Cologne Mist Sparks Pa. Airport Probe
Associated Press Writer
February 20, 2003, 10:33 AM EST PHILADELPHIA -- A Saudi Arabian 
traveler set the city's anti-terrorism machine into full gear 
when he sprayed three airport guards with cologne while trying 
to demonstrate that the liquid wasn't dangerous.

The [heroic] security screeners were rushed to Methodist 
Hospital after being spritzed Wednesday as the [swarthy 
complexioned] student passed through a [fatherland] checkpoint 
at Philadelphia International Airport.

Unsure whether they had a [vicious, freedom hating terrorist] 
biological attack on their hands, [heroic] hospital officials 
ordered a full quarantine.

Ambulances inbound to the [freedom loving people's] emergency 
room were diverted to other hospitals. Patients and staff who 
had contact with the [heroic, crusading] guards were quarantined 
for nearly three hours.

"We didn't know what the [atomized chemical or bioweapon] 
substance was," said hospital spokeswoman Nan Myers.

[Heroic] FBI spokeswoman Linda Vizi said the 22-year-old [so 
called] student, whose [arabic sounding] name was withheld by 
authorities, was detained and [interrogated under duress and 
coercion and] questioned, then released [for further, secret 
surveillance] hours later after [the people's] chemical tests 
confirmed that the [terroristic] vapors were harmless [probably 
due to an oversight on the part of the freedom hating terrorist 
swarthy complexioned so called student].

"He was here legally. All his papers were in order. His flight 
plans were in order. ["Shit, we tried like hell for three hours 
to pin some kind of heavy shit on the kid, but the FBI newbies 
kept talking about 'facts are stubbord' or some such shit."]

No federal law was violated. He was released," Vizi said. "He 
missed his flight to Europe." [We tried to fuck with him as much 
as we could, but time just ran out.]

Initially, even the [heroic] screeners themselves didn't 
consider the [terrorist] incident worth reporting, Vizi said. 
But they had second thoughts about the sweet-smelling spray and 
called police [after we told them this was a free ticket to 
fucking with an A-rab, why not have some fun?], she said.

Flights weren't disrupted and no one was evacuated from the 
terminal, said [people's] airport spokesman Mark Pesce.

Copyright ) 2003, The Associated Press

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