you'll find a small piece of software attached. from the README:

the purpose of this program is to demonstrate that ANYTHING is speech, or
can be expressed as speech. one of the wordlists supplied as examples is
the US constitution. using dox, you can express decss, or cookie recipes,
or kiddie porn, or the president's latest speech, or anything else into
different minced-up versions of the constitution.

what are you going to outlaw?
dox/undox? half a page of code that anyone with half a brain can recreate
within a few minutes?
the constitution?
the constitution, mixed up?

in addition, is distributing the constitution now illegal under DMCA since it
constitutes (pun intended) a "circumvention device" for my "encryption"?

I know there is at least one other program on the web that turns source
code into english poems. however, dox works on BINARY files, and using the
constitution, or the MPAA/DVDCCA's own legal documents as the wordlist just
add's a nice touch for those extra style points.

the program and idea is hereby donated to the public domain.

"The net treats censorship as a malfunction and re-routes around it."
(John Gilmore)


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