I've updated the X software to and noticed two problems
with the new X server:

1.  CNTL-ALT-BKSP doesn't terminate the server cleanly.  There's no confirmation
dialogue and /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is not deleted.

However, the new server does terminate properly if I right-click the X
icon in the taskbar and select exit.

2.  It is not possible to start the X server if another user created the
/tmp/.X11-unix file but failed to delete it.   To reproduce the bug:

Log into a user in the Administrators group, start the X server, then
log out.  The /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 socket will be left in place.

Log into a non-Administrator user and attempt to start the X server
using startxwin.bat.  The startxwin session will report that
/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 could not
be deleted (because /tmp/.X11-unix is a 'sticky' directory).  The X
server will not start and its log file will show that it thought that
another server was running.

The previous X server was quite happy to re-use an X0 socket created by another

I worked round the problem by hacking startxwin.bat to do the following after
the X server had been started:

%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\sleep 5
%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\chmod -t /tmp/.X11-unix

This ensures that /tmp/.X11-unix will be non-sticky, so any user will be able to
clean up the X0 socket.

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