You can find formulas for this spray in many formularies - it's been
used at least as far back as WWI for making an envelope transparent for
a few minutes. Actually, translucent would be a better term, as you can
only read text that is right up against the inside of the envelope. What
is more, the stuff is less useful than back in the fountain-pen days
because it tends to smear ball-point and other greasy inks.

Marc de Piolenc

Max Inux wrote:
> whole cant read someone elses mail thing is out the window it looks like, they can 
>spray this go on the letter and read
> through the envelope..  It seems implausable but its CNN, they dont lie right? well 
>ANYWAYS, I now have a nice stash of black
> construction paper...

Remember September 11, 2001 but don't forget July 4, 1776

Rather than make war on the American people and their
liberties, ...Congress should be looking for ways
to empower them to protect themselves when

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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