Do you need more Traffic to your Website?

Are you ready to drive Targeted traffic to your site; open a floodgate of targeted visitors ready, willing and able to buy from you?

Our program works so well, that we will install this program on your server with a...

 100% No Nonsense Money Back Guarantee.

If our Search Engine Magic robot fails to bring you at least 5 top 15 listings from major search engines in the first 3 weeks we refund all of your money, period!

 (Note Package B customers are guaranteed 10 top 15 listings)

Our program will work for just about any web site, and generates traffic from the major search engines. So if you sell candy, car parts or anything else for that matter, this program can help you drive more targeted traffic to your web site from the
major   search engines.

We have marketed web businesses for well over 5 years and we have tried it all, from top 100 programs, partner programs, ezine, banners, pic posts, linking and so on. The one thing we have found out, is that 
the best paying traffic comes from the major search engines.  These are the people that are looking for what you are selling.

Three or 4 years ago you could create a doorway page, load that page with just keywords, then copy that page a couple of hundred times and submit them all to the major engines. In a matter of days you would have top listings on all of the major search engines.

If you not aware of it, those days are gone forever. Gaining top positions on the major search engines is getting harder and harder. Besides the fierce competition from millions of new sites, the search engines themselves have set a gauntlet of hurdles to jump through.

Each engine has it's own rules and trying to develop your site to their rules is a nightmare. For example you have a nice graphical looking site do you really want to add 500 hundred words to the front page of the site to meet an engines requirements?

If your site has frames, Flash, a splash page, or developed in ASP are you willing to totally redo your site? Are you ready to make significant changes to your site and wait 3 months or more to see if they work?. Then make additional changes and wait another 3 months? Sorry to say, but that is frustration you are looking at to get good search engine positioning.

However, their is a better way!

You have heard the phrase " I liked it so much I bought the company", well that is what happened. My company has developed hundreds of web sites, from simple sites to complex sites for Fortune 500 companies. Over the last couple of years our clients and ourselves tired of the search engine game. Instead of just quitting we decided to do something about it.

What we discovered was a group of brilliant out of the box thinking engineers that developed a totally new way to get top positions in the search engines. This team developed a product called "Stealth Position"

The absolute brilliant part is that once Stealth Position is installed 
you will never make doorway pages, or submit to the engines again!

And yes, you will get at least 5 top 15 listings in the first 3 weeks or you do not pay.     (10 top 15 listings in the first 3 weeks for package B customers)

This is how it works...... (If your a non techie don't worry you don't have to understand this)

1. Template Directory. Stealth Position will read who is calling for a page. If this page request is from a surfer, they will get only your main home page, or what ever page you want served up to the public. This also helps protect your doorway pages from theft by other web masters. If a search engine spider requests a page, Stealth Position will pull a page from a template area on your server designed just for that engine's spider.

So, search engines like: Excite, Go, Yahoo, Google, Northern Light, Fast Search (Alltheweb), AltaVista, WebCrawler, Netscape, Hotbot, Ask Jeeves, Lycos, Aolnetfind, Hotbot/Lycos, Goto, Search MSN, Direct Hit, MSN UK, MSN Australia,,, Sprinks, Open Directory, Dogpile, FindWhat, and get special pages served up just for them.

2. Page Creation On The Fly. Once Stealth Position determines which spider is calling, the script will pull a random page from a template area on your server. Then, it create a page on the fly, changing the title, top keywords, lesser important keywords, and meta tags. It even changes the document date for that file on your server! As a result, the page is designed specifically for that spider.

3. Page Links Generator. Any good web master knows that it is important to add links to their doorway pages. This is how we get other important pages spidered. Well, Stealth Position does this for you, too. I am not talking about sticking the same links time and time again to the bottom of all pages created. Stealth Position will generate random links from all directories it creates on your server, so this way the spiders will have lots of fun crawling hundreds and hundreds of pages on your server.

And since all the pages are created on the fly, your chances of getting a top spot on a major search engine are very high.

This program is truly an 'install and forget' application.

4. Automatic search engines submissions with Cron. Another amazing feature is we let your server do the Engine submissions for you. With a Cron script Stealth Position will submit to all the major engines for you. Indexing is done at a predetermined time and date. The program builds a list of URL's from the directories and files it creates; over time, it indexes all of them to the major search engines. So just set it and forget it.
You will be indexed week after week and it's all automatic.

And remember every time a spider comes in it will see a new file document date, and be served with a new page, and new random links.

5. Submits as a browser. This program also submits all pages to the search engines as a web browser. The search engines will believe, that all the pages the program is submitting for indexing are being submitted right from the web, not from your server and definitely not from one of those "$39.95 waste your time and money search engine submitters."

6. Special Randomizer And Limiter Prevent "Spam alarms". Stealth Position is a smart program, and was designed to be search engine friendly. The program will wait several seconds between page submissions before submitting to the same engine again. This
avoids getting a "too many pages added" error from the engines, and also a possible IP block.

7. 80% of our clients come from referrals from other search engine placement companies that tired of producing mediocre and/or slow results for their clients (their is a good chance you are one of them) .

8. Want to know more? You have nothing to lose! This complete program comes installed server with a
100% money back guarantee.


Package A - Guarantee - Minimum 5 top 15 listings in 3 Weeks.  Includes 10 - 15 key targeted phrases on one domain. Monthly search engine reports for the first 2 months.

Package B - Guarantee - Minimum 10 top 15 listings in 3 weeks. Includes 20 - 30 key targeted phrases setup on two domains Also Package B is an unlimited domain license; you may have as many domains installed with Stealth Position as you wish (all must point to the same domain).
Monthly search engine reports for the first 2 months Included

For More Info Please Call Us Toll Free At:


Thank You.

Free Search Engine Evaluation

Fill out the form below and We will show you just how well we can get you placed in the Search Engines. While most search engine placement companies want months to show results we do it just a few short Days.
 Plus a 100% Full Money Back Guarnatee!


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