From:   "C P Services", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I cannot believe that the Messrs Isaac & Waller are so naïve that that they
can con the membership of BASC into personally blaming John Swift with the
lead ban.

Even if you dislike John Swift he is only the spokesman for the BASC Council
and as such  is only allowed to do what his employers tell him to do. After
all lead is a known poison and has been banned in paint, pipes and countless
other applications.  We all knew that a lead ban was inevitable but BASC
worked tirelessly in ensuring that when the ban was instigated it would have
as little impact as was practicable.

The vindictive way that Messrs Isaac & Waller have attempted to vilify John
Swift and disrupt the BASC organization suggests an alternative agenda.

The important questions that must be asked of these Quislings is  :

*      What is there secret agenda ?
*      Which anti organization is financing them ?
*      What is there personal relationship with BASC in the past ?
*     What do they intend to do after they have destroyed BASC ?

In the very improbable event that we get answers to these questions we might
be able to come to a conclusion.

In the mean time I will continue to trust them as closely as Tony Blair and

Actually lead is not usually poisonous in most shooting applications
as others have explained at length before.


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