CS: Pol-Eurofighter gun

2000-05-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I cannot see the logic behind also selecting a European missile, at twice the cost, that is promoted as having greater range than the American alternative, when, regardless of missile future wars may well demand visual identification of

CS: Misc-Caseless ammunition

2000-05-18 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course, as most people know, the British Army has been using caseless ammunition for a long time...as bagged charges in such as the 120mm Chieftan tank gun. As for any use in a "small arm" I think that it is an answer to a

CS: Legal-Jill Dando-man charged.

2000-06-03 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] My comments on Mr Bulsara were meant as a wry comment on how, sadly, some people still view the guilt or innocence of an arrested person. Look at the very unfortunate Stefan Kiskow who served twenty years for a serious sexual crime (rape

CS: Pol-BASC Elections

2000-06-11 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is the same Sir Malcolm Guthrie Bt. standing for election to BASC the same Ir Malcolm who used to be an RFD in Birmingham? Can anyone remember why he is no longer an RFD? -- There was an RFD whose name I forget in Birmingham who was also the

CS: Pol-Race starters...

2000-04-24 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sadly my submission was printed without the details of the Rohm revolver. This is a light metal, forward firing, copy of a standard .38 Special calibre 2" or 4" barrelled revolver. The aim of my submission was to firstly point ou

CS: Pol-Lord Kimball....A question we should ask the Countryside Alliance?

2000-05-25 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Some weeks ago I wrote to Cybershooters concerning Lord Kimball's submission to the Home Affairs Committee on Firearms Control. You may remember that I reported whether his opinion that there was little place for pump action shot guns was C

CS: Pol-Blair's Moral Example

2000-05-24 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You have made the mistake of writing to Tony Blair via Downing Street. Try writing direct to your MP and ASKING your MP to ASK Tony Blair whether he could set a moral example by etc., etc. You may find that this will get a response from Bl

CS: Pol-Widdecombe on self-defence

2000-04-26 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So if you are justified in "hitting a burglar over the head" you must be justified in killing him. After all wasn't Blair Peach killed when he was just "hit over the head" by the police? But then of course it was alleg

CS: Legal-Justice on Trial

2000-04-26 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin's essential problem, like that of Lee Clegg was that both went for an "all or nothing" defence. Both could have argued that they (Martin) fired to scare the burglars away or (Clegg) that they fired to disable the car. Th

CS: Pol-Full Cost Recovery

2000-06-06 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] It used to be that the club paid for any and all police INSIDE the ground, but that any and all police OUTSIDE the ground (even if just two yards away from the turnstiles) came out of the ratepayers' pockets. Thus the move to stewards, n

CS: Pol-BASC Elections

2000-06-11 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The very same...so does one vote for this man and then, at the "next" Dunblane have the press on the backs of BASC because "one of its Council Members has convictions for firearms offences"? Whatever one thinks o

CS: Misc-Sailors and guns...

2000-06-12 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Commentators on the fitness of "Jolly Jack" to handle firearms safely may be amused by this instruction: "The greatest single cause of accident is the issue of loaded pistols to sentries in circumstances where a cudgel or si

CS: Pol-police suicide

2000-06-23 Thread Richard Loweth
From: "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So presumably any police officer suffering from a poor state of mental health can just wander in to a "police armoury" in Lancashire and help himself to a lethal firearm and walk out of the police station with it unchallenged? -