-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Q. You gave an interview with Salon magazine in which you commented on the
population crisis in Russia. It is true that the population of Russia is
declining, especially the population of ethnic Russians. The government has
taken some steps to try to encourage ethnic Russians living in former Soviet
republics to return to their Motherland. You predicted that because of the
shrinking Russian population and the growing numbers of Chinese inhabitants
of certain areas of eastern Russia, eventually Russia will lose these areas.
In your opinion, is there anything that Russia can do to prevent this?

A. With the Russian empire having gone the way of all the other Western
empires, Russians should come home to preserve and protect Mother Russia. For
Russia, my figures are that the present population of about 145 million will
fall to 114 million by 2050. I had the UN project the trend out to the end of
the century. The UN experts say that Russia’s population, at present birth
rates, will fall to 80 million by 2100, or as many people as America had in
1905. Russia cannot hold on to an area twice the size of the United States
with that small a population, especially with a hungry neighbor like China,
which will outnumber Russia 15-1 in 2050. In east Asia, there will be perhaps
a hundred Chinese to every Russian. Incidentally, Mr. Putin, who is quoted in
The Death of the West, is more pessimistic in his population numbers than I.
He says it could go as low as 123 million -- a loss of one seventh of the
nation -- by 2015. That is more Russians lost in 15 years than perished in
Hitler’s War. I think the Chinese will take the Russian far east, especially
the pieces the czar took between 1858-1860, around Manchuria, the way the
Americans took Texas. We just moved in until we out-numbered the local
Mexican population ten-to-one. Unless Russia can turn its birth rate around,
which is only half of what is needed to replace existing population, I don’t
know how you do it.

Bringing Russians home from the old Soviet republics is a necessary step, but
let us concede the truth: It is also another demonstration of the historic
retreat of the West back into the base camp from which the West broke out in
the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to rule the world. From my studies, there
is a direct co-relation between faith and birth rates. For example, Japan,
which had to abandon its old faith and emperor worship at the end of World
War II, is now the oldest nation on earth, with a median age of 41. This is
why it has lost its dynamism. By 2050, the median age of Italy and Spain will
be 54 and 55 years old. A third of Europe will be over 60. The German
population will have fallen by 23 million, to 57 million. These dying
Europeans will need millions of Arab and African immigrants just to take care
of them. Between now and 2050, Asia, Africa and Latin America will add 3
billion more people -- or 30 new Mexicos! -- while Europe loses the
equivalent of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Germany. Europe’s native-born population will fall by 125 million
by mid-century. But it is impossible to find a single Islamic nation where
the population is not soaring.

Do I know how to turn this around? Yes, but it would require a great
religious awakening or mass conversion of European and Russian women to the
idea of having big families again. I don’t see that happening. This is beyond
politics; it is about faith and belief. Solzhenitzyn was right when he told
the astonished dons of Harvard that the problem with America and the West was
that "Men have forgotten God." Vaclav Havel says we are trying to construct
the "first atheistic civilization" in history. Indeed we are; and that
civilization is dying, through it is going out in style.

Q. Is a war between Russia and China inevitable?

A. I believe China intends to consolidate its position in Tibet and its west
by moving Han Chinese in by the millions. It will then occupy the disputed
islands of the South China Sea, the Paracels and Spratlys. Then, it will take
the Senkakus from Japan and move to bring Taiwan "back into the embrace of
the Motherland." All the while, Chinese traders and workers will move into
far eastern Russia, especially into the territories north of Manchuria, along
the Ussuri and Amur rivers, where there were pitched battles when I was in
the Nixon White House in early 1969. The Chinese are patient, and they
believe, not without reason, that they were robbed of territory and
humiliated by the Western imperial powers, including Russia, and Japan, when
they were weak. I think they expect that the territory Muraviev, Putiatin and
Ignatiev acquired for Alexander II, Siberia’s Maritime Province, will fall
into their lap by default. Even the Russian people out there think that this
land will eventually go to China. Will there be war? If the Chinese are wise,
there will not be. With the Russian population dying and China’s soaring
toward 1.5 billion by 2025, demography is destiny. But Moscow is making a
mistake by joining in a quasi-alliance with China against U.S. "hegemony."
Unlike China, we Americans do not covet huge swatches of Russian land. The
question Russia must face is how you hold on to a vast territory, full of the
world’s most desirable resources, when the population is dying out.

Q. You are one of the few voices in the American press who has spoken out
against the sanctions on Iraq. It is known that Russia and Iraq are
developing closer economic ties, and Russia would like to see these sanctions
lifted. A war launched against Iraq would throw cold water on the recent
improvement in relations between our two countries. Do you feel that the Bush
Administration is willing to launch such a ground war? Or is it mainly the
neo-cons and the Israeli Lobby pushing for such a war?

A. Clearly, the neo-cons, our war hawks, are wild for war on Iraq. And our
Israeli Lobby desperately wants to make Israel’s war America’s war, so the
U.S. will fight Israel’s battles and smash Israel’s enemies. The Brits used
to do that, quite successfully. But we must not let it happen. While America
will stand by Israel’s right to exist in security, we must have a policy of
our own, independent of Israel, as our interests are not identical, despite
what the Lobby claims. This is a long-time problem for America that
Washington, our first and greatest President, warned us against in his
Farewell Address: Do not let "passionate attachments" to foreign countries
divert you from your own country’s best interests.

Will the President launch a Desert Storm II, a second invasion of Iraq? The
final decision has probably not been made. My guess is that the final
decision will be "No" -- unless Saddam does something rash or stupid. The
President is aware that such a move would shatter his anti-terrorist
coalition, alienate Russia and our NATO and Arab allies, and require hundreds
of thousands of U.S. troops, because there is no "northern alliance" to do
the fighting in Iraq, as there was in Afghanistan. I think a final decision
on Iraq is further down the road. On Iraq, I oppose the sanctions because
they seem to be killing the old, the women, and the children, without
dethroning Saddam Hussein. Second, they are hurting us with Arab peoples, who
wonder why we are so tough on Iraqis, but so tolerant of Israelis when they
ignore UN resolutions. Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator, but his armed
forces were smashed in Desert Storm. He has no navy and no air force, none of
his armor and artillery have been updated in ten years, and he knows if he
uses a weapon of mass destruction on Americans, it will be the end for him.
He and his generals have to understand this. Our entire nation would demand
his total destruction. That would be insane for him. And I think he knows it.
Even during Desert Storm he did not use chemical weapons.

So, I agree with General Powell. Saddam is in a box. He is contained. There
is no pressing need to invade and overthrow him, especially if it means a war
that could cause the Middle East to explode. But if Saddam Hussein’s hand is
found to have been in the September 11 massacres, he should probably get
ready to meet his Maker.

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