-Caveat Lector-

Pacific Islands Say Global Warming Takes Its Toll

1.23 p.m. ET (1823 GMT) November 4, 1999

By Clare Nullis

BONN, Germany (AP)- Drinking water has been contaminated. Once pristine
beaches have been devastated by lashing waves and cyclones. Entire villages
have been forced from their coastal homes.

Small island states in the Pacific have no need to read studies about the
impact of climate change. For them, the nightmarish scenarios are becoming

"We ask that you consider our plight and act responsibly to give us a chance
to start the new millennium on a happy note," said Pokotoa Sipeli, the
minister of environment for Niue, a small island in the South Pacific with a
population of 5,000.

He made his appeal to delegates from industrialized countries at a U.N.
climate change conference in Bonn, adding: "I sincerely hope that I won't
have to wake up in the middle of the night in the middle of the ocean
because you have failed to do your part."

The Bonn meeting is debating technical measures to implement promises by
industrialized countries to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases, like
carbon dioxide, that are believed responsible for global warming.

The European Union wants rapid action, while the United States says it is
committed to tackling climate change but will not be bound by artificial
deadlines or limits. Big oil producers like Saudi Arabia, whose export
earnings will likely slump if the world switches to cleaner forms of energy,
are worried about the effect of even limited action.

The meeting is not expected to reach any concrete decisions. And it will
take years before the impact of any measures is felt.

Many scientists agree that the melting of ice caps is likely to lead to a
rise in sea levels in the coming years. They also predict that as global
warming upsets the delicate balance of nature, there will be an increase in
the number and severity of hurricanes and cyclones - of the type that
devastated part of eastern India last week.
In Tonga, a collection of 175 small islands in the South Pacific, the rise
in sea levels has already contaminated the drinking water supply of the
central and northern islands. That, along with frequent drought, has
required the shipment of drinking water to the islands for the past two
years, said Tonga representative Taniella Tukia.

Strong winds and salt water spray have cut agricultural production and
warming waters have affected fish supplies, he said.

"The erosion of our beaches are perhaps the most physical loss to our
natural tourist amenities," he said.

Rising seas have covered low-lying coconut plantations in Vanuatu, while
Palau's stunning coral reefs have been devastated, delegates said.

In Niue, breadfruit trees, which supply a staple food, once produced fruit
for three months of the year. Now, however, they were developing fruit all
year, but the immature fruit was dropping off the trees before it ripened,
said Sipeli.

Karibaiti Toaoba of Kiribati said some villages had already been forced to
move inland because of worsening coastal erosion.

"Time is running out for us," she said.

Robert F. Tatman
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