On 31/10/2014 16:20, Nem W Schlecht wrote:
After a *very* long time of the clipboard working perfectly, it just
started to stop working on me:

[252960.192] winClipboardFlushXEvents - OpenClipboard () failed:
00000005 Owner 0002089e
[252960.192] winClipboardFlushXEvents - OpenClipboard () failed:
00000005 Owner 0002089e
[253010.517] winWindowProc - WM_DISPLAYCHANGE - new width: 1600 new
height: 1200 new bpp: 32
[253380.957] winClipboardFlushXEvents - OpenClipboard () failed:
00000005 Owner 0002089e
[253445.199] winClipboardFlushXEvents - OpenClipboard () failed:
00000005 Owner 0002089e

How do I trace the owner HEX code to the program that is causing the
issue? (Or is the owner X11 here?)

This is a window handle (HWND). You could find out the corresponding window using a tool such as Spy++.

I will improve this so that the window title is reported here as well, which would be much better, but that is not quite straightforward.

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