-Caveat Lector-

> No. 1312July 22, 1999
> Link to:
> | Full Text | PDF (746k) |
> Note: PDF version contains both the Executive Summary and the
> Full Text.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Produced by
> The Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies
> Published by
> The Heritage Foundation
> 214 Massachusetts Ave., N.E.
> Washington, D.C.
> 20002-4999
> (202) 546-4400
> http://www.heritage.org
> <Picture: Heritage 25: Leadership for America>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
> The Legal Services Corporation (LSC), a federally funded agency
> that provides free legal aid to the poor through 269 grantee
> offices around the country, is asking Congress for a $40 million
> increase in funding for fiscal year (FY) 2000. The request, which
> will be considered under the Commerce, Justice, State, the
> Judiciary, and Related Agencies appropriations bill, represents a
> 13 percent increase over FY 1999 funding--despite the fact that
> various government watchdogs and the media have reported serious
> problems with the LSC's case-reporting statistics and performance
> numbers.
> Information on the LSC's handling of cases is important because
> it is the only tangible information on the agency's overall
> performance currently available to Congress. Congress relies on
> the accuracy and integrity of reporting on performance measures
> to determine the amount of funding agencies should receive, and
> agencies use their performance numbers to justify their budget
> requests to congressional appropriators. Until this year,
> Congress has not seriously questioned the accuracy of the LSC's
> reported numbers. But preliminary audits conducted by the LSC's
> own inspector general (IG) in 1998 have caused Members of
> Congress and the media to question the accuracy of LSC's 1997
> caseload data.
> Every program audited by the IG, and more recently by the U.S.
> General Accounting Office (GAO), since the 1997 case statistics
> were released in the LSC's 1998 Factbook has demonstrated serious
> misreporting of the LSC caseload, and this has given rise to
> concerns about systemic performance deficiencies throughout the
> agency. In fact, the IG and GAO audits reveal that for 11
> grantees that reported 370,000 cases, only 198,000 cases were
> deemed valid.
> For the most part, audited LSC grantee offices overstated the
> number of cases handled, either because the cases were ineligible
> to be counted in the first place or because a case was counted
> more than once. In other instances, the statistics were inflated
> because telephone contacts and nonexistent cases were included in
> the numbers. Investor's Business Daily even quoted a former LSC
> employee who said that telephone calls made to the LSC offices
> were counted as cases simply to "build up numbers to report to
> LSC and other funding sources." Despite the heightened scrutiny
> the agency received due to mounting evidence of misreporting, LSC
> officials still have not been forthcoming with accurate data for
> Congress.
> As early as July 1998, the agency's inspector general told LSC
> President John McKay that case statistics at several offices were
> seriously flawed. In October 1998, when it approved a $17 million
> increase in LSC funding--the first such increase in two
> years--Congress was still unaware of this information. In fact,
> the LSC's leadership did not report these performance problems to
> Congress for another five months, until March 1999. The agency
> should have viewed the IG's findings as serious enough to bring
> to the attention of Congress before this $17 million decision was
> made.
> As the evidence of management problems has emerged, many Members
> of Congress have become concerned that the LSC misled Congress
> intentionally. On May 3, 1999, five Members asked the GAO to
> audit additional LSC grantee offices to assess how widespread the
> reporting error problem is before Congress considers LSC funding
> for FY 2000. The GAO's recently released findings further
> discredit the LSC's 1997 case numbers and raise serious questions
> about all of the data supplied by this federal entity to
> Congress.
> No one would deny that the less privileged in society benefit
> significantly from free legal assistance. But it is entirely
> unacceptable for Congress or the states to continue to disburse
> taxpayer funds to LSC programs without considering credible and
> accurate information on how current money is being spent. Indeed,
> just as donors would alter their charitable contributions if they
> learned a charity had misrepresented its activities in its annual
> report, so too should Congress be vigilant with taxpayer dollars
> when LSC misrepresents the number of clients served.
> In 1993, Congress passed the Government Performance and Results
> Act with bipartisan support and the Administration's stamp of
> approval. The act codified Washington's desire to hold federal
> programs accountable for their performance and their use of
> taxpayer dollars. It is useless, however, unless Congress can
> rely on the information provided by federal agencies. Without
> accurate information about the performance of Legal Services
> Corporation grantees, Congress cannot hold the agency accountable
> for its performance.
> Congress should demand that the LSC immediately release its
> overdue 1999 Factbook so that Members can consider 1998 caseload
> data during the FY 2000 appropriations process. It also should
> reduce FY 2000 funding to offset the funding provided in previous
> years with overinflated statistics; conduct oversight hearings;
> and, to secure better information in the future, establish both
> quality and quantity measures that allow it to verify the
> accuracy of the LSC's information, including requiring annual
> independent audits, preventing the LSC from administratively
> changing the definition of reportable cases, and applying the
> Federal False Statements Act to the LSC and its grantees.
> Once Congress has a clear picture of the agency's performance,
> Members should ask first whether the federal government should be
> running this program. If not, funding should be transferred to
> the U.S. Department of Justice to provide block grants to the
> states based on the number of eligible poor in each jurisdiction.
> --Virginia L. Thomas is a Senior Fellow in Government Studies and
> Ryan H. Rogers is Research Assistant in Government Studies at The
> Heritage Foundation.
> Link to:
> | Full Text | PDF (746k) |
> Note: PDF version contains both the Executive Summary and the
> Full Text.

<<The question becomes:  how good is their legal advice if they
can't get their client base straight? >>

>From www.heritage.org/library/backgrounder/bg1312es.html

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