNER *

                         Are We Alone?

                      by Dennis Balthaser

When becoming involved with the subject of ufology at any level,
we are faced with the fact that things are seen in the sky by
different individuals, that are not explainable as anything we
know about, or have seen before. I suppose that's why it's so
important to understand that UFO, means "Unidentified Flying
Object". Does that mean they are extraterrestrial and from
another world? Not necessarily. 90% of what people see are
explainable objects, either caused by natural phenomenon,
(planets, stars, comets, ball lightning, etc.), or man-made by
us here on earth, such as airplanes, balloons, etc. The remaining
10% continues to mystify us, many times reported by credible
individuals, with no logical explanation for what they have seen
or experienced. If they are in fact craft from another world, are
they unmanned probes or are they controlled by living beings of
some sort? If and when it's proven that these UFOs are actually
maneuvered or controlled by living beings from somewhere other
than the earth, then the answer to the question "Are We Alone",
might finally be known.

I have as many others have, read many of the books about aliens,
and have interviewed several witnesses claiming to have actually
had experiences with alien life forms. I'm not qualified to be
judgmental on what I was told, but I honestly believe that many
that shared their experiences with me did actually experience
something, and I felt a deep obligation to at least listen to
them. When possible, I referred them to more qualified
professional researchers to pursue their experiences.

Years ago I reported the planet Venus as being a UFO, only to
find out that I was mistaken. Who could argue with the fact that
the F-117 or B-2 Stealth aircraft, at certain angles of
observation, could easily be mistaken for a UFO. How many other
newly developed craft are in our possession that the public
doesn't know anything about, because they are still classified
for national security, which is a viable reason for not making
them public.

The research of this subject almost places one in a "Catch 22"
situation. I know in my case as a researcher and investigator, I
want to be told, if in fact we have alien craft and/or alien
beings in our possession. On the other hand, I do not want any
foreign threats to our nation because we publicly told the world
about new technology or craft that we're developing. I no longer
believe that the public would panic over the news that we are not
alone in the universe, as was more prominent 50 years ago,
because today people are much more educated and open minded to
such possibilities. Perhaps the people in charge in our
government or military don't believe that, or maybe, and this
would be a worse scenario, this is the Government's way of
controlling us. After all, "IF" we have been in the past and are
currently being visited by extraterrestrials from another world,
as many believe, maybe our military and political leaders can't
do anything about it, consequently until they can, if they ever
can, they won't admit it exists, because I believe that would
cause concern among the masses. Unfortunately, in many instances,
we no longer know whether to believe our leaders or not, based on
their records for the past several years with such things as
Vietnam, IranContra, Watergate, and the fact that we have four
excuses for the Roswell Incident. In some of the Air Force
reports about the Roswell Incident, there were no bodies, then
there were bodies, but they were anthropomorphic dummies. They
were 3 1/2 ft. to 5 ft. tall...the dummies were 5'-8" to 5'-10"
and not even used until several years after the Roswell Incident. We no
longer know if we're being told the truth or not.

Just within recent years Scientists, Engineers and Astronomers
have been talking about the "possibility" of life elsewhere in
the universe. The odds are just to great, considering the number
of stars and planets that are out there to think we're alone.
That would be taking our own egotism to the maximum. That type
thinking by professional, respected individuals, of itself is
good news, but I still have a problem with the universal
statement usually made by those type people that, "life as we
know it", might exist somewhere else. Where in the rulebook does
it say that it has to be life as we know it? To me this shows the
limitations of the human mind to be able to only associate with
things we already know about. Who's to say that they breathe
oxygen and walk upright? Perhaps they crawl on their stomachs,
(if they have them), and breathe sulfuric acid. I cannot rule out
the fact that if they can get here from wherever they are from,
they are drastically different from us, and are so far advanced
of us that we cannot possibly understand or relate to anything
connected with them. I believe it was Stanton Friedman who once
said, "intelligence-wise, we humans are trying to get into the
pre-school of the universe".

Also, if life doesn't exist anywhere in the universe other than
on this little blob of mud and water we call earth, why are we
and other countries spending the billions of dollars we spent to
search for other life forms out in space? That money could
certainly be used for our benefit here on earth to fight poverty,
help our environment and other things that are drastically
needed, or out of control in many instances. If aliens from
another world do exist, why would they want to communicate with
us? We seem to be destroying the planet as fast as we can with
pollution, cutting down the rain forests, and depleting the ozone
layer. We can't get along with our neighbors, other ethnic groups
and certainly not with many other countries, so what
realistically could we offer to a life form, so advanced that
they can get here, but we can't go there yet? I hope there is a
civilization somewhere with higher intelligence than us. Just
maybe we can learn from them...before it's too late. I had a
fourth grade art teacher who once said "man will someday get so
smart, he will destroy himself ". I have never forgotten that
statement and during the cold war, believed it might actually

Recently, a nationwide poll of nearly 1,500 people (including a
number of leading astronomers and astrophysicists), was conducted
by the syndicated cable television show Dateline:USA, which found
that more than 70 percent of those surveyed, believe there is
intelligent life in the universe, perhaps even in our own Milky
Way Galaxy. Seventy percent is a higher percentage number than
most politicians receive to be elected. Is it time for our
leaders to listen to the people that put them in office, and get
back to our Constitution which starts with "We the People"?

