Background to the Daf: Bava Basra 11

2009-09-01 Thread Kollel Iyun Hadaf
) [last line] LO MEYACHED LEI PISCHA - there is no doorway that opens directly to [the trench, but rather he must walk from the front doorway of his house to the trench] 11b---11b 41) [line 2] ACHSADRAH - a) a roof held up by pillars in each corner that is open

Background to the Daf: Bava Basra 11-12 (updated)

2009-09-02 Thread Kollel Iyun Hadaf
) [last line] LO MEYACHED LEI PISCHA - there is no doorway that opens directly to [the trench, but rather he must walk from the front doorway of his house to the trench] 11b---11b 41) [line 2] ACHSADRAH - a) a roof held up by pillars in each corner that is open

Background to the Daf: Bava Basra 16-20

2009-09-06 Thread Kollel Iyun Hadaf
:11. 43) [line 32] KIRAH D'NACHTOMIN - a baker's stove (that is constantly fueled) 44) [line 35] ACHSADRAH - a structure that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides 45) [line 41] KUTRA DI'SHERAGA - the smoke of an oil lamp 46) [line 42] ASPASTA - any plant especially adapted

Background to the Daf: Bava Basra 21-25

2009-09-11 Thread Kollel Iyun Hadaf
, yes, they worship.] (Yeshayah 46:6) 26) [line 52] MAS'ERES ES KOL HA'OLAM KI'SE'IR - it stirs up the world like a demon 27) [last line] MA'ALAH REVIVIM - it brings up rain 25b25b 28) [line 1] ACHSADRAH - a structure that is covered by a roof

Background to the Daf: Bava Basra 141-145

2010-01-08 Thread Kollel Iyun Hadaf
) (RASHBAM, RABEINU GERSHOM) 15) [line 23] ACHSADRAH - a structure that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides, which stands before the entrance to the house and through which people walk in order to enter the house 16) [line 24] TEIKU (a) The Pri Megadim (in his Igeres preceding