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             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Re: Nidah 034: Zav Katan -- Re'iyah Rishonah Metamei

Daniel Gray asked:

>> Rashi- D"H "Metmah" (3rd wide line). Is there a printing error in the Rashi, where Rashi should read "Ke- keri", i.e., just like a ba'al keri and should not read as printed- "Be-keri", the latter meaning that the kattan has tumah of a ba'al keri? B/c the gemarah is just proving that a Zav Kattan's reiyah reshoina is metama and Rashi's point appears to be that the level of tumah of a kattan's first reiyah would be (since now proved that it is metamah)equivalent to a zav gadol's level of tumah, i.e., tumas erev. To say that the zav kattan has tumas keri (and read Rashi as printed) seems wrong, as those words would now not been connected to the idea Rashi is presenting and in addition, appears incorrect in law since a kattan doesn't have tumas keri- as Rashi himself just pointed out two lines earlier- in the first wide line- "loh mishkachos lah". But to change Rashi to "ke-keri" would both provide for a continuation in Rashi's point he is making and would be correct in law.<<

The Kollel replied:
>> It seems that the Rashi you are referring to is relating to the words in the Gemara, "Kol she'Shichvas Zera Shelo Metamei." These words are expressing the possibility in the question that a Katan is not Metamei on his first Re'iyah because he is not Metamei b'Keri. Accordingly, Rashi says that only one who is Metamei "b'Keri" is Metamei on the Re'iyah Rishonah.<<

Daniel Gray comments:

I take issue with your remarks, as to which piece of the gemarah Rashi is referring. While you contend that it relates to the words in the Gemara, "Kol she'Shichvas Zera Shelo Metamei.", I cannot understand how that could possibly be so. Because, Rashi says "metamaeh nami keshel gadol", that this (katan) is metmah JUST LIKE A GADOL. "Kol she'Shichvas Zera Shelo Metamei" refers to a gadol (by virtue of the fact that the Shichvas Zera Shelo Metamei, which is a possibility only by a gadol). Thus, the original question posed returns. [If you propose an answer that intertwines/encompasses tumas zav with tumas keri, as is a bit mashma from the gemarah and Rashi on the very next daf, I could be more receptive to that].

The Kollel replies:

Besides the problem you raise with your reconstruction of Rashi, your explanation will also have to add a Yud into the Divrei ha'Maschil, changing it from "Metamei" to "Metamya." The proper reading of the Rashi is "Kol is inclusive of anyone whose Shichvas Zera is Metamei like a Gadol b'Keri" (which, as you write, is exclusive of Katan) -- then and only then is his Re'iyah Rishonah Tamei. This option is written in the positive, and, therefore, Rashi explains it in the positive. All whose Shichvas Zera is Metamei like a Gadol b'Keri will have a Re'iyah Rishonah that is Metamei. This excludes Katan. However, l'Halachah, it includes a Ben Tesha whose Shichvas Zera is Tamei and only excludes a Katan less than Ben Tesha.

D. Zupnik

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