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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Ta'anis 002: Mashiv ha'Ruach

Anon asked:

first Rashi explains that mazkirin is only to give shevach for
bringing rain, but not a tefilla like vsain tal umatar. Later he
explains that our mishna is going on the mishna in RH that the world
is judged on water on Succos, so we mention in order to have a good
din. So is it a tefilla or not? 

Anon, miami USA
The Kollel replies:

One has to make a distinction between Tefilah and between "Ritzuy"
(appeasing Hashem). RASHI ,in the Mishnah DH LO , explains that R.
Eliezer replied to R. Yehoshua that he had not said that one should
pray ("Tefilah") for rain on Succos but only that one should mention
rain then. RASHI, later on DH VE'EIDEE, writes that since the
judgement on water is on Succos, the Tana maintained that this
teaches that one should mention the matter of water then, in order
"le'Ratzuy" (to appease and praise Hashem so that he should desire
our prayers) about water, in order that the rain should come for a
blessing. This is why the Mishnah states that one mentions rain on Succos.

One sees that Rashi did not actually say that one prays for rain on
Succos but rather that one finds favor with Hashem then by mentioning
rain. TOSFOS DH ELLA explains further that the normal way is to find
favor before one asks for something. 

(See Gemara Avodah Zarah end 7b that one always should arrange
Hashem's praise and afterwards pray. This is why we say the first 3
berachos of Shemoneh Esreh which only praise Hashem. This includes
"Mashiv Haruach. Only afterwards do we request our needs from
Hashem). Therefore we praise Hashem for the great gift of rain before
we actually pray for it and request it.

So Mashiv ha'Ru'ach is not a Tefilah but rather a preliminary to tefilah.

D. Bloom

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