The opinions of those surveyed, were evenly divided on whether
aliens would be hostile or not. Nearly 80 percent of those
surveyed were convinced that alien technology would be more
advanced than ours, which of course it would have to be, simply
to be able to get here, across millions of light years of space.
So, there are probably "just not aliens, but intelligent aliens".

In my opinion, recent missions and probes by NASA have done a lot
to again stir interest in this age-old question: are we alone?
Hopefully that question can be answered in our lifetime.

Virtually all the respondents to the Dateline survey agreed that
alien beings from other worlds will not "look like us". One
surprising result of the survey to me, was the fact that 65
percent of those surveyed, felt that we'd be conquered or
annihilated if an alien race invaded earth. If in fact aliens do
exist and have been visiting our earth as long as many believe
they have, would they not have had ample time to do that already,
if in fact that was their motive for coming or being here.
Certainly our military is much more "high tech" today than it was
only a few years ago to defend ourselves from any invasion. As
much as I hate to admit it, maybe we're not worth invading, until
we can get up to their level. But then again, if they are
advanced enough to get here, will we ever get to that level? As
the art teacher said, maybe we'll destroy ourselves. Could that
be what they are waiting for?

So I'm not answering the question, but prefer to let you decide
"Are we Alone"? Many indications seem to imply that we are not.
If we are alone, maybe it's time we took a long look at ourselves
before we get so smart that we do destroy ourselves, because if
that happened and we are alone in the universe, the earth would
be a very quiet place and a terrible waste.

Dennis G. Balthaser

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              “The Guest Corner, please email
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"And what it all comes down to is that I haven't got it all figured out just
yet."-Alanis Morisette, "One Hand in My Pocket"

                 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--

                   The Federal Reserve Hoax

How, through one simple step, Congress can regain Constitutional
control and issue of our money, tax-free and interest-free.
Limited supply.

                 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--

                       * TOP STORIES *

          Just a few of last week's most intriguing!

  * Are Waco FLIR 'Gunshots' Solar Reflections Of 'Flapping
      Panel' In Wind?
  * 7th Grader Kills Teacher On Last Day Of School In Florida
  * 'Rebirthing Therapy' Claims Life Of 10 Year Old Colorado
      Girl - 3 Arrested
  * Israel Betrays Lebanese Allies
  * Review Of Jim Marrs' Hot Book 'Rule By Secrecy'
  * GM Crops Said 'Planted For Years By Mistake'
  * GM Seed Contamination And Spreading Out Of Control
  * E. Coli Kills 5, Leaves Hundreds Ill In Canada Town
  * Ohio Judge Says Gun Laws Treat 'Decent Citizens Like
  * Entirely New Genus Of Killer Virus Confirmed
  * China Stepping Up Taiwan Invasion Plans
  * Massive Chemtrails Over The Northwest - Weather Modification?
  * US 'Mad Deer' Disease CAN Spread To Humans
  * New Organic Standards To Permit Fluoride!
  * Utah's Time/Space Warp Gadianton Canyon Encounter
  * Chupas Strike Again In Chile - 3 Said Captured And Turned
      Over To US
  * Fake Badges Easily Bypass Security At Pentagon, CIA, FBI,
  * UPDATE Almost Two Acres Of Tropical Rainforest Disappears
      Every Second
  * TV May Contribute To Alzheimers
  * The Billy Meier Case - The Simple Farmer Who Talked With
      Star People
  * More Evidence US Military Killed Its Own With Chemical
  * Brain Scans Of Gulf War Veterans Show Brain Damage
  * Every Gunshot By Police Officers To Be Tracked By Tiny
      'Black Box'
  * Is There Life on Mars? 20,000 Photos Now Online
  * Magnet Craze Fears Rise - 21 Children In UK Already
  * Ancient Mayor's Tomb, 102 Mummies Found In Egypt
  * A Judge's Attempt At Redacting America
  * Fish Deficiency 'Could Harm Mental Health'
  * Airline Manager - Chemtrails Are Real And Called 'Project
  * Happy Drug Prozac Can Bring On Impulse To Suicide - British
  * Bilderberg 2000 Meeting Location And New Chairman Revealed

Read these stories and more at

                 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--
                   This Week’s BOOK SPECIAL
                        The APOCRYPHA

Evidence shows the Illuminati had evil designs in removing these
14 books from the Bible. What is in there they did not want you
to know and watch for?  $4 off! Regularly $13.95 – just $9.95

                 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--

                   * THIS WEEK'S GUESTS *
                       5-28 thru 6-2

           (Please note Jeff's Guest schedule can
          change due to late breaking stories, etc).

SUN 5-28
   John Freitas:  Live Bigfoot Expedition!

MON 5-29
   Alfred Webre:  Exopolitics
   Brian Allan: Military Antigravity

TUE 5-30
   Chris Dunn:  Incredible Technology Of Ancient Giza

WED 5-31
   Tom Carey-Don Schmitt:  Newest Roswell Witness

THU 6-1
   National MUFON Report

FRI 6-2
   J.R. Nyquist:  A Genuine Threat Of War

Live Real Audio Broadcasts & Archives:

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                 The Immortal - by J.J. Dewey

Is John, author of the Apocalypse, the Apostle, the Beloved,
still walking the earth as a teacher of mysteries? If you enjoy
reading books like the Celestine Prophecy, Conversations with
God, Seth, Alice A. Bailey, A Course in Miracles (ACIM),
metaphysics or esoteric philosophy of any kind, this is a must-
read for you.

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