>>There are those people who seek out trouble. Still others accidentally attract it. And then there are those who have devoted their lives<<

1 'year of living dangerously' is NOT a life,mate.I've spent decades taking drugs and sleeping around,Lotus eating.Bad start.

 >>to stalking trouble, running it to ground, sneaking up behind it, thwapping it on the nose, proclaiming that its mother wears combat boots, and daring it to an impromptu match of fisticuffs.<<

It aint me babe,I've had about 3 fights in my life.(2 KO's 1 TKO) I'm heavily into violence minimization.APster style.

 >>Afterward they lie, nose-bloodied and battered, on the ground and grumble. (In a grudge match, trouble always wins.)<<

Get out your mats and pray to the CATO Institute?You cant beat the Combine? If you don't have a go,you'll never never know.We cant all be pragmatic cowards,declan,and sometimes David beats Goliath.

>>Matt Stephen Taylor (who goes by "proffr" and "mattd") is one of those people. <<

Well actually I'm not and I feel I'm being misrepresented by a tool of the crap corporate media.

>>If awards were given for Most Innovative Way to Taunt Police, this self-described anarchist would be a gold medalist<<

Send money,e-dinars,LETS to 6/59 baynton st,Kyneton.Vic.3444.

>> in the category of performance art. For the last few months, as far as I can tell, he's done little but tempt trouble:
Trouble came and went when mattd/proffr, who lives in central Victoria, Australia, taunted the Cincinnati police. He allegedly posted threats against Steven Roach, the policeman whose shooting of an unarmed black man led to riots in Cincinnati.<<

Trouble has significance for one of my heros,"bommi Baumann's book,"Wie Alles Anfing" is good on that.I agree with the ALF and ELF that this planet is in a shitload of Trouble.The police aren't helping much.
I helped make michael K Allen and his e-security flunky and process server look the biggest fools since the keystone cops.That's no trouble...that's ergonomic activism.I also had a go at the depraved corruption of the FBI.I broke no laws.
This is ergonomic activism.Its a damn shame the OVIMC was hacked and is still offline.

>>But the Australian cops nabbed proffr/mattd first, and proffr/mattd pled guilty to vandalizing a McDonald's restaurant.<<

I should not have done that (pled guilty)as I was to drunk to form intent.Photo's taken by the local arm of the police,the herald sun,(Scum)a Murdoch rag were handed to police by the truckload.Like the media under Milosovic,they risk the same wrath of the people lied to.I am proud to be (however loosely) associated with Jose Bove and many other's disgusted with the Mc murderers,McLies and Mc Swill.

>>While the legal process is going forward,<<

Police steal notebook,take 8 months to Interview about 2 posts,still no charges.It will be 9 months on march 1.
Justice delayed is justice denied.This is looking less like "legal process" every day.Abuse of Power?

 >>mattd/proffr has amused himself by subscribing to the cypherpunks list,<<

Funny I don't recall doing that,is there some proof of that declan? I amuse myself with subs to RSA , Politech and the daily bleed.Perhaps the Victorian police have used my stolen laptop to subscribe to the C/punks list?I'm on record as describing the Cypherpunks list as a surveilled strip mall.

 >>a place not known for people who are readily offended. <<

Seth F easily offended you and Tim 'mongo' May not that long ago.There are a few pussies stinking up that place.

>>Yet his unique combination of rants and inchoate posts (my filters have snared about 780 of them) has driven subscribers to invent custom procmail recipies to complain about off-topic messages. One message that went to his Internet provider was a little whiny <<

This Politech post is not (!)

>>by list standards, but captured the sentiment well:
"To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // Subject: Re: Youth in Asia // Someone who appears to be posting from a nex.net.au address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> keeps posting large volumes of spam, obcenity, death threats to random people, mail bombs, and so forth to our mailing list. He keeps changing his apparent address, so
we have difficulty filtering him out. His postings were originally merely excessive and of doubtful relevance, but have become more and more hostile and harassing."<<

This is from the liars liar jamesd.It puts me in with spanish anarchists,Chompsky+Ted Turner as people lied about by jamesd.I am quite proud to be lied about by this guy,he's a usenet legend.ITs very telling,(and worrying) that declan quote someone like jamesd in this way.It should be noted and filed.You lie down with dogs...

