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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Chagigah 015: Bechirah

Avi Kaplan asked:

It says in the Gemara that G-d created Rashayim and Tzdikim.  That seems to 
contradict the concept of Bechirah.  Since that obviously can't be the case, I 
was wondering what does it mean that G-d created Rashayim and Tzadikkim?

Avy Kaplan, Chicago, USA
The Kollel replies: 

In the context of the Sugya, the Maharsha explains that Hashem created within 
every person two parts, Tzadik and Rasha, and against that He created for each 
person Gan Eden and Gehinom. As a result, he now has a choice whether to be a 
Tzadik and inherit Gan Eden, or whether to be a Rasha, and inherit Gehinom.    

Perhaps one can also explain it based on the fact that some people are born 
with good tendencies (Tzadikim) and others, with bad ones (Resha'im). Each on 
the other hand, has the Bechirah to change, the one, for the worse, the other, 
for the better. What's more, precisely because he was born with good 
tendencies, the former will receive less reward for doing good, and a greater 
punishment for deteriorating, than the latter, who will receive tremendous 
reward for even the slightest improvement, and little punishment for his evil 

And a third possibility: Hashem created Reuven and Shimon as Benonim, each with 
the potential to become a Tzadik or a Rasha. And for each one He created a 
portion in Gan Eden and a portion in Gehinom. Reuven, who became a Tzadik, 
inherited his portion and that of Shimon in Gan Eden; whereas Shimon, who 
became a Rasha, inherited his portion and that of Reuven in Gehinom.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv.  
Eliezer Chrysler.

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