From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just checked the Uni of Sotons web-newspaper page,

Aug 2

(Though not seen until today, and I check daily).

4x .22 rifles stolen from the boatyard, removed from
security cabinets along with some ammo. Bolts stored
elseware so not fireable.

Any info, soton CID would like to know on 0845 045
4545, anyone at the uni has to dial that number from
home as the uni's phone system won't allow 0845 
numbers to be dialled BTW.


IIRC they (or the ones they replaced)were stolen
several years ago, and found proped against the
boatyard workshop door or somewhere similar one 
morning, again no bolts so of no use!

The uni's "club" range is in the boatyard compound,
I can't comment on the security as its membership by
invite only and I havn't seen inside the range 
buildings, however the yard is only secured by a 6
foot fence and gates and is open to the water, as you
would expect...... Though with their record for 
security I don't think I'd join them even if I was


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