>>mattd/proffr appears to have subscribed to the cypherpunks list<<

There you go again! Where is your evidence that I EVER subscribed to this list? Put it up or shut up.

 >>to carry on the dubious mission of Jim Bell, <<

 Who's in Lompoc and cant defend himself.Your a low coward declan.

>>the author of the long-winded<<

Nowt to do with this hatchet job.Eh!

>>anarcho screed Assassination Politics. Bell wrote how the next generation of Internet entrepreneurs will use digital cash, anonymous remailers, and such to off miscreant federal agents (Bell especially didn't care for tax collectors):
Bell, of course, was convicted last year by a Washington state jury and is serving 10 years in the Lompoc federal prison. Bell was another dedicated trouble-hunter, <<

Another low blow,Jim possibly was deserving of a restraining order and time served.Not 10 motherfucking years.Another slur on someone unable to defend themselves,way to go shitheel.

>>as was Carl Johnson, a cypherpunk who was convicted of threats but is now out of gaol, at least temporarily (his probation officer apparently told him not to seek trouble by continuing to participate in list discussions): <<

Peter Trei helped by carelessness or more sinister motives (he works for RSA that supply the chinese gestapo.) outed a post relating to CJ thus possibly assisting in his repression.Some of my posts to the C/list question that incident.No response so far.We are getting a clearer picture of declans idea of 'trouble'.

>>Although Bell technically was convicted for allegedly stalking federal agents, his essay and political views became a big part of his trial:

Essay's,political views,writings,posts,000's and 111's.This seems to be declan's and the P.I.Gs idea of 'trouble'.He seems scared of another subpoena! Time to quit while your ahead dec,let a reporter with some guts in.

>>Now mattd/proffr seems to want to follow the Bell-Johnson precedent by emailing semi-random rants and Assassination Politics-related references to the cypherpunks list, and, I presume, just about everywhere else.<<

And declan looks like he wants to help the Persons Impersonating Govt servants to gag me.He presume's too much.

 >>Here's a representative excerpt from one of his posts:
Youth In Asia Society: At our last monthly meeting, we discussed all of the
reasons there are not to KILL THE PRESIDENT. We think it is our duty to
inform people of our objection to those who believe it is necessary to KILL
THE PRESIDENT. We also object to people who are constantly running around,
It's a lot longer, but you get the idea.<<

This is quite funny,I wrote about data mining the archive's for a 'best of' list.In the context of being attacked by procmail,one of the posts I selected from 97-9or10 was posted to C/punks.There does appear to be some material in the C/punk archives that could be used to attack list members.One by declan calls for self-censorship.(from 97) On another occasion declan prints a story damaging to a list member in Wired.(measl)Then there's his attack on Seth.I'm still turning up fascinating posts from list hirstory.Should the authorities and their stooges succeed in garroting me.Ill start on a book.(See archives 97-10 for the original post,its old and was reproduced exactly as written by anon,nowt added)

>>This style of posting seems to have raised some eyebrows inside the Australian constabulary,<<

So posts from 1997 retain their power.I like quite a few of Jims from 96.Well worth a look.

 >>not to mention leading to a raid, a laptop seizure,<<

I've been questioned about 2 posts rather different from the old archived post.Both were made prior to June 2,01 and are available by request.I'll be passing them to the au EFA soon.They seem mild by C/punk list standards.
I've made no admissions re these posts though I do admit the OVIMC one.I know 1 post can get you 4 years in the LaoGai but au and the US have free speech,right?"Many of the messages posted to cypherpunks over the years have violated copyright, federal laws, and societal mores."archived.

 and an interrogation or two. Read in mattd/proffr's own words below how he hasn't given up on tempting trouble.

It never hurts to check your sources and if you no longer want to risk 'trouble' you don't want your job.

"Free speech I may tersely define as ,no opinion a law,no opinion a crime."Alex.Berkman.

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