Re: [CTRL] Chinese Espionage & Israel

1999-05-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, Yeltsin who tried to stop a war, has a new problem..why do you
think Clinton let the Chinese steal the secrets?

It was because they are now a threat to Russia.and to the world.

Of course the Mossad and their masonry sent in a prostitute to disgrace
the President of the United Statesthe first one to publicly chastise
Clinton was Feinstein in California, who made it to the top through the
Jonestown incidenthow moral, how pure she seemed.but she did not
vote for impeachment.

Monica Lewinsky should be charged with treason, spying for the Mossad,
and executed - as she caused the taping of the Office of the President
of the United States from her telephone..

Do you now how the "Mafia", and I mean the Jewish Mafia sets up
someone.well, they get on a telephone they know is tapped, and let
loose with the garbage on corrupt government officialsit is then
used as blackmail, or someone gets it in the nect.

Do you think this 21 year old prostitute was sweet and naive?  Was this
creep the "girl next door"would you want you son to date her, or
your kids to be around herdid you note too, she was never embarassed
over her actionsshe was pretty well trained in the art of sodomy.

So.China now has protection against Russia, and Yeltsin has been on
his way out for some time.   At this time, he is probably drugged out of
his mind, and the anathesia did the work to him mentallywhen he
wakes up completely, if he is not already dead and is too
latehe forgot to lock the barn door when he went to sleep with NATO
as a bed partner.

The Mormons, who keep the secrets in the caves about family trees -
recently had a madman shootout in their librarythat, was a warning;
but they also believe that at the end of the centuy 5 countries (a five
pointed star?) will blow them Israel off the map.

If we ever get out of the oil business, war would endand we
couldHitler wanted to make gasoline out of soybean oil, and maybe we
couldask Archer Daniel.

Nobody is buying this stuff anymore; and I think if our NATO general is
wearing any other uniform than the uniform of a USA soldier, he should
be court martialed.

NATO does not look too good; the spear of destiny just does not work for
evil doers, does it.

Colleen Jones

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[CTRL] Chinese Espionage & Israel

1999-05-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy.spy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Chinese Espionage & Israel!

Subject: Chinese Espionage & Israel!
From: Michael Collins Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, May 6, 1999 12:47 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

An Open Letter

Will Christopher Cox Investigate Whether Israel Has Provided Red China With
U.S. Nuclear Technology?

What follows is an open letter to Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.) from
Michael Collins Piper, a correspondent for The SPOTLIGHT who has studied
Israel's secret nuclear arms deals with Red China. Cox is chairman of the
House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial
Concerns With the Peoples Republic of China.

Dear Congressman Cox:

Are you and other members of your committee aware that a famed international
intelligence historian reported in 1978 that America's ally, Israel, had been
engaged in joint secret nuclear bomb development programs with Red China?

This shocking revelation comes from a highly-regarded source: Donald
McCormack, the former assistant to the Director of British Naval Intelligence
and later Foreign Manager for the London Sunday Times.

Now, in light of emerging evidence that Red China has been engaged in nuclear
espionage against the United States (at the same time Red China has been the
primary recipient of Israel's conventional arms sales for the last 20 years),
McCormack's findings are quite disturbing indeed.

Writing under his pen name "Richard Deacon" in his thoroughly-researched 1978
book, The Israeli Secret Service (published by Taplinger of New York),
McCormack stated, in no uncertain terms, that there had been a long-standing
secret nuclear
weapons development liaison between Israel and Red China.

On pages 204-205 of his book, referring to the fact Israel's efforts to
obtain nuclear arms technology are quite similar to those of the Red Chinese,
McCormack revealed:

"This has been one of the spheres in which the Israelis and the Chinese have
actually helped one anothernot officially, but discreetly through Secret
Service channels. The third party' intermediaries involved in such deals have
sometimes been non-Israeli Jews working for the Chinese and occasionally even
Albanians. Whatever may be their public utternces on the subject of the
Middle East, the Chinese privately acknowledge that Israel is in effect an
ally in all matters relating to the Soviet Union."

McCormack also points out that this secret nuclear alliance between Israel
and Red China has been ignored by the mainstream media:

"This is a subject rarely touched upon by any writers on Middle East affairs,
but such closely guarded contacts as the two Secret Services maintain have
bonuses to both sides."

Further, according to McCormack:

"On balance the Chinese may have gained most from these relatively low-key
and cautious exchanges."

In other words, Red China was the primary beneficiary of the secret nuclear
weapons dealings with our ally, Israel.

The "official" story is that Israel's conventional arms dealings with Red
China began only in 1979.

Uri Dan, writing in the New York Post on March 30, 1997 reported that in 1979
then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin got U.S. approval for authorizing
Israeli arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg to undertake a $10 billion 10-year deal
to modernize the Chinese armed
forces thereby "strengthening the counterbalance to Soviet military might."
Dan describes this deal as "one of the most important in Israeli history" and
that "the Chinese insisted on absolute secrecy."

In fact, it was only well after Eisenberg's secret arrangement of the "first"
Israeli arms sales to China was set in motion in 1979 that the major media in
the West began reporting (without comment) at the revelations of Israel's
arms deals with Red China.

The first notation of an important arms relationship between China and Israel
came in Jane's Defense Weekly, in November of 1984 five years after Israel's
"official" entree into dealss with China. Jane's estimated that Israel's arms
trade with China might be as high as $3 billion and that Israel's total
annual arms exports were approximately $4 billion at that time. This means
that by 1984, fully 75% of Israel's arms exports were headed for China which
was clearly its primary customer.

It was some three months later that the general public heard mainstream media
reports about Jane's revelations of the Israeli-Red Chinese arms deals. On
January 24, 1985, for example, the Washington Times reported that "Israel is
believed to have about 200 military advisers in China and to be filling arms
orders from Peking worth more than $1 billion."

Thus, after nearly decades of covert dealings between the Mossad and the
Chinese intelligence service that had never been reported in the press, the
Western media finally began to advise its readers that Israel had been
selling billions of (conventional) arms to China since 1979.

Unfortunately, it appears that both De