-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

New bone marrow stem-cell discovery
Transplant procedure results in no rejection by recipient



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Canadian researchers have discovered a type of adult stem cell found in bone
marrow that they believe could repair damaged organs and tissue when
transplanted, with no chance of being rejected by a recipient's immune

The stem cells, called mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, don't carry markers
on their surfaces that lead to rejection, according to a December report in
the magazine New Scientist.

Researchers have been trying to perfect cloned stem cells as a way to
overcome the rejection problem but have been unsuccessful.

Ray Chiu of McGill University in Montreal said he even was able to transplant
MSCs from pigs to rats, adding that the cells only seemed to migrate towards
damaged tissues once injected.

"They turned into heart muscle, blood vessels and fibrous tissue," he said.

Abortion foes say if research holds up regarding the potential of MSCs, there
could be no further need to pursue the controversial technique of harvesting
stem cells from embryonic tissues.

The new research "does go against our common understanding of the immune
system," said Annemarie Moseley of Osiris Therapeutics in Baltimore.

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