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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Shevuos 025b: Rav Ezra ha'Navi
Mark Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

In the last Tosfos on 25b (DH Rav), Tosfos quote "HaRav Ezra HaNovi". Do we
know anything about this source?

Kol Tuv
Mark Bergman
Manchester UK
The Kollel replies:

A contemporary of the Or Zaru'a (~1230 CE), Rav Ezra of Moncontour, France,
called "Ezra ha'Navi" by his peers, was a pupil of RI Ba'al ha'Tosfos and a
mentor of the Maharam of Rotenburg. He is also cited in Tosfos Gitin 88a.
(Based on Rav Rafael Halpern's Atlas Etz Chayim, vol. 7:1936). 

He is also mentioned in Da'as Zekeinim to Shemos 21:29 (see also Tosfos
Rabeinu Peretz to Bava Kama 23b). In fact, he is the "Rav Ezra" that Tosfos
mentions, even when he is not called "ha'Navi."

He was a Rosh Beis Din and Rosh Yeshiva in his town, and, according to one
Mesores, a decendant of the Ibn Ezra. His appelation was not simply a sign
of the high regard in which he was held. Rav Ezra lived during the "Shivas
Tziyon" movement in the times of the Rishonim (when Messianic hopes were
high), and according to the "Ma'amar Al Shenas ha'Geulah" (an ancient
document by Rav Elazar b'rebbi Shlomo, dating from not long after Rav
Ezra's passing, printed in "ha'Tzofeh l'Chochmas Yisrael, yr. 5 p. 194),
"He went up to heaven and asked the prohets Chagi Zecharyah and Malachi
when Mashi'ach would arrive. Each wrote him an answer in three verses..."
It was hoped and even expeceted in those days that true prophesy would soon
return to our people. (Based on Ba'alei ha'Tosfos by Rav A.A. Auerbach, p.

He is the author of the commentary on Shir ha'Shirim that is attributed to
the Ramban (and printed in Rav Shavel's Kisvei ha'Ramban), and some
Kabbalistic treatises (based on Sarei ha'Elef by Rav Menachem Kasher, vol.
1 p. 142 and vol. 2 p. 537).

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