-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

This is a couple of posts concerning them numbers again. Fascinating stuff.
Um yeah I will check out the biblical references..Tomorrow.



Dear "earthman,"

This is quite an assortment of information and a great message.

I like the way all the math is brought into play. The no. 74 and 186 yrs.
B.C. - the speed of light?

Please allow me to join in with a few observations: I notice the year 2000
being compared with the Jewish calendar year 5760 and certain mathmatical
formulas being applied to the numbers. And then - there is the use of
gematria - as well. These particular subjects are more than passing interest
to me, especially when applied to the original Hebrew and Greek Bible text.

It was early in 1999, when the discovery and announcement was made
the existence of a 5000, and 6000 year calendar - each ending in the Jewish
calendar year 5760, which co-incides with Gregorian 2000 C.E. The date and
point of origin beginning with the life of  Adam (4000 B.C.E.).  The
discovery turned into an on-going unveiling, which proved to be
"scientifically" accurate. The calendar is composed of a complete 360 degree
circle divided into 24 numbers i.e.(1 through 24 hours in each day of our
clock and  1-12 and 1-12  = 24 as well). The 24 segments are composed of 240
years and /or 15 degrees each. Thus, 240 years times 24 equals 5760 - the
year Time-Ends!  Showing, therefore that the Jewish year 5760 and the
Gregorian year 2000 are the last year, and that years 5761 and 2001,
respectively,  are indeed the "New - Beginning." This all predicated on
weather or not Adam's date of  geneology is correct i.e. 1-4 yrs., according
to the chronology of  James Ussher (1581 - 1656), and if or not zero years
were taken into consideration.

Some gematria was shown in the message using Greek words for Jesus and
Jesus=IESOUS=888; Christ=CHRISTOS=1480; the sum=2368. If the word Lord is
added to the sum - Lord=KURIOS=800, the total value becomes 3168. This
3168 is significant because it is the number in miles for a square drawn
around a sphere  whose diameter is 7920mi. (mean dimension of the earth),
deleting the zeros.
The little town of Bethlehem is located at 31degrees 68 minutes N. latitude
The combined dimensions of the moon and earth's circumference measures
Thus, showing the signature of the creator in the creation, "All things were
made by Him; and without Him was not anything made taht was made." John 1:3

Furthermore, the combined measurements of the earth and moon, compared with
the earth's measurement alone, denotes the marriage of the circle to the
square and also reveals the mystery of the relationship of the number seven
to eleven and the ratio for Pi , i.e. 22/7.

We then come to some interesting calculations, which if one were to know the
interpretation - would surely see a mystery unfolding  - a prophetic message
written in pure mathmatics;  I leave that for here for now, but I want to
comment on the numbers 576(0) and 1152.  It is stated, the number 576, has
the meaning, "Prophecy and Gospel", and the number twice 576,  1152 has the
meaning "Witness". I have found in some sources the number 576 has the
meaning, "Spirit" and "Trumpet" - as well (see the trumpet(s) in the book of
Revelation, the trumpet speaks, and the trumpet is a message). The number
1.152 ft. is an important number, for it is one of the numbers used as a
cubit in the construction of the tabernacle of Moses, called the Egyptian
foot. The Egyptian cubit is 1.728 and utilized as a second and confirming
cubit in the tabernacle's construction. These numbers have esoteric meaning
when combined and placed in context with particular symbolisms. I believe
time to listen.

For instance the Ark of the Testomony measures 18x18x30=9720. Now take 9720
and subtract the Jewish year 5760 = 3960 = the Radii of the Earth!  Why has
the Ark's symbolism been hidden, "until" now?

Best regards to one and all - happy hunting



Dear Kathleen and Peter

My knowledge of Tarot is almost nil. But, I believe I have a tid-bit to

There is this wonderful book(let) that a sweet lady from Maryland was "led"
to send me (at no cost to me) a few years back. I dont exactly understand
of it, but I do witness (inner-light) to its content. The author T  Byron G
was given a tremendous revelation regarding Tarot's origination and its
occultic (the doctrine and theory of hidden causes - concealed) principles.
The book is titled,  "SYNTHESIS The Hermetic Tarot." In it, he shows how the
Hermetic titles (of cards) co-inside with  Arabic numerals conjoined with
Hebrew and Greek letter for number system and the Vulgar titles of today's
Tarot. He shows the Sephiroth (tree of life) annexed to its numerical value
along with the Qabalah, Kabbalah, and Esoteric comparisons. Then he shows
the whole picture applies to the Mazzoreth and its Astrological aspect -
amazing stuff!

Because of studies I was involved with, my attention was attracted toward
comments and drawings of a subject he refers to as a geographic cube or
geocubic.  My attraction was mainly toward his application of the number 11
to the cube, which he named eleven's triad. He showed the cube parted into
three segments. Each segment is two squares joined at a right angle. As if
you take a square greeting card and open it like a book and set it up - open
on a desk or table. You now have one outside corner, and you have six edges.
Added to this is the front and back surfaces = four surfaces, all total -
eleven. We know also the cube seperated as described here - will have twelve
surfaces (just mentioning this for now). Now someone may say, soooooooooo
what! What does eleven have to do with anything?

Well, I'm glad you asked. For one thing, the solar system is entering the
11th sign of Aquarius. There were 11 pieces of material making up the Goat's
hair curtain on the tabernacle of Moses. In the Book of Genesis there are a
total of 11 generations mentioned. Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob. Jesus's
ministry lasted 11th part of His life, and he lived 33 years (3x11).
the number 11 (mathematically speaking), there could be no music,  no
and no reproduction. Thats why the book of Genesis (book of beginnings)
describes 11 generations (it really should be renamed,  the book of
Generations, or re-generation).

By international agreement, in 1955, the frequency of the note A was
determined to be 440Hz. This standardizes all instruments throughout the
world. Thus everyone every where, can be tuned in, or in-tune!  The Goat's
hair curtain covering on the tabernacle has eleven pieces that are each four
cubits wide and thirty cubits long (4x11=44[0] ). The square area of  each
curtain is 120 cubits (11x120=1320) the number 132(0) in gematria denotes
(anthropos). See the number 11, and the number 12 (just mentioning it - for
now)? These same numbers become revealed in the Most Holy Place
The number 132 added, 1+2+3=6, multiplied 1x2x3=6; the number 6 in scripture
is the number of MAN, thus, we see 6-6-6. The number six is called the first
perfect number because it is equal to the sum of its factors. This year is
the 6 (thousandth) year from Adam?

Lastly, but not least - the number 11 is woven into the Earth, Sun and Moon
measure. The earth's diameter is 720 times 11 = 7920 mi. Take the Number
72(0) - and call it 1/11th; the Earth's number will then be expressed 11/11;
the Moon is then 3/11, and the Sun becomes 12/11 (all zeros deleted) -
Earth=11x72=792, Moon=3x72=216, Sun12x72= 864. Now - one more thing. In a
previous message it was shown how the Moon and Earth are related by the
marriage of the Circle to the Square. The dimension was 3168(0), which was
also the Gematria for the Lord Jesus Christ (son of man). If we take that
number 3168(0) and divide by 11, the quotient is 288(0). Now take the 288(0)
and add it back to the 3168(0), the sum is 34560, which is the number for
square drawn around the Sun - thus the relationship of Sun, Moon and Earth;
and also the answer to the mystery of the 360 degree circle i.e.
added - these numbers sum to 18(0). This is in Tarot? Evidently.

Happy hunting.



T. Byron G Publishing, box 26, Angels Camp, CA 95222 (1988) fax was 1 209

Peter - Please share the information - its crazy stuff!  Meanwhile, I'll
you the goss- soon (how did you know I know)? The secret lies with the paws
(hands) of the Sphinx. The hall of records has nothing to do with it per-se.
Whose front paws (hands) are represented by the Sphinx - and what do they
represent? The hall of record(s) is the Hebrew Bible. See Gen. 49:8-10;
Num.(see Balaam, whose ass spoke),Num. 23.18-24; 24.1-9; 15-19;  Deut. 33.7;
also see Gen. chapt.42-45 (take note especially 43.3-10, notice by whom the
oath was made and how long it would last.

Note the oath was sworn to protect the son who remained with the father (in
the father's bosom). Notice this son was the only and special son of Israel.
Jacob had 11 sons, but Israel had one son. The son's name by interpretation
means ,"son of my right hand".  This is the special Son waiting to be
into the earth today, represented by the man-(child)  of  the sign of
Aquarius. The manifestation cannot be brought forth until the oath of
is fulfulled by the (half) brother, "else we would have seen the mans face
the second time". This is referring to the true Joseph (the type of Christ -
the so called second coming. History repeating itself). Notice the blessings
given in the chapter and verse references were for the last-days. Joseph's
name means "he shall add - a son"

Judah was given the responsibility of oldest son, because, Reuben the first
son, lost his place, as did the second and third sons Levi and Simeon. Judah
was fourth (world number) in line. The meaning of Judah's name is praise and
worshipper with thrust out -'Hands'. Judah's name also contains the
attributes of the covenant God, YHWH, having the word Yah - the shortened
of YHWH combined with yad which means hand. Therefore the translation of
Judah's name may be expressed, "the Hand of Yah"-  God's extension in the
Earth today - the hand-man of God (Yah = LORD) in the earth (remember the
- Judah means Jew in English). The Jews returned to the land fifty years ago
- A miricle of God prophecied time and time again in scripture -- few heed
the message. The Jews had not been in control of their own land since the
Babylonian captivity 2500 yrs ago until now.

Reuben means "behold a son". Reuben lost his birthright. Notice the word for
son (ben) is ending of the spelling  and conversely the son of the fathers
bosum, Benjamin begins with son, (ben). The whole point of the matter is
Benjamin name  means son of my right hand - so therefore when Judah "hands"
over Benjamin to Joseph (the type of Christ) - it can be expressed this way,
"the hand "delivers" the hand to set Simeon free (Simeon means hearing and
understanding and performing that which he hears - Simeon [hearing] is bound
by Joseph [we-Simeon cannot hear, we are too busy making our father to stink
among the inhabitants of the land Ge.34.30]) to manifest the son... ."  And
all of it is of God - not man - just as it is written, so shall it be done.
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Selah

"The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the
corner: this is the LORD'S doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

The major role player will be the Folk-Hero , Judas Iscariot. Judas is the
Latinized form of the name Judah or Jew and, Iscariot means "man of the
covenant" Ish/karath/iotes - the diciple whom Jesus loved."If I will that he
tarry till I come, what is that to thee? " Tarrying means a period of
waiting. Till means the waiting period is over. Then - "I (will) come," John
21:22 . Peter - notice your message was no.11.
See the verse (2x11). What does it all mean?  that's for another time. I
this helps. Judah is the hand man in the earth. Handing over and deliver are
synonomous - the word is never translated Betrayer or Traitor. These words
were not and are not now in the original Greek; they were added by the
english translators.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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