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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


General: Parshas Yisro

Mordechai Cohen asked:

I have to admit I have not looked extensively for commentaries that address 
this issue.  Hopefully you can direct me toward someone who gives an answer.
Beside the implementation of judges and the qualifications of judges, Yisro 
advised Moshe to appoint judges over 1000's, 100's, 50's, and 10's.  Looking at 
the ratios between these divisions you will see the following: 
                              >     Ratio of 1:600
Judges over 1000's
                              >     Ratio of 1:10
Judges over 100's
                              >     Ratio of 1:2
Judges over 50's
                              >     Ratio of 1:5
Judges over 10's
                              >     Ratio of 1:10
Common people
These are approximate ratios based on 600,000 common people.  In truth the 
common people were 600,000 - 60,000 (Judges over 10's) - 12,000 (Judges over 
50's) - 6,000 (Judges over 100's) - 600 (Judges over 1000's) = 521,400.  In any 
case, the ratios are not geometrically related, which I would expect.  I even 
tried to see if they were related using a logarithmic or exponential 
relationship but they are not.  Have you seen anyone who comments on this? 
The Kollel replies:

To answer your second question first, bearing in mind that the judges 
progressed in seniority, there is no reason why the numbers should be 
geometrically related (what is wrong with a junior judge being in charge of ten 
people and a senior one, fifty (five groups of ten?).    

As for your first question, I think you are asking the question posed by both 
the Da'as Zekeinim mi'Ba'alei Tosfos and the Chizkuni, who both give similar 
answers. Let me translate the Chizkuni verbatim: 

Seeing as the judges of Yisrael numbered 78,600, this will leave less than 
600,000 people to be judged? One must therefore say that the judges were all 
above the age of sixty, whereas the 600,000 were all between the ages of twenty 
and sixty.

Alternatively, the judges were included in the numbers; i.e. the judge of a 
thousand was one of the thousand (in which case, he was in effect, a judge of 
999); the judge of a hundred was one of the hundred (judge of 99), and so on.

be'Virchas kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler

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