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The Genesis Hypothesis
By Douglas B. Scarborough
Eakin Press, Austin, TX


The Genesis Hypothesis is a non-fiction book which reveals hidden secrets in
the Biblical book of Genesis. It shows the proposed ancient location of the
Garden of Eden around 9,500 BC. It explains where and why the Biblical Flood
of Noah occurred and how Noah knew he must build an Ark to survive. It shows
how God may have shown him the flood schedule seven days in advance through
lunar positions. It reveals that specific Ark grounding dates stated in the
bible are actually intervals exactly equal to low tide cycles caused by
lunar motions. And it exposes that the Ark dimensions are a code pointing to
three cities in Southern Iraq founded by a survivor of the Ark's voyage.

The Genesis Hypothesis shows clearly that there was a hidden code in the
genealogy dates of Genesis. A code which creates a cyclical mathematical
curve based on the Biblical Ancient's age-at-death to age-at-fatherhood
ratios. This cycle has a period of approximately 1,300 years. It is very
strong evidence of a biochemical cause for long life spans such as
Methuselah. "Or" it is a precise, mathematical coding of Biblical data made
intentionally by the Bible's authors-and is an important message from
ancient times. The cycle information is the discovery of The Genesis Curve -
a subject of passionate biochemical and theological debate. The major
Ancient Biblical personalities, from Adam through Joseph, all have age data
that fall on the rhythmical pattern of this newly revealed curve.

The biochemical cause of the Genesis Curve is traced to oxidative chemicals
created by short wavelength ultraviolet light on rain clouds, snow and
glacier ice. Chemicals which found their way into drinking water in isolated
glacier fed river valleys. Some highland valleys of this system still exist.
These are the locations where people with relatively long life span are
still living. Here, there may be people who are still receiving trace amount
of life-span-lengthening chemicals and they may have received much more in
past history. The Genesis Hypothesis reveals that the Spring of Lourdes
contains these chemicals and their source probably comes from the Pyrenees
Mountains-high above Lourdes in Southwestern France.

The old mystery of God's promise of no more world floods evidenced by the
rainbows in the sky is resolved. The disclosure premise is that in ancient
times, by God or by nature or both, incoming light through unique high
altitude clouds was polarized. It caused Pre Flood rainbows to be invisible.
This is why rainbows at one point in history were recognized as "new"
phenomena. The Genesis Hypothesis shows how anyone with a pair of polaroid
sunglasses can easily demonstrate the effect of invisible rainbows. The
Genesis Hypothesis projects a 1,328 year ancient cycle of increasing and
decreasing ultraviolet light-forward in time from Biblical Adam to the
present day. It is the Genesis Curve Cycle. In 2,000 AD we are on a cycle
portion of increasing ultraviolet light. We have several hundred years of
life left to the cycle maximum. A cycle we may never survive. The proposal
is made that we have amplified a hazardous natural trend of increasing
ultraviolet light by releasing ozone depleting chemicals into the
environment at exactly the wrong point in history.

The book gives modern day scientific evidence in support of the historical
evidence for extremely long human life spans. It discusses chemical
experiments which implicate excess iron in shortening longevity, causing
heart attacks, and Alzheimer disease. Hydrogen peroxide is proposed as being
the ultimate cause of cell division. Properly manipulated, to inexpensively
promote plant growth, hydrogen peroxide might thus solve the problem of
world hunger. It's byproduct Superoxide is present in the chemical pathways
of most anti-cancer drug treatments.

Preliminary hydrogen peroxide experiments in rats are reported to almost
double life span. It is explained how hydrogen peroxide can be created in
nature by ultraviolet light on ice. This plus certain minerals in drinking
water may be a breakthrough to extreme life extension. It appears to work by
slowing development or maturation in youth. Examples of monkeys and small
ape development ages vs. life span are given. As a general rule, maximum
life span is longer when development of youth is delayed.

On the more mystical side-the book gives a decoding of several of
Nostradamuses quatrains from his book, The Prophecies. It explains how
Nostradamuses occult quatrains were about the Philosophers Stone and the
elixir of immortality. It details exactly where Nostradamuses pinpointed the
discovery of the philosopher's stone in Biblical verses. And now his occult
verses relate to the coffin of Joseph of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh and
clairvoyant interpreter of the seven good and bad years. This coffin was
taken out of Egypt during the Exodus of the Jews. Evidence is also presented
that this coffin holds secrets of Genesis longevity. Evidence is also
presented as to where in Israel-Moses may have hidden the stone documents of
ancient longevity secrets.

Search sites and methods of proving the ancient longevity cycles and these
extraordinary premises are given in the book. These aspects should be of
academic interest to Archeologists, Geologists, Geophysicists Theologians,
and Biologists. Others who can benefit from this book are Bible study
groups, Ministers, the just plain curious, and the average parent who wishes
to be aware of these newly rediscovered phenomena and to participate in
decisions which may affect the physical mental and spiritual development of
children-world wide.

Finally, this book details proposed experiments which could prove
clairvoyance and possibly demonstrate interaction of the human mind with the
universe at large. These experiments propose that quantum mechanical
realities drive several phenomena. The idea is that we may be able to gain
knowledge of our future memory banks by nerve impulses moving in "time" back
to our present time to copy a memory trace obtained from the future. It is
not "seeing the future" but it could be " seeing a memory of the future"
which will always be a vague and inexact record. The author calls this
Quantum Mechanical Viewing of our future memory banks.

The significance of the Genesis Hypothesis is that the ages given in the
Bible for personalities like Adam, Methuselah, and Noah are shown, beyond
any reasonable doubt, to have a precise mathematical relationship that was
previously unseen or unreported by Biblical interpreters. The exact Biblical
verses used are given for review by the reader.

This numerical relationship is shown to be cyclical. The cycle is
interpreted to be caused by biologically active chemical concentrations
changing in the environment. This leads to a hard to refute conclusion that
the Biblical ages are true. If the ages are thus true and caused by
biochemical circumstance as hypothesized-then they are reproducible.

Some scientists believe women outlive men because they get rid of a certain
type of excess iron in the blood. This is reported to cause heart attacks
and is probably responsible for some aging caused by the nicking of DNA
molecules. This harmful iron can be tested for and removed by blood-letting
if required.

Douglas B. Scarborough
Author of The Genesis Hypothesis